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Rea is an Utaru pilgrim who is in Meridian as part of a journey to honor a lost companion.

  • Rea
  • Rea
  • ReA
  • Rea is an Utaru pilgrim who is in Meridian as part of a journey to honor a lost companion.
  • ReA is an album by AVTechNO!. It can be purchased through KarenT.
  • Rea is all sharp points and angles. Pale skinned and dark haired, with blue eyes, and very slightly malnourished looking. The clothes she tends towards wearing are hand-me-downs from her brother, or odds and ends from donations the church gets, and as such she's rarely in anything that looks like it fits, or even looks good. When she was seven years old, Rea and her twin brother, Ry watched their tiny village burn down, killing everyone in it. As you can imagine, that sucked. She's also illiterate and gets frustrated when faced with books. :D)-/
  • Diameter: ~14100 km Gravimetry: 0.89 Rotation: 33.0 h Government: Colony: Mining The planet Rea orbits in the outer system of a yellow main sequence star in the Cainan Point sector of Octavius space. The opening of a jump path to this world so soon after the Shift (PS 12) was extremely fortuitous for the large population of Ares Prime, the Imperial capital, as surface ices on Rea are an easily-accessed source of water. Source: Imperial Archives, entry updated 100.7.15
  • Moglie di Crono e madre di Zeus, Rea è stata imprigionata nel Tartaro per essere rimasta a fianco dell'amato marito, durante la Titanomachia, per poi essere liberata da Ponto insieme a Crio, Oceano e le altre titanesse. Si prende cura di Crono offrendogli i vestiti perché il Dio è privo della memoria, e manda in seguito uno dei suoi mostri per aprire la porta che collega il Labirinto di Crono alla Terra in modo che i seguaci dei Titani possano arrivarci. Aquarius Camus blocca l'ingresso e sconfigge il mostro evocato dalla Dea con il suo geo.
  • En la mitología griega, la titánide Rea (en griego antiguo Ῥεία Reia, Ῥέα Rea, Ῥείη Reiē o Ῥέη Reē, ‘flujo [menstrual o del líquido amniótico]’ o ‘facilidad [en el parto]’) era hija de Urano y Gea, hermana y esposa de Crono, y madre con éste de Deméter, Hades, Hera, Hestia, Poseidón y Zeus. Estaba fuertemente asociada a Cibeles, tanto que en obras de arte solía ser representada en un carro tirado por dos leones, y no siempre era posible distinguirlas. En la mitología romana, fue la Magna Mater deorum Idaea y se le identificaba con Ops. Según Hesíodo fue nodriza de Dioniso. En la Antología Palatina se la menciona como nodriza de fieras y leones.
  • Divinità
  • Episode G, capitolo 26
  • 2015-03-14(xsd:date)
  • 13000(xsd:integer)
  • "ReA"
  • Sposa di Crono
original upload date
  • Mar.6.2015
  • 17(xsd:integer)
  • xx9.png
  • ReA
  • Kazune
  • 17(xsd:integer)
  • XX9
  • Rea
  • KarenT
  • Aramta dei Titani
  • Ge Pyton
Tipo de Armadura
  • Crono
Nombre de la armadura
  • Katar
  • Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast
  • レア
  • 150.0
  • Rea
  • #316DA2; color:#FFFFFF
  • tarotrea.jpg
  • Female
  • Femmina
  • Oceano
  • Ceo
  • Crio
  • Crono
  • Giapeto
  • Iperione
  • Febe
  • Temi
  • Teti
  • Mnemosine Teia
  • Ponto
  • Diameter: ~14100 km Gravimetry: 0.89 Rotation: 33.0 h Government: Colony: Mining The planet Rea orbits in the outer system of a yellow main sequence star in the Cainan Point sector of Octavius space. The opening of a jump path to this world so soon after the Shift (PS 12) was extremely fortuitous for the large population of Ares Prime, the Imperial capital, as surface ices on Rea are an easily-accessed source of water. Despite the presence of water ice, Rea is not a reasonable target for terraforming. The energy investment required to maintain an atmosphere given the low solar flux at Rea’s distance from the local star is unreasonable, even if the mix of surface volatiles were appropriate. Support facilities for the ice mining operations are located within heated domes and subsurface tunnels. Rea’s thin carbon dioxide atmosphere is a result of limited sublimation of surface volatiles, and is inadequate to provide a useful greenhouse effect. Heated pressure suits are required for all extravehicular surface operations. Rea is orbited by a thin ring of asteroidal debris, and there are several clumps of similar material in more distant orbits. These asteroids hosted significant mining operations in the middle decades of the past century, but have since fallen into disuse. During the recent two decades of Imperial introspection, the defunct mining installations have become the target of scavengers and have largely been either commandeered or stripped. The military outpost Maximian’s Wall orbits within an asteroid field in close proximity to the sector’s Jumpgate. The station includes some limited industrial support facilities, mainly serving as a cargo transshipment point for extracted water ice and other volatiles. Military postings to Maximian’s Wall have increased in the past half-year and all indications are that manpower at the station is being increased as a result of the Senate’s shift to more outward-looking policies. Source: Imperial Archives, entry updated 100.7.15
