| - Grandfather Paradox, a member of the House of Lungbarrow, seceded from Lungbarrow and created House Paradox about four hundred years before the First War in Heaven. (PROSE: Christmas on a Rational Planet) The House was unpopular for their penchant for death fetishism (which mocked the Time Lords' pretension of immortality) and due to Grandfather Paradox's use of the title "Grandfather" (a term offensive to the Time Lords, since they had been made sterile by the curse of the last Pythia). Most offensive, though, was the House's open interest in perverting the Web of Time.
- Faction Paradox are basically the Time Lords. But evil and chaotic. And dress up in spooky Satanic/voodooo costumes. But of course Larry had to change some names for his personal spin-off series, cos, you know, copyright shit and all that. Their leader is named Grandfather Paradox, which is a pretty cool name, and he's definitely not totally absolutely not probably the Doctor. Faction Paradox is in a quantum superposition of being both canon and non-canon due to its ostentatiously obscure nature.
| - Faction Paradox are basically the Time Lords. But evil and chaotic. And dress up in spooky Satanic/voodooo costumes. But of course Larry had to change some names for his personal spin-off series, cos, you know, copyright shit and all that. Their leader is named Grandfather Paradox, which is a pretty cool name, and he's definitely not totally absolutely not probably the Doctor. The Faction, being an edgy grimdark team of Dontes to the Doctors Dante, of course manipulate other races of big guys to be their servants against their enemies such as the CIA - I mean Celestis (plz don't sue Auntie Beeb ;____;), a notable example being "The Remote" (hmmm yes I hope this doesn't turn into the usual euphoric sneering about plebs) a society driven entirely by media signals (spoke too soon) and as such are part of a hivemind culture and yet are extremely violent and unpredictable. Reminds me of somewhere, honestly... In all honesty, this is basically the sort of bullshit you'll find in Warhammer 40'000 (Chaos Marines rings a bell?), which is obvious, given how Larry is more /tg/ than /tv/ - guy can't write tracts about the lore of a setting and yet you know he'd never be able to make it as an independent writer. Never stopped China Mieville, though and look at him. Still, it would be terrible if plagiarizing bastards decided to rip off, say, the whole "voodoo creeps in space" angle, or "creepy aliens manipulating humanity and other societies for aeons" concept, among other things from his novels, wouldn't it? Faction Paradox is in a quantum superposition of being both canon and non-canon due to its ostentatiously obscure nature.
- Grandfather Paradox, a member of the House of Lungbarrow, seceded from Lungbarrow and created House Paradox about four hundred years before the First War in Heaven. (PROSE: Christmas on a Rational Planet) The House was unpopular for their penchant for death fetishism (which mocked the Time Lords' pretension of immortality) and due to Grandfather Paradox's use of the title "Grandfather" (a term offensive to the Time Lords, since they had been made sterile by the curse of the last Pythia). Most offensive, though, was the House's open interest in perverting the Web of Time. Around two thousand years before the Second War in Heaven, House Paradox had a homeworld to itself, where they became a corrupted society, getting involved in sordid criminal activities including peddling time travel technology to other races. They believed their use of blood rites would protect them from any retaliation by the Time Lords. These protections were inadequate and the Time Lords wiped out the inhabitants of the Paradox homeworld. A few members survived and continued their activity of sharing advanced technology with the natives on colonies. During their recovery, they built up cults and secret societies throughout the universe, including the Order of the Rectangle, the Cult of the Black Sun and Luminus. (PROSE: Interference - Book One) The Grandfather escaped during the crisis surrounding the Carnival Queen. (PROSE: Christmas on a Rational Planet) Faction Paradox travelled back in time to participate in the Millennium War. (PROSE: The Quantum Archangel)