| - 'tis a spoof sequal thing to Rowanclaw's Gender. by Eevee. Rowanclaw: OHEY! I'M A RANDOM SHADOWCLAN SHE-CAT! I LIKE WAFFLES! :D Brokenstar: The heck is a waffle? Rowanclaw: SCREW YOU. Brokenstar: Well, I'll take my rogues and go then! *puts Blackfoot, Clawface, Jaggedtooth, and some other random warriors in a suitcase and leaves* Elders: HE'S GONE! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY! ~MUCH LATER, AT THE LAKE~ Rowanclaw: TAWNYPELT, LET'S HAVE KITS. Tawnypelt: But- Rowanclaw: *drags her to the Gathering* Leopardstar: Heavystep died... u_u All cats: AAAAWW! D: Leopardstar: ...but came back to life like he's got nine lives! :D
| - 'tis a spoof sequal thing to Rowanclaw's Gender. by Eevee. Rowanclaw: OHEY! I'M A RANDOM SHADOWCLAN SHE-CAT! I LIKE WAFFLES! :D Brokenstar: The heck is a waffle? Rowanclaw: SCREW YOU. Brokenstar: Well, I'll take my rogues and go then! *puts Blackfoot, Clawface, Jaggedtooth, and some other random warriors in a suitcase and leaves* Elders: HE'S GONE! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY! ~MUCH LATER, AT THE LAKE~ Rowanclaw: TAWNYPELT, LET'S HAVE KITS. Tawnypelt: But- Rowanclaw: *drags her to the Gathering* Leopardstar: Heavystep died... u_u All cats: AAAAWW! D: Leopardstar: ...but came back to life like he's got nine lives! :D All cats: YAAAAAY! :D Rowanclaw: HEY EVERYONE I LOVE TAWNYPELT AND WE'RE GONNA HAVE KITS! ~LATER~ Tawnypelt: Four kits. :D Rowanclaw: I will name them! Flamekit, Dawnkit, Tigerkit, and RowanclawlovesTawnypelttodeathandRowanclawchangedgenderfromshe-cattotomandTawnypeltusedtobeaThunderClanapprenticebutappointedwarriorherekit. *takes deep breath* Rowankit for short. Rowankit: Daddy changed gender? :o *CRIES AND RUNS AWAY* Rowanclaw: TIME TO TAKE THE KITS OUTSIDE! ~LATER~ Rowanclaw: CHANGE GENDER! Flamekit: OKAY. *POOF* NOW I'M A TOM! :D Rowanclaw: JUST LIKE YOUR DADDY C: Tawnypelt: *throws self into lake* Blackstar: Oh nuuu D: Russetfur: Mkay. Blackstar: *prances into clearing* THIS GURL IS ON FIYAHHHHHH- Russetfur: Blackstar. Blackstar: EEEE- ohey. Russetfur: Rowanclaw's daughter Flamekit's a tom now. Blackstar: I don't care. Go away, and leave me to my happy hour. Blackstar: *nods* SHE'S WALKIN ON FIYAAAAAAH~ Russetfur: Mkay. Rowanclaw: *pokes Dawnkit* Dawnkit: *pummels him with her paws* Rowanclaw: OW. D: Tigerkit: Flamekit, why are you staring at the medicine den? Don't tell me you want- Flamekit: -to be a meddie cat? OF COURSE I WANT TO BE A MEDDIE CAT. WUDDUP BREH. Tigerkit: Er... Rowanclaw: *blinks* Okay then, I'll leave you to that. Russetfur: Yo, Rowanclaw. Rowanclaw: Hrmmm? Ohey. Russetfur: Why did Flamekit change gender. Rowanclaw: 'Cause I told him to. Russetfur: Mkay. *walks away* Dawnkit: *flails, pummeling her brothers with her paws* I HATE YOU ALL. Flamekit: I love you too. Dawnkit: *SLAPS* SCREW YOU. Flamekit: How nice. You're the best sister ever. I just want to hug you until your flipping head explodes. LITERALLY. Tigerkit: .__________. Dawnkit: HISSSSSSSSS. Flamekit: Pfffhehehe. Rowanclaw: Heyyy, kits, how about you go... er... INTO THE FOREST! *slaps self* Flamekit, Dawnkit, and Tigerkit: Mkay. -tbc-