| - With its alluring tales of Gothic mystery and supernatural intrigue, Dark Shadows became one of the most popular daytime series of all time. Since first airing on ABC-TV from 1966-71, Dark Shadows has earned the reputation of being one of the most unusual and enduring programs in television history. The character of Barnabas Collins, a guilt-ridden, 175-year-old vampire, brought the show tremendous success. Fearing for Victoria Winter's safety, Barnabas Collins forces her to reveal her nightmare resulting from Angelique's frightening dream curse, which threatens to make Barnabas once again a creature of the night. The man-made monster Adam kidnaps Victoria in an attempt to force Barnabas and Julia Hoffman to create a mate for him. Warlock Nicholas Blair causes Angelique to age and warns her that he'll destroy her unless she returns the vampire curse to Barnabas. Nicholas becomes infatuated with Maggie Evans and causes her boyfriend to be the victim of a vampire attack. Starring Jonathan Frid, Joan Bennett, Louis Edmonds, Nancy Barrett, John Karlen, Grayson Hall, David Henesy, Lara Parker, Thayer David, Kathryn Leigh Scott, Robert Rodan, Joel Crothers, Roger Davis, Clarice Blackburn, Humbert Allen Astredo, Don Briscoe, Addison Powell, Craig Slocum and Alexandra Moltke.