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It had been a rough couple of weeks for Axel as well. He'd been dealing with intel agents, Imperials, Sith, Corporate Sector people, criminals... he was over due for some relaxation at home. He'd flown in last night, too tired to make the trip to his home, so he slept in his ship. While he had the use of a fresher to get cleaned up, the smuggler didn't bother dealing with his hair. It was a mess, but he didn't seem to care. Kiare sits right where she is hiding her face in her hands and crying. Hugging her knees close she can only cry, "You don't think I worried? You don't think I was SCARED??"

  • RPlog:Very Interesting...
  • It had been a rough couple of weeks for Axel as well. He'd been dealing with intel agents, Imperials, Sith, Corporate Sector people, criminals... he was over due for some relaxation at home. He'd flown in last night, too tired to make the trip to his home, so he slept in his ship. While he had the use of a fresher to get cleaned up, the smuggler didn't bother dealing with his hair. It was a mess, but he didn't seem to care. Kiare sits right where she is hiding her face in her hands and crying. Hugging her knees close she can only cry, "You don't think I worried? You don't think I was SCARED??"
  • 15(xsd:integer)
  • Very Interesting...
  • Well... Things for Ax are rarely dull. Here's what happens when you stick a bored Ax in a room with a pair of Exiles, a pregnant Kiare, a rat, and two Sith... The following scene takes place on a sidewalk cafe in Fountain Square on Caspar. it was early evening, just after sundown and rainy.
  • It had been a rough couple of weeks for Axel as well. He'd been dealing with intel agents, Imperials, Sith, Corporate Sector people, criminals... he was over due for some relaxation at home. He'd flown in last night, too tired to make the trip to his home, so he slept in his ship. While he had the use of a fresher to get cleaned up, the smuggler didn't bother dealing with his hair. It was a mess, but he didn't seem to care. Khanar nods slightly at the people at the table and sits at a nearby empty one. He gazes upon the fountain and trees in wonder. When the waiter comes by he orders a simple glass of water. Smiling, he pulls out a small datapad and begins entering/searching for information, occasionally hmming. The waitress comes back after a few short minutes, with a standard glass of whiskey, and Antoine starts to laugh at it for a second, "I'm sorry, I'm used to the Sandbar....just bring the bottle back as well." She gives him a second look, and notices the....unpleasant looking condition of him, and nods with a smile, "I can understand" before she leaves the glass, and heads back in to refill the order to his liking. Quickly, Dareus grabs the glass, and gets rid of half of it down his throat before setting it nicely back on the table, and letting a relieved sounding sigh out with a smile, "Ahhhhh, that's better." Axel makes his way to the Sandbar, but decides the live band playing is just too loud for him at the moment. Instead, he decides to chill around the fountain and find a vacant table. That's when he notices Dareus, though the man looks worse for wear. Axel, still under the assumption that an old friend wanted a meeting with the man decides to approach. "You look like you fell out of an airlock as the ship was still prepping for landing," the smuggler says as he gets closer. A lit cigar hangs between two of his fingers. "I can only assume, you've either met with the Impies or got the crap beat out of you by a bounty hunter." He pauses a second after rethinking the situation. "Of course, if you were still on the run, I doubt you'd be sitting in the open when you are obviously in no shape to run for long." Khanar emote raises an eyebrown and perks up for a moment over the mention of Imperials, but he quickly goes back to typing on his datapad, enjoying his glass of cool water, and looking up every now and then to gaze upon the surrounding environment. A couple of days ago, he probably woulda just punched him, but instead, he just slides the chair out that his foot was resting on, with a half smirk, "First guess was right. COMPNOR had a few words for me and Lynae." He finishes the rest of the whiskey in his glass- Just in time as the new bottle arrives, the waitress refilling it for him, and leaving the bottle on the table, and waiting to see if the new arrival wants a drink. "They let us go after some nice workings over...too bad they got Kreldin; after all this, I was going to kill him myself." - Lynae is in the process of giving Antoine one of those looks when she glances upwards, not recognizing the man speaking to Antoine and waits silently, with one eyebrow slightly arched upwards, for some sort of introduction. "No, we're no longer on the run," she supplies that answer. "Not that he could run, at this point. But We're done with that now," as though that somehow answers everything that Dareus didn't answer. "Hey, I volunteered to do that. I'm sure they'll play him that snippet of conversation." The smuggler gives a nod at Dareus' first response, but goes into some muttered curses when he mention Kreldin's capture. "Danik was supposed to be mine!" Axel exclaims, slamming his fist into an open palm. "God I hate the Imperials, stupid bastards." He then looks to Lynae, "Just be glad they didn't put you in front of a firing squad." Turning between the two of them, he asks, "Mind if I have a seat? There's some things I'd like to discuss with the former ambassador and yourself." He pauses for a response then looks back to Lynae, "By the way, we haven't been introduced, I am Axel Vichten, no need to introduce yourself, I know who you are already." He motions for the waitress to come back, "Bring another couple of glasses please?" She nods, and takes off quickly, while Dareus returns his attention to his table of guests, taking another quick sip of his whiskey, "So they sent you after him huh? I'm surprised the whole guild wasn't called in between at least the 3 of us." Taking another long drink, he sets it down, and looks between Lynae and Axel, "All in all, exile's starting to look pretty damn good." - A look of brief startlement crosses Lynae's face and she does something she never does, which is blurt out a question, "You know who I am?" she asks, her eyes narrowing slightly, "I didn't think that I was that easily recognizable," she adds, trying to backtrack a bit on the bluntness of her inquiry. Ax gives a slight chuckle as he