World War Three, also known as Trio-Alliance War, was a global war that lasted from 2321 to 2324. It involved the vast majority of Europe's nations, eventually two alliances were formed: The Deadly Trio and The New Grand Alliance. It was the most destructing war in humanity yet to see, causing over an estimated number of 60 million to 95 million deaths, making it the deadliest conflict in human history, even more than WWII. The war ended with an Alliance victory, which also resulted in the collapse of all three nations of The Deadly Trio alliance, and the rebuilding of Europe. __TOC__
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| - World War Three, also known as Trio-Alliance War, was a global war that lasted from 2321 to 2324. It involved the vast majority of Europe's nations, eventually two alliances were formed: The Deadly Trio and The New Grand Alliance. It was the most destructing war in humanity yet to see, causing over an estimated number of 60 million to 95 million deaths, making it the deadliest conflict in human history, even more than WWII. The war ended with an Alliance victory, which also resulted in the collapse of all three nations of The Deadly Trio alliance, and the rebuilding of Europe. __TOC__
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| - 30(xsd:integer)
- Mediterranian Union
- Petistan
- The Deadly Trio and allies
30px Buvoria
- The New Grand Alliance
30px Central European Federation
| - Europe, North Africa, Asia Minor, Middle East, Caucasus
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| - World War Three, also known as Trio-Alliance War, was a global war that lasted from 2321 to 2324. It involved the vast majority of Europe's nations, eventually two alliances were formed: The Deadly Trio and The New Grand Alliance. It was the most destructing war in humanity yet to see, causing over an estimated number of 60 million to 95 million deaths, making it the deadliest conflict in human history, even more than WWII. The war ended with an Alliance victory, which also resulted in the collapse of all three nations of The Deadly Trio alliance, and the rebuilding of Europe. __TOC__