| - Even if your Strength is below the requirement for your armor, that won't matter if you don't move.
- This will let you exterminate the weakest Flies first, and keeps the number of Flies down, while not limiting the number of potions.
** If you have Plate or Scale armor, you could simply stand in a large room and let the Flies surround you. Strong armor will make them do little or no damage.
- Use a Blazing or Venomous weapon, Potions of Liquid Flame, a Wand of Firebolt, or Incendiary Darts.
** Grim weapons can exterminate the Flies in one hit without splitting.
** Magic attacks will not cause splitting.
- * You can use Flies to farm Potions of Healing.
- When you hit a Fly, the next Fly will spawn behind it. Back up a step, and the closer Fly will move toward you, but the ones behind it won't move , so you can hit the closer Fly again, and another will spawn behind it again.
- However, the armor will get Degraded very quickly when being attacked by a large group of Flies, even if they are doing 0 damage to you.
** To limit the number of Flies that can hit you and reduce armor Degradation, fight them in hallways.
- If you keep backing up to create a space behind the closest Fly, you can spawn large numbers of Flies but only one can attack you at a time.
** Do not try farming Flies once the Hero/ine has exceeded level 12, since the Flies will no longer drop any potions.
** Don't level up too much before fighting Goo. The lower experience level you are when you get to depth 6, the more time you can farm Flies before reaching level 12.
**Although Flies can fly over chasms and traps, they will not spawn over them.
- Make sure there is an empty space next to your target.
** Always hit either the most-recently-hit or most-recently-spawned Fly that has an open space next to it, as these Flies have the lowest HP.
- Even if you are not very strong and the Flies are dangerous to you, you may still want to try farming instead of exterminating them.
- Fighting Flies on a bridge, or in a room with many traps, will limit the "open spaces" they can spawn in.
**To have a higher monster encounter, it is recommended that you go back and forth between an area where there's a lot of rooms.
**Farming on depth 7 is recommended since the Flies have the highest chance to spawn in this depth.
* If you just want to exterminate the Flies quickly, try to approach them in a corridor, or behind a door.
- By doing this, the new Flies will spawn behind the first one and won’t be able to hit you.
** Fire and poison are useful for exterminating Flies, since the new swarms spawn with the Burning or Poisoned debuffs, and the fire/poison damage doesn't cause splitting.
- This is an essential strategy to get enough potions to win the game. Think of every Fly as a valuable opportunity to get potions; and don't waste it by exterminating them without using a Farming strategy.
- You may get enough Potions to make up for the damage you take, and without farming potions, you don't stand much of a chance to win anyway.
** Each time you hit a Fly without exterminating it, it will split, if there is an empty space cardinally next to it . You want the Flies to split only up to its 3rd, or 4th, generation fly. Any further and your chances of getting a Potion of Healing plummets.
** Unequip all weapons, so you can hit the Flies, doing minimal damage, and spawn more swarms.