takes a seat. "I'm not in any guild. There is much you don't know that happened around the same time you were escaping Imperial clutches." Ax sits down and takes a deep drag from his cigar. The sweet smell of Andris spice lingers around the man and eminates from the cigar. "The Sith learned of Kreldin's assassination plot against Vadim and as payment, he was supposed to have everything he owns siezed and be put on the run for me to catch. Danik and I have been enemies for a long time." As Lynae makes her inquiry, Axel turns and responds. "Lynae Caiton. Co-conspirator and deemed guilty of treason against the Empire. I was actually supposed to find the two of you and bring you in front of Admiral Petra Doom before I guess you got captured. I haven't heard, but she may still want to speak with the two of you." He turns back to Dareus. "Like I said, there's been a lot that has happened and somehow I got stuck in the middle of it. I've dealt with Imperials, Sith, damn near half the galaxy. Comes from a reputation of getting the impossible done." Dareus laughs slightly, and just runs his finger along the rim of of his glass, "She wants to talk to us now...she's got one hell of a problem with that. Our Imperial charges are all dealt with....and no offence to her; but she's got no business talking to us; unless there's something for us to gain by it." Antoine takes the glass and sips it only briefly, "Not like the galaxy revolves around two simple fleet officers taking off. The only reason they took the leash off the Sith was cause of Danik, pure and simple. It looks bad for the Empire to have a rogue Grand Admiral, and Sith run around trying to overthrow the big boss." - Lynae very carefully does NOT drop the cup of caf that she's holding. In fact, she's trying to hard to project calm that it's only when the device on her wrist starts beeping softly that she betrays herself. Swearing liberally she shoves away from the table and stands, "Give me a minute... I've got to calm down.. you startled me," she says towards Axel and waves a hand at the two men, "please just.. I need a minute." She moves away to lean against the railing to take deep breaths, her eyes closing, one hand placed over her chest to literally feel her heartbeat. "She wanted to speak with you prior to your capture," Axel says. "I have no idea if she still wants an audience with you two. Likely, the Empire learned what they needed, though I am surprised that she wasn't involved in your interogation unless she was and I didn't know. It's not uncommon for communications to be late getting to me." Axel takes another deep drag from his cigar as the waitress returns with the glasses. He pours himself a shot of the whiskey and swirls it around in the glass before taking it down in one gulp. Axel turns to Lynae, "If you need some chemical comfort, I am sure I can oblige." He grins a bit. "I wouldn't be concerned too much. If you are alive after capture, the Imperials either don't consider you a threat or you are being watched as they look to see where or who you may lead them too. Take the time you need, but I assure you that our meeting is purely by chance and I am no threat. I don't send people to their deaths unless they really piss me off." Dareus shakes his head, "She was nowhere to be seen in the least; I only saw basically 4 or 5 different people." Even though it's not empty, he starts to fill his glass again, and looks as if he's thinking about something that doesn't quite make sense, "Before...that doesn't make sense in the least." He looks at Axel, holding his glass still, "If she wanted me to spy on Caspar, she could have just come to the Embassy." He shrugs it off, "Whatever, it doesn't matter, they can follow me all they want. I'm here on Caspar now, this is my new home, and this is where I'm going to defend." Taking a short look at his glass, Dareus drinks the whole thing in one gulp again, "But that's if I don't end up working for myself; I don't think I'm going to be signing up for the fleet anytime soon." He looks at Lynae for a second, but decides to say it anyway; "There's too much money in anything else; instead of a steady paycheck." Starting to pour himself another drink, he starts to laugh, "That is....once I'm done all my surgery, and whatnot." - "No chemical comfort is required, thank you for the offer though," Lynae replies in a soft, very polite, tone of voice. Now that she has her pulse under control again she does some mental cursing while seating herself again, nice and calm. "She can cool her heels in the sand of tatooine under full suns for all I care. The time for asking questions is long past. We are exiled. The right to question me was forfeit the minute this was implanted in me," she taps her fingertips against her upper chest, her expression briefly conveying just how furious she is before she exercises that iron willed self control again, out of clear necessity. "It's not that they don't consider us a threat or worthy of being watched, it's that they asked all the questions that they were interested back while we were strung up like obscene ornaments in the brig." "I'm sorry for not being clear. I meant prior to your re-capture and interogation." Axel says as he pours himself another drink. "Standard interogation techniques rarely involve more than a small handfull of interogators. I would have assumed that Petra would have been informed and gotten her chance to discuss things with you. Seems she took your actions personally, though I know not the reason." Once again, Axel turns back to Lynae, "If she asks me again, I'll tell her to take a hike through an airlock. Will that suit you?" Axel gives a wink and a broad grin. "Petra is an old flame of mine. I'm sure that she'll agree that you served your time for your crime and drop everything. Regardless, I do not serve the Empire, only myself and the CDU. If I had found you prior to the Empire, the meeting would come on my terms, which means public place on our terms, not the Empire's or Petra's. I am not a bounty hunter or assassin." He'd been both in the past and much more, but those days were past to an extent. - "I would beg to disagree with your assessment, Axel," Lynae says in that same quiet clear voice she's taken to using in the past two days. "Petra is taking this as a personal affront. A person assault, if you will. Should I encounter her again I don't plan to ask her to politely take a hike, I plan to demonstrate the best possible procedure for taking a hike out the nearest airlock before she can