| - Normally, to achieve in life, we develop a level of intent for something to come about, and then act on it. Without following this process of inner intention followed by outer activity, little is accomplished. This is the method we have instinctively learned for a thousand generations. And yet this approach may not be the preferred approach in the future -- at least for a potential group of emerging individuals whose orientation is no longer determined outwardly by social influence, but inwardly as a Spiritual Individual. For the person of the future will move life from within himself, as he will be able to harness vast inner powers and in effect dramatically reduce the amount of outer action required on our part to produce a result. In addition, the outer results that do come from this inner orientation and approach will unfold like a miracle i.e. suddenly and abundantly. Let me provide a simple true-life example. A man was frustrated that his living companion did not readily take to higher levels of cleanliness and orderliness. He suggested to her often that organizing her papers would improve her life -- i.e. attract sudden good fortune -- but to no avail. One day, he was about to make that same suggestion again after several untoward minor events, but instead he withheld his insistence. He then went a step further by releasing the intensity and emotions behind his intent, to the point where he was able to forget the matter entirely. Soon thereafter, he was stunned to find out that the woman suddenly began organizing all of her business papers –- a highly unusual occurrence -- without any prodding on his part. In fact, this behavior continued on in the weeks ahead. Somehow, she was moved to carry out his inner-directed behavior of non-insistence. Life then responded to his effort of self-control, which brought about the object of his desire. The life of the future man is then to move life around one’s self from within, with minimal communication of one’s intention or other forms of outer action.