  • Rea is all sharp points and angles. Pale skinned and dark haired, with blue eyes, and very slightly malnourished looking. The clothes she tends towards wearing are hand-me-downs from her brother, or odds and ends from donations the church gets, and as such she's rarely in anything that looks like it fits, or even looks good. When she was seven years old, Rea and her twin brother, Ry watched their tiny village burn down, killing everyone in it. As you can imagine, that sucked. And it would have been the end of them, too (two seven year olds not exactly making for the best frontiersmen) if they hadn't been picked up by a wandering clergyman. Although he was incredibly leery about taking in a couple of kids, he found himself taking them to the nearest church orphanage anyway, and wandered off again, considering his job done. While her brother thrived in the environment the church provided, Rea did not - acting out as much as a small child with a big guilt complex is able to. When they turned 12, her brother confessed that he'd actually like to join up with the church when he turned 13 and became the right age for an apprenticeship, and she flipped, deciding that he couldn't leave her if she left him first! And promptly ran out on him, and the orphanage, and every part of the new life that had been forced upon her. Their father, before he had died, had taught her how to shoot with a very small, toy bow, and she'd kept this up through her time at the church, building bows through trail and error and spending long, lazy afternoons shooting missiles at shoddily erected targets. So when she ran away, she decided (in her infinite wisdom) to become a famous archer. It wasn't until she got to [town] that she realised just how expensive weapons could be. Certainly, too expensive for a small girl with only a couple of coppers to her name. As it turned out, most of town was too expensive for a small girl with only a couple of coppers to her name, and with the town guards getting suspicious, she slunk dejected out into the surrounding forest. She'd been living there for a few days, hunting small game with one of her hand-made bows when she was discovered by the head of a local mercenary troupe. Observing her talent with a bow, he decided to take her on as an apprentice, and she's been living with his small group ever since, learning. Rea is best described using words like sullen and grumpy. Frustrated by the mistakes she's made in the past and still in complete denial of what happened to her village, she's a little ratty and would prefer to be on her own, shooting targets or doing something mindless. She struggles with opposing parts of her personality, and finding a balance between things like her capacity for kindness and her view that a mercenary should have no time for such things grates on her nerves. She's also a little bit excitable, and (unfortunately) will dive into danger to save people she thinks are in trouble. She's very much someone who leaps before looking, and often with terrible results. While at sixteen, she's still far too young to apply the skills she's learned to real combat, she's seen her share of fights and is pretty handy with a bow when it comes to hunting and competitions, although she does get very jittery about applying her talents to living things. She's also illiterate and gets frustrated when faced with books. :D)-/
  • Moglie di Crono e madre di Zeus, Rea è stata imprigionata nel Tartaro per essere rimasta a fianco dell'amato marito, durante la Titanomachia, per poi essere liberata da Ponto insieme a Crio, Oceano e le altre titanesse. Si prende cura di Crono offrendogli i vestiti perché il Dio è privo della memoria, e manda in seguito uno dei suoi mostri per aprire la porta che collega il Labirinto di Crono alla Terra in modo che i seguaci dei Titani possano arrivarci. Aquarius Camus blocca l'ingresso e sconfigge il mostro evocato dalla Dea con il suo geo. La sua Soma ha la forma di un Katar e possiede la capacità di evocare mostri leggendari (come l'Idra) ma anche di creare mostri elementari (come la Salamandra o i serpenti di terra evocati con l'attacco Ge Python). Viene successivamente trasformata in pietra, ma s'ignora chi o cosa sia il responsabile di ciò.
  • Rea is an Utaru pilgrim who is in Meridian as part of a journey to honor a lost companion.
  • ReA is an album by AVTechNO!. It can be purchased through KarenT.