do the same for me. There are precious few women in officer country in the Empire. We tend to take it as a very.. BAD thing for a fellow woman to screw up like this. We make it personal." Dareus nods, and smiles, "Well, things will work themselves out; I'm not sure why it would be personal, I only met Admiral Doom once for about 10 whole minutes." He chuckles and shrugs, looking at Lynae with a smirk, "I swear, I gotta change my cologne or something." Tapping his fingers gently on his glass for a few seconds, he takes a short sip, "Hell, I trust you enough that I'm sitting here..." Right about now, that's the extend of his trust for anyone; until he gets used to his new home, "All I gotta gotta do is grab myself a ship, and take a piece of this galaxy for myself." He looks at Lynae, "Without the wife kicking my ass, preferrably." "The wife?" Axel looks puzzled then shrugs it off. "Regardless," he says to Dareus, "I won't divulge any information to the Empire. Are you sure they have Danik in custody?" He takes a final drag from the cigar and tosses it on the ground to be crushed under one of his boots. He then finishes off another shot of the whiskey and refills his and Dareus' glass. Dareus half shrugs, and half nods, "Well, Fleming seemed a little too happy to make that announcement. Although, someone like that wouldn't be brought into the same detention area; chances are if he were caught; he'd go straight to the Malevolent." Nodding to Axel in thanks, he has another bit of his whiskey and adds, "If you really want him that bad; I suppose you could always ram a ship through the side where the detention area is, and hope you can skid far enough into the superstructure..." - Lynae nearly spits her coffee out as Dareus makes that oh-so-casual suggestion, coughing hoarsely before she reaches for a napkin and covers her mouth. Finally she starts to laugh, "Don't forget to factor in the impact versus inertia calculations along with hull strength," she suggests, still laughing. "I seem to have neglected to do the math last time I made that.. mistake." "I'd prefer using torpedos rather than ramming one of my precious ships into the hull of a destroyer," Ax says with a grin. "Anyway, Danik's another issue altogether. With the two of you exiled, how are things going for you? Caspar is a nice place for people with the status of Exile. Trust me as I speak from experience. I've been on the run more times than I can remember. Is there anything I can assist with in these matters? Are you armed at least in case you get unwanted guests? Is there any medical items you request? I have some enriched bacta somewhere and I have contacts that can likely get just about anything else you may need. Also, the CDU has one of the finest hospitals in the slice, they are the one's who replaced my left hand when I lost it. It may be mechanical, but it's perfectly functional and I can even turn on the touch response sensors if I want." Dareus leans a little forward against the table, "Actually, it's been pretty good for the last little while; I have some light armor already for myself, kylan and a bi-polar; which is good enough for now. Basically all I need now is a ship and a job..." He turns to look at Lynae, "Once my doctor fixes me all up; for the medical stuff, you should talk to her; she's the expert at fixing me. I'm only good at getting broken." He takes a long drink from his whiskey, and takes a look around the square, "This place is already starting to feel like home. Exile actually ain't that bad." - Lynae leans back in her chair a bit, "If you're serious, then I need some bone stabilizers, several of those actually for Dareus here. I need a complete shoulder joint replacement and all the trappings to go with it. He's going to need serious, steady physical therapy when it's all said and done. And then I also need to speak to a geneticist," she adds before she even gets to her list. "I need to speak to a cardiac surgeon at the earliest possible convenience. The President had mentioned getting us set up with medical care and the lot, I just don't want to .." she pauses again, "look. It's hard for me to have to say that one of my own surgeons followed orders and implanted this rewired pacemaker in me. It's .. I trained the man, damn it. And he cut me open and put this thing in me. How do I explain that to one of your surgeons?" "Make me a list," Axel responds to Lynae. "If you can give me a layout of where I could find the items, that would help to. Planet doesn't matter, I can go anywhere." He then thinks for a moment. "Geneticists and Cardiologists might be tougher, if you don't want one of CDU origin. I can make a few inquiries, but no promises. If you don't mind less than legal setups, I do know a top notch surgeon on Nar Shaddaa who does alright work and asks no questions other than how many credits do you have. Of course, his work is usually determined by how well you pay him. Poor people should never visit his underworld clinic." - Lynae allows a ghost of a smile to curve her lips upwards ever so slightly, "Part of the difficulty is that I have to remain utterly calm. The removal of the device is going to stop my heart. I have to trust that the surgeon doing the work is good enough to not kill me in the process, or there's no use. I'm dead either way." She nods then, "Most of these things I can pick up at any standard hospital supply depot. Your local hospital will have what we need to repair the damage done to our walking wounded friend over there," she gestures to Dareus. Dareus laughs but not very audibly, just before he sips his drink, setting it back down and leaning in his chair to the side slightly, "Ifyou're poor, don't do anything on Nar Shaddaa." He thinks about his first few medications that he was stuck taking, "Some people, even get issues when they have the credits, although I probably just saw the wrong back alley doc..." "If most of that is available here, is there a reason you don't get it from here? Is there a problem with finances?" Axel asks of Lynae. He gives a chuckle at Dareus' response but nothing more. "The Doc on Nar won't kill you, at least not on purpose. He likes repeat business. He's also the guy who does a good majority of the illegal cybernetic jobs floating around the slice." Ax pauses and pours another shot of whiskey and then lights a cigarette. "I can't say that he's a top notch cardiologist or geneticist, but he might be able to point you in the right direction for a price. If it's a matter of getting anywhere, I can