| - The Royal Army is the military force of the Kingdom of Acorn.
- The Royal Army is a sub class available in Florensia. They can be identified by their Green user names. Users with Red names are Pirates, and users with White names are neutral.
- The Royal Army was Pagan Min's personal army that ruled over Kyrat in Far Cry 4. The "General of the Army" was Paul De Pleur, who also served as their "Chief Interrogator". An elite group of the Army, The Royal Guard, patrolled the northern areas of the map and guarded Min's palace.
- The main projectile weaponry employed until Julian Kintobor took over as Warlord
- The Royal Army was a Senshi military force that was loyal to Emperor Shigeru, and by extent, Nihon-Ja. The Army was mainly stationed in the capital city of Ito. When the warlord Arisaka took over the city, only forty Senshi of the army survived, and joined Shigeru. They fought in the Ran-Koshi battle against Arisaka's men. One notable member was an officer named Miko.
- The Royal Army was the ground component of the Kingdom of Hypori. Along with their counterpart, the Royal Navy, they were used to fight in multiple wars by the Kingdom. At it's peak, the Royal Army fielded thousands of war droids, tanks, juggernauts, and transports of various types.
- Royal Army is a flag on the Emerald Ocean. The flag was founded June 2nd, 2008 by Captbigbelly's Midnite Devils. The flag was disbanded, then later re-formed on March 18th, 2009.
- thumb|La Royal Army detrás del rey Maximillian Acorn para atacar Robotropolis y rescatar a Prince Elias.La Royal Army son las fuerzas militares colectivas de la Republic of Acorn (anteriormente el Kingdom of Acorn), dedicados a protegerla, a sus ciudadanos y su familia real de las amenazas externas o internas. No se sabe de qué tamaño es, pero debido al gran número de grupos con el que se relaciona, se supone numerar miles de soldados.
- The Royal Army is a faction in the game Battlefield Heroes. The characters and vehicles of the Royal Army are modeled after those of World War II Allied forces, mostly the British. Their opposing force is the National Army.
- The Royal Army, or "Royals" for short, is one of the two factions in the game, inspired by the World War II American and British armies. They are identified by their muscular frame, strong shoulders and thick jaws. Their rival is the National Army. The Royal Army has its own unique style of vehicles, weapons and clothing.
- The Royal Army, under the command of King Tibianus, is responsible for the discovery of much of the tibian landmass as we know it today. Venore and Carlin were founded by the King after the army had discovered the location. The Royal Army elite soldiers are known as the Red Legion, they were used against Carlin when the citizens rejected Tibianus as their leader. The Red Legion took control of the city for a short while, but after an orc invasion not many of them survived. After this defeat, many refused to continue fighting and deserted the king. These soldiers are now known as Wild Warriors. They established their own hideout near the Plains of Havoc, where the armies of Tibianus wouldn't dare to enter. The Red Legion was also the group sent to the fabled Plains of Havoc, where many of t
- It is unknown exactly whose side the Royal Army was on during the Battle for Albion as only The Swift Brigade actually swore to help the Hero. It is possible that Swift and Ben Finn recruited more members, if not almost all, of the Royal Army to join the Hero's cause as no Royal Army soldiers are seen fighting on Logan's side. Instead, the soldiers the Hero encounters actually fight against Logan's Elite Soldiers. File:FableIIIShaw.jpg