  • En la mitología griega, la titánide Rea (en griego antiguo Ῥεία Reia, Ῥέα Rea, Ῥείη Reiē o Ῥέη Reē, ‘flujo [menstrual o del líquido amniótico]’ o ‘facilidad [en el parto]’) era hija de Urano y Gea, hermana y esposa de Crono, y madre con éste de Deméter, Hades, Hera, Hestia, Poseidón y Zeus. Estaba fuertemente asociada a Cibeles, tanto que en obras de arte solía ser representada en un carro tirado por dos leones, y no siempre era posible distinguirlas. En la mitología romana, fue la Magna Mater deorum Idaea y se le identificaba con Ops. Según Hesíodo fue nodriza de Dioniso. En la Antología Palatina se la menciona como nodriza de fieras y leones. Tras derrotar a Urano, su padre, Crono volvió a encarcelar a los Hecatónquiros, los Gigantes y los Cíclopes en el Tártaro, y dejó al monstruo Campe de carcelera. Él y Rea subieron al trono como reyes de los dioses. Esta época se denominó la edad dorada, pues la gente de entonces no necesitaba leyes ni reglas: todos hacían lo correcto, por lo que no eran necesarias. Crono fue padre de varios hijos de Rea: Hestia, Deméter, Hera, Hades y Poseidón, pero se los tragó tan pronto como nacieron, pues Gea y Urano le habían revelado que estaba destinado a ser derrocado por su propio hijo, tal como él había destronado a su padre. Sin embargo, cuando Zeus estaba a punto de nacer, Rea pidió consejo a Urano y Gea para urdir un plan que le salvara, y así Crono tuviera el justo castigo a sus actos contra Urano y contra sus propios hijos. Rea se escondió en la isla de Creta, donde dio a luz a Zeus. Luego engañó a Crono, dándole una piedra envuelta en pañales que éste tragó en seguida sin desconfiar. Entonces escondió a Zeus en una cueva del monte Ida en Creta. De acuerdo a diversas versiones de esta historia, Zeus fue criado: 1. Por Gea. 2.Por una cabra llamada Amaltea, mientras una compañía de soldados llamados Curetes o Coribantes, o algunos dioses menores, bailaban, gritaban y daban palmadas para hacer ruido y que Crono no oyese los llantos del niño. 3. Por una ninfa llamada Adamantea. Puesto que Crono gobernaba la tierra, los cielos y el mar, ella le escondió colgándole con una cuerda de un árbol, de forma que quedaba suspendido entre la tierra, el mar y el cielo, siendo pues invisible a su padre. 4. Por una ninfa llamada Cinosura. En agradecimiento, Zeus la subió entre las estrellas tras su muerte. 5. Por Melisa, quien lo alimentó con leche de cabra. Tras hacerse adulto, Zeus obligó a Crono a regurgitar a sus otros hijos en orden inverso al que los había tragado: primero la piedra, que se le dejó a Pitón bajo las cañadas del Parnaso como señal a los hombres mortales, y después al resto. En algunas versiones, Metis le dio a Crono un emético para obligarle a vomitar los bebés, y en otras Zeus abrió el estómago de Crono. Entonces Zeus liberó a los hermanos de Crono, los Gigantes, los Hecatónquiros y los Cíclopes, de su mazmorra en el Tártaro y mató a su guardiana, Campe. En agradecimiento, los Cíclopes le dieron el trueno, el rayo y el relámpago, que habían sido previamente escondidos por Gea. En una guerra llamada la Titanomaquia, Zeus y sus hermanos y hermanas junto con los Gigantes, Hecatónquiros y Cíclopes, derrocaron a Crono y a los otros Titanes, que fueron encerrados en el Tártaro, un lugar húmedo, lúgubre, frío y neblinoso en los más profundo de la Tierra. Irónicamente, Zeus también encarceló allí a los Hecatónquiros y los Cíclopes. Según Homero Rea es la madre de los dioses, si bien no una madre universal como Cibeles, la Gran Madre frigia, con quien más tarde se le identifica. Su lugar original de culto estaba en Creta. Allí, cuenta la leyenda, salvó al recién nacido Zeus, su sexto hijo, de ser devorado por Crono, al darle en su lugar una piedra, y lo confió al cuidado de sus guardas, los Coribantes. Estos guardias se convertirían más tarde en escoltas de Zeus y sacerdotes de Rea, celebrando ceremonias en su honor. En tiempos históricos la semejanza de Rea y la Gran Madre asiática, Cibeles Frigia, era tan evidente que los griegos resolvieron el asunto considerando a esta última como su única Rea, que había abandonado su hogar original en Creta y huido a las tierras inexploradas de Asia Menor para escapar de la persecución de Crono. También hubo una versión opuesta, y es probablemente cierto que los contactos culturales con el continente trajeran a Creta el culto de la Gran Madre asiática, quien se convertiría en la Rea cretense. En la mitología griega, el símbolo de Rea es la luna. Sin embargo, en la romana su símbolo se conocía como el lunar. También tenía otros: el cisne, por ser un animal delicado, y dos leones, supuestamente los que tiraban de su carro.
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