provide transport." - "I wasn't sure if I could just walk up, state who I am and what I need. I mean, there's the matter of forms and documentation and.. I've never even toured a civilian hospital, Axel," Lynae says quietly. She rubs at the back of her neck with one hand, "Sorry, again. Just a little pressed for details. I shouldn't need to go off planet for what we need. I just need to be able to speak with the appropriate department heads to get a feel for the lay out of the departments, determine who's the best person to speak too about all of this. A name, point of contact, would be a good place to start. Or, directions to where the hospital is." Dareus nods, "Well, the medication is pretty much custom made; fortunately one of the doctors that dealt with me before; forwarded the synthesizing instructions here ahead of me; that's not any of a problem really." He looks at Lynae, "I'll leave that medical stuff to you; personally, I'm concentrating on other things for the time being. I have Kiare and the baby to worry about; and once I'm not so broken up, there's work to be done." A decent smirk crosses his face, "Damn I kinda like this freedom." Axel plops the cigarette into his mouth and retrieves a datapad from his pocket. He uses it to draw out a map from where they are to the hospital. He then slides it over the table. "Not the easiest to decypher, I'm sure, but it should show you the way. At least the general vicinity." He removes the cigarette from his lips and exhales a small cloud of smoke, this not being laced with spice. "Tell them that I sent you, I'll send them word prior to your arrival and let them know that all is paid for and to give you the best care." There were perks to being independantly wealthy and well established on a planet. "If you need a place to stay, I still own a condo on the beach that I never use. I prefer my estate in Noques Resala. Not as flashy an area, but its home." "Not that it's not appreciated...." Antoine takes another sip of his whiskey, "But just what did you need help with?" He half chuckles, setting the glass back down, yet again, "Nobody gets anything for free, so if you need a hand with something, you can let me know. Chances are once I'm all good and repaired; I'll have lots of spare time to kill." Ax shakes his head. "I'm not asking for anything right now. Maybe one day, I'll need your services and you can return the favor." He then looks to Lynae, "And, given my profession, I may need some medical attention that does NOT need to go on anyone's records. I also may, in the future, require the use of a physician in other ways as well. How good are you at Chemistry, Ms. Caiton?" - "Kiare and Antoine are being kind enough to let me stay with them for the moment," Lynae answers after studying the map to get the general vicinity squared away, details wise. She nods in appreciation and slides the datapad back towards Axel, "My thanks, for everything, now and in advance." At Axel's question Lynae pauses, her gaze lifting ever so slowly to meet his, "Why do you ask?" is her counter question in a soft voice, on eyebrow arching upwards ever so slightly again. Stumbling into the square Kiare's cheeks are covered in tears, her eyes puffy and red. Such a condition it's a wonder she was able to make it this far. But as she moves from support to support her shoulders shake with silent sobs. - "I'm no longer Mrs Caiton, I'm Dr Cassius, if you want to go on formalities," Lynae says initially before continuing, "just Lynae is fine. And Kiare and Antoine are being kind enough to let me stay with them for the moment," Lynae answers after studying the map to get the general vicinity squared away, details wise. She nods in appreciation and slides the datapad back towards Axel, "My thanks, for everything, now and in advance." At Axel's question Lynae pauses, her gaze lifting ever so slowly to meet his, "Why do you ask?" is her counter question in a soft voice, on eyebrow arching upwards ever so slightly again. "Well, hopefully it'll be sooner than later, Axel...I don't wanna run outta shape." He leans back and laughs slightly, until someone catches Antoine's attention, and he checks the chrono that he has, "Oh Crap. Excuse me for a second." He takes nearly a full couple of minutes to get up, grabbing his nice and boring cane; slowly moving around the table, and heading towards Kiare, "What's wrong?" "Imperials have been known to use certain narcotics in interogations," Axel says and let's that trail off for the moment. "If you decide you need another place, feel free to contact me. If I'm not around, my holoterm is publicly listed." He looks around for a moment then takes another drag from the cigarette. "Also, if you should require transport, feel free to let me know. I have a ship or two that I can put on loan with a pilot crew to chaufer you around as long as you don't put the ship or the crew into danger." Kiare takes a swing at Antoine! "You left! You didn't even leave a note! You were supposed to rest, relax, recover! But NO! Safe and taken care of isn't enough for you! YOU have to go out and try to hurt yourself! You could have gotten drunk at home! You could have gotten drunk at the Dream, where do I find you? HOURS after I started hunting? Getting drunk in Plaxton!" She's crying and yelling, and she can't catch her breath as she takes swings at him to punctuate each point. - Lynae studies Dareus and Kiare for a moment and studiously decides to not get in the way of that conversation and, instead, turns towards Axel with a look of blunt curiosity again in her gaze. "Not to put to fine a point on it, because I greatly appreciate the offers, we both do, to be frank. But why are you so willing to help us out?" she asks softly, still studying his face and trying to read that answer. Khanar walks out of the Sandbar, a big smile on his face. His attention is drawn to screaming, and he looks that way. Frowning, he decides to walk back to his table, taking care to avoid the confrontation. Seeing that it has already been bussed he takes a seat and holds up a hand for a waiter. He pulls out his datapad again and begins to fiddle around with it, muttering things under his breath. "Calmn down!" He takes a few short steps back, "I just left a holding cell, you'd think I'd be old enough in my 30s to go out." He shakes his head slightly, leaning on his cane for support, "How about you just relax and come over to the table before you lose the baby already." Antoine's not quite mad; but just has a weird expression on his face; motioning towards the outdoor patio that's been his home for the last few hours of the day, and until now, was able to help make some important arrangements. "Before exploding, maybe you should realize we're arranging medical supplies and things to help get me fine again." Kiare sits right where she is hiding her face in her hands and crying. Hugging her knees close she can only cry, "You don't think I worried? You don't think I was SCARED??" "To put things bluntly, I like people owing me favors." Axel gives a slight grin. "I want to know a way around any chemical interogation techniques if there is one." He turns his attention to the drama that is Kiare and Dareus and decides to just stay the hell out of it. "I'm always in need of skilled people for certain things, but finding someone who is capable or willing is a different matter. You are a former Imperial medical officer, he is a former Imperial pilot, officer and ambassador. Can you not see the method of my madness? I make money through war. Having an upper hand is how I stay alive and I'm running out of cards up my sleeve." Khanar glances over at Axel. Actually, it is more like he stares for a moment, a thoughtfull look on his face, his mouth slightly open, lips moving ever so slightly. Dareus holds out one of his swollen hands, "Come on,you need to come and sit down, and I can't keep standing here, it's starting to get fairly painful." He leans off to his left a little; now only having one hand to support himself with his annoying fashion accessory, "I'm exiled from the Empire, for maker's sake; not on the run, now lets go sit down..." During the 'mayhem' that typically takes place in Fountain Square, a predator lurks. His gloved hands behind him as he makes the appearance of strolling. His lips curl into a slight smirk as he stops, raising a hand to his temple and closing his eyes. He could feel a presence. Keeping in the flows of people walking along the squre, the Sith does what he can to stay out of the way. - Lynae nods slowly to Axel at his explanation, both what is said and what is implied and all the things unspoken that may be. She pours herself another cup of caf and notes the return of the fellow who tripped over her chair earlier and tilts her head slightly in his direction in greeting. "With the reasons stated, I find no cause to be moved to turn down your assistance. I'm a doctor still, and a scientist. Those are two things that cannot be taken away from me short of a full medical board hearing and a great deal of red tape procedures," she continues in a quiet aside. "As to your inquiry, there's a great deal of literature on the topic. Most of it is pure wind in the trees. A bare portion of it holds any grain of truth. And the rest is speculation and pontification. The truth is that, chemicals or no, a good interrogator will get of you what is required. One way or another. The average specimen is not able to resist interrogation forever. The key is, as the literature will state, to determine which process will prove to be the most expedient and efficient in extracting the intel required." Axel looks to what is to him, the newcomer. "The name is Axel, I don't think we've met," he replies to the stare. He then extends a hand forward in introduction after he tucks his cigarette between his lips. "And you are?" Khanar shrugs slightly, gets up and leans over to shake the man's hand. "Hi, sorry about me giving you the eye. My name is Khanar. I just heard the words "looking for skilled people for certain things" and immediatly perked up. Sorry if I intruded in any way." Kiare shakes her head sniffing, "You can't make it all like it doesn't matter. You can't just brush it off." She rubs at her eyes, "You don't have two bones in your body that aren't in pieces and you go running off without even a note and I'm not supposed to worry? I'm not supposed to be afraid? What? All of a sudden I'm supposed to be emotionless because you don't feel like healing?" Dareus pulls on her arm gently, "I'm getting things arranged to heal faster and better." He sighs slightly, "Look, I'd kneel down and talk to you; but Lynae would have to run over with a stretcher and I'd be in the hospital for a month. Just come back to the table; with what we're getting worked out; in only a little while I'll be far better than before." The loud whine of a swoop echoes in the distance but grows louder with each passing moment, a cloud of smoke follows it, the bike had seen better days, and has fallen into disrepair. Onboard the pilot rides without the protection of a helmet or any special gear apart from a pair of goggles and his normal spacer garb. Tyler Damion was never one for silent appearances as the swoop pulls in close to the fountain and its engines go down through a cooling cycle as he turns the vehicle off, leaping down off the seat and pulling the goggles off his face and hanging them on it. After a short moment of stretching the old Corellian sends a firm kick into the side of his swoop which was strong enough to kick its idle repulsors and let it flop to the ground with a massive thud. He shrugs and pulls a cigarette from his pocket and promptly lights it, "They don't make'em like they use to." He frowns and struts off toward a bench nearby, not so much paying attention to anything around him. Though, a few moments later a group of individuals come and clean up his mess and throw it into the back of a large speeder and drive off with it, even Darth Malign had handlers or individuals to clean up after him. Dareus nods, and quietly looks at her with that unspoken bond between a man and his future wife, and heads back towards the table; not hurried, but still; not like he's walking with a slow pace either. "Allright, I need that drink again now." Once he reaches the table again, he slows down, and stops dead in his tracks, resting from the pain of walking back, that is shooting through his entire body; but still half pulls a chair out for Kiare, a few deep sighs leaving his mouth. - By no means unobservant, and by no means deaf and or blind or completely rendered senseless, Lynae is just one of the people who notice the arrival of Malign. As Kiare and Dareus make their way back to the table, and Axel and Khanar exchange a few words, Lynae is staring intently in the direction of Malign while carefully holding onto the cup of caf in her hands. Finally, out of a sense of self preservation, she tears her gaze away and studies the display on the monitor inset in her left wrist, watching the numbers displayed while she begins a slow deep breathing routine, shutting out as much of the surroundings as possible in the process. Rain, rain, rain; Plaxton City wasn't good for much of anything beyond making someone damp and miserable. It took considerable effort to light his smoke and just that was enough for Darth Malign to disapprove of his temporary post within the CDU's space. Worse, then word came to him that the Presav or whatever they call the leader of this forsaken rock refused an audience with him, he was after all little more than a war criminal in the eyes of the average Caspian, but then again who had the courage to stand up and say such a thing to a Dark Lord's face? Kiare, Lynae, and Dareus are easily noticed by the Sith, the population of broken down and nervous people in the area were few and far between. Fear, was a beacon of attraction for the Sith, and he was always drawn to it like a moth to a flame. His hazel eyes turn to meet Lynae's gaze, but she tore away to quickly for him to give her a smile. He shrugs and simply decides a casual stride over to their table was in order. With that in his mind, the Sith jabs his hands into his pockets, cigarette hanging from his mouth, and slowly takes a slow pace toward where the trio was sitting not attempting to reach their table with any sort of intent or speed. Dareus shakes his head, and leaves Kiare's comment alone, for at least a few extra seconds, slowly and evidently taking his own seat with some degree of pain- discomfort was far too pleasant a word for that. Taking a deep breath, he grabs his glass of whiskey, and finishes it rather quickly; before quickly pouring himself another, and nodding towards one of the staff inside that is avoiding the rain; who sets off to grab another for the table. Full glass in one of his swollen hands, he looks at Kiare, "Just relax will you; Lynae can't handle that stress." Axel shakes the other man's hand and then leans back into his seat. He was about to speak up again and then is drawn to the sound of the swoop. "Fark," Axel says as he sees who is piloting the rustbucket. "Things are going to get very very interesting," he says to the people at his table and the now arriving Dareus. "Ladies and gentlemen, may I present Tyler Damian, or Darth Malign if you prefer," the smuggler says as Tyler makes his show of dismounting and soon begins to head towards their table. Ax grins a bit out of nervousness and pulls out a small metalic vial. Without a moment's hesitation he pops the small cap off and immediately the contents spark and hiss as the glitterstim concealed inside is activated by even the ambient lighting of the cafe. As soon as the hissing stops, Ax dumps the contents into his mouth and under his tongue. "Things are going to get very interesting indeed," he says as he winces in a slight amount of pain at the feeling of the burning spice tumbling down his throat. Pure glitterstim was not meant to be taken straight oraly but this wasn't by far the first time for Ax to do just that. Khanar is at first annoyed by the interuption, but then quickly wipes the look of irritation of his face at the mention of the name Darth Malign. The only other times he has heard the word Darth mentioned were times that were happy for simple people such as himself. Deciding it would be best to disassociate himself with someone that is spiced up and associated with a Dark Lord, he quickly sits back down in his seat, and begins to obviously not pay attention and staring into a glass of water. - A number of things happen that are not helping at the moment. Dareus telling Kiare to calm down, which doesn't seem to help Kiare calm down. Observing Axel flavoring himself with his seasoning of choice does pique her interest but not more than a 'wonder about that later' sort of thing. The closer Tyler gets to the table and with the grand introduction that Axel makes only serves to compound the issue. Her heart rate, which was slightly elevated by the mere arrival of Tyler, picks up alarmingly the closer he gets to the table. The monitor inset in her wrist beeps steadily at this point and despite the attempts she is making to try to slow her heart rate, even deep breathing isn't doing the trick. The alarm reaches a steady tone and it's at this point that Lynae's hands begin to tremble visibly and she drops the cup on the table with a crash as she tries to get to her feet, possibly to get away from the table itself. Lynae only manages to get half way out of the chair when she makes a sound of pain before collapsing onto the ground unconscious. Post deployment lull. Cold, rainy night. What's a Marine to do when 'the bug' starts to set in; when the quiet becomes oppressive? In Webb's case, he's opted for a long run in the rain, of the sort that leaves limbs aching, lungs burning, and the runner soaked to the bone. He jogs up the road from the south at a methodical pace, his footfalls timed to some unheard cadence. Wibble meanders along at a steady pace, with what appears to be a very large cricket, the size of his arm, tucked underneath...his arm. He steadily shoves his hand inside the dead cricket, pulls out a handful of slime, and begins licking it off his fingers. He's walking down the sidewalk. As Lynae drops Kiare rises and moves to her. Kneeling down she makes sure the other woman is on her back and then checks her pulse and her breathing. Both with her touch and by leaning in close to listen. Wibble pauses in his meandering to go 'waa-waa-waaaaaaa....' adding cartoonish sound-effects to the apparent medical problem. He then stuffs some more giant cricket goo into his face. Axel's declaration of his presence signals Malign to raise a hand in greeting but little more, the smuggler and his antics were always humorous and inviting but the action before him required his uninterrupted attention. The stress around Lynae's table was humorous at most but when the former Commodore collapses to the ground it took all of his willpower to keep from erupting into a joyous laughter, Fleming was a genius at long term punishment. Tyler spits out his half-smoked cigarette and shrugs, "Looks like the old Commodore, is having some health problems these days. That Imperial military insurance could come in handy." He muses and shrugs stepping forward and inviting himself to take the seat Kiare just abandoned to check on Lynae, "Nothing like a little rain, to wash the soul." He smiles and pulls a flask out, from inside of his jacket, opens it, and takes a drink from it. The day was only going to get more interesting for him. Noticing that Kiare is far faster and in better shape to tend to Lynae than he, Dareus just keeps his seat, finishing his glass of whiskey, and already refilling it. He reaches into one of his pockets, and pulls out a small metallic container; before leaning painfully over to Kiare, "Muscle relaxants, they'll help slow her heart by about 10 beats per minute..." Slowly, he moves back upright, and cracks his neck left to right, and taking the glass back in his swollen hand, brining it to his lips, but not drinking yet, "Somehow, I think we'll manage; insurance is already covered." He doesn't look at Malign, but instead, looks into the amber liquid in the glass, and thinking about how inviting it really appears, before taking his next drink, setting the only half-empty glass on the table, crossing his arms slowly and painfully in front of his chest. Vassily Korolov steps in under the awning of the cafe. He makes his way towards an empty table and orders a mug of caf from the first waiter that passes by. He places a credit chip on the table as his attention shifts towards the fallen Commodore and the Warlord's witty comment. "I really wish you damn Imperials would keep a man informed. I scour half the galaxy looking for these two," he nods towards Dareus and the grounded Lynae, "only to find out that they've already been captured. To top this crap off, payment I received for just talking about this damn assignment from Admiral Doom melted in my hand. If it weren't for my hand already being cybernetic, I'd have to get one." Axel grumbles a bit. "I'm not a simple servant to anyone. I do jobs for payment. Credits are alright, junk weapons are useless to me. I have wasted too much time with the Empire." He pauses taking a drag from his cigarette and then tosses it on the ground. "And what in the HELL! is this I hear about the Empire having captured Kreldin. Our agreement was that you would leave him for me. He was supposed to be put on the run, without anything and you have him in a cell. That's great, real damn great." Drug induced courage, or pure insanity, or maybe a combination of both.. Axel didn't care about who heard him but he was obviously pissed the hell off and exclaiming his feelings face to face with a known Sith. Wibble hmms slightly and shrugs before turning to wander over to the fountain, moving to sit on the ground like a child, beside it, watching the water sparkle as he chews on one of the antennae of the cricket. He seems to be generally enjoying his visit to the city. Khanar continues staring into his glass, but slides his datapad back out. He appears to just be looking at very random stuff. He finishes off his glass of water and waves at a waiter. He orders a simple meal of fruit and a small glass of wine. Sitting back to enjoy his repast, he lets his eyes wander slightly. - The shock is sufficient enough to force her heart to beat slower, literally, and by the time that Axel begins explaining why he's a trifle disgruntled with Malign Lynae's eyelids are starting to flutter and her eyes open to stare at the sky above. She rolls her head to the side to meet Kiare's worried gaze and tries to offer something of a smile of reassurance. Already one head to toe aching bruise this doesn't help but she starts to prop herself upright and discovers that Tyler is entirely too close for her comfort, literally in Kiare's chair. While Axel continues to rant right in Malign's face, Lynae rubs one hand over the incision sight and shakes her head at Antoine's suggestion of muscle relaxers, "That won't be necessary," she says in a low, clear voice and stubbornly refused to sit here on the ground, least of all in a position that places her lower than Malign. She stubbornly starts to get to her feet. Maybe it's the shock of waking up on the ground that makes her calm, or the way she can hear her own heartbeat as loudly as the conversations that flow around her, but her composure is back and a sort of icy calm settles around her as she uses the chair nearest her to get to her feet, unsteadily but upwardly mobile at last. "If you'll excuse me," she says in a polite voice, "I find the company unpalatable," and turns to walk away from the cafe. "I'm sure you and your traitorous friends will be just fine Ambassador." Malign replies politely, "It is amazing how someone can change and in such a short amount of time, I saved your life. I respected you and through that respect you had favor in the Empire. You betrayed our Emperor and in proxy you betrayed my trust, Dareus, I wanted to call you friend and you spit on that." The Sith frowns leaning forward briefly watching as Lynae rises and makes her way from the cafe, "You are free of scrutiny from the Empire, but understand Dareus the Sith are always vigilant and always watching and we are your enemies now." He warns rising from the table to his full height and lighting another cigarette. Axel Vichten was the next person to get a speech from the Sith, or something. The world around him and Axel seems to disappear as he turns. The Sith's features were menacing, he wasn't the happy-go-lucky spacer anymore, he was a Dark Lord. He politely steps around the table and approaches Axel as he spouts of his complaint. His cigarette hangs from his mouth as his eyes do not drift from the smuggler as he works the gloves off his hands and places them into a jacket pocket. Once he his certain he was taking a breath or was finished with his complaint he lets out a brief sigh, "Mr. Vichten, if you ever march forward and interrupt my business again, I will kill you." He says politely his features twisting into a smile, "The only reason you are alive right now, is because I respect the laws of the Caspian Democratic Union, as an Ambassador of the Empire." He shrugs and raises a finger and points it into the face of the pilot, "The Emperor has vested special interest in Danik Kreldin, so I have altered the deal. If you feel this is unfair, lodge a complaint with Admiral Doom, but-" Malign's voice begins to boom, "-DO NOT WASTE MY TIME WITH YOUR FOOLISH VENDETTA!" The proximity between Axel and Darth Malign was about to drastically change as the two stand nearly chest to chest. The Sith with a moment of concentration and a flick of his will sends a burst of telekinetic energy directly into Axel's midsection with enough force to send the man off into the air. No more words as he sends the smuggler 'on his way' the Sith storms off having nothing more to do with anyone here unless his patience evaporates to the point of violence. Axel is about to protest Tyler's close proximity with a knee to the Sith's junk, but before his foot can even leave the ground things seem to shift into slow motion. One second Axel is standing, near toe to toe with Darth Malign, the next, the smuggler finds himself airborn. Instead of a knee to the groin, the only thing Ax's leg catches is hangtime as he is launched away from the Dark Lord. Axel's little world where he was immortal just came to an end. A lifetime of drugs and arrogance flashes through his mind as he is sure he'll never again touch the ground. He can't fathom that kind of power being at the hands of any one man, but by god he wanted a piece of it. All kinds of strange thoughts probed the man's mind as he flew for what seemed to him like an eternity, due to the perception enhancements of the spice. Much to Axel's surprise, his flight did come to an end. He flew a good 10 meters, the farthest he's ever gone without mechanical assistance. His final destination was the magnificent fountain itself. It's cool water cascading down its finely crafted stone form. Silence is all that comes from the man as he now sits, chest deep in a pool of cold water too stunned to react. His coccyx surely broken from the impact of his ass and the marble base of the pool. A thick sheet of water tumbles down and is split into two sheets by the curvature of his scalp. A completely dazed look with wide open mouth is all that comes from the usually cocky and arrogant man. Wibble watches Axel fly through the air like a plane, and then watches as he crahses, much like a plane that is not functioning properly. He recoils slightly, seeing to it that he doesn't get splashed. "Hahahaha," says the Chadra-fan, finding the druggie's misfortune amusing. Vassily finishes off his caf just as Tyle decides to fling Axel across the square. His lips curl into a grin. He steeples his hands in front of him as he watches the former Imperials interact away from the Empire. He had come here in part to observe them. Watching Malign carefully while he speaks to him; he witholds all emotion until he mentions the words friend and respect; and his emotions do nothing but slap him in the face at that point, regret, confusion, wonderment; and then he sees Axel go flying; just as the man's drink was being sipped, letting some of the whiskey spray from his mouth, partially from amusement that Vichten pushed him that far, and partially the look on Axels' face. He sets the glass down on the table, and shakes his head slightly, looking at Kiare, "Can we just ever have a normal drink? Just once without a Sith Lord showing up." He checks for his comlink in his pockets, letting an annoyed sound come from his mouth, "Dammit....did you have a comlink to get a hold of Lynae? Figures she storms off when I can't very well run after her yet. I swear, she must plan these things months in advance." Khanar is outright stunned at the display of power. A piece of fruit on its terminal route to his mouth stalled in midflight, only to be dropped back into his plate as he stands up while Tyler walks away. Against his better judgement, he jogs over to the fountain and hops in beside the shocked man, kneeling down into the cool water. In a neutral, slightly shaky voice,"Lemme help you up." However, he hesitates to put a hand on the bruised man. Kiare was half taking off after Lynae when the 'fun' started and she looks back at Dareus and can only shrug, "I'm going after her. You need to hobble your arse over here so I can get you someplace safe." Marine Captain Webb has oft been accused of slipping off into a sort of cathartic trance when he runs, particularly when the environs gift him with a rain like this. Pain is good. Extreme pain, extremely so. And then there's that flicker of motion in the corner of his eyes. The ballistic arc of the airborne stoner slices across his conciousness, rousing the Marine from his mobile meditation. That tick of adrenaline kicks in, and Webb skids to abrupt halt on the wet pavement. His eyes follow Axel's flight-path to its inevitable splash-down, but do not linger upon the downed man. Hands instinctively reach for a pistol that for once isn't on his right hip as he advances into the midst of the whole mess. After a brief moment, Axel comes to. Taunting, laughter, shock.. Axel is humiliated. Humiliation turns to rage and the hotheaded stoner places his hand on the hilt of the big-bore slug thrower he carries on his side. Unconventional, but effective, the archaic weapon is drawn from it's holster. Thoughts of his hatred of Bothans, his humility in this situation and the laughter of the short furball nearby fill his mind as the man stands up, still getting coated by the spray of the fountain and seemingly oblivious to Khanar's offer. He levels the blaster with a shaky hand at the Chadra Fan. "STOP LAUGHING!" he exclaims loudly as his finger slowly puts tension on the trigger. Wibble drops the cricket carcass and reaches into a pocket. "Oh man, he's going to shoot that guy!" he says, sounding like a kid at the movies. He pulls out a candy bar, unwraps the top of it, and begins eating it. Apparently chocolate follows giant dead cricket just fine. The Chadra-fan just sits there on the ground watching the fellow with the blaster. - Who ever said that humanoids weren't meant to fly clearly never encountered a disgruntled Sith. The splash that Axel makes as he hits the water and lands on his rump in the fountain is more than enough to draw Lynae's attention, along with nearly everyone else in the immediate area, of course. She is close enough to the fountain to have a good view of the end result, no pun intended of course, and turns to get a better look just as she spots Kiare moving in her direction. With Axel in the fountain, Wibble laughing like a loon and Malign doing his best Doom and Despair routine, the game is afoot. She notices Korolov at this point, which only highlights the days events, and casts a look back at the table where Dareus is and frowns, speaking to Kiare as soon as she is close enough, "We can't leave the slow moving vehicle behind," shaking her head from side to side after her attempt at levity. And turns, again, as Axel shouts a demand at the Chadra Fan to stop laughing, "Is this place always so exciting?" she asks in a low voice. Listening to his future wife, Dareus slowly makes his way to stand up, carefully judging the strength that it takes to do it carefully; and after a little extra effort, he's fully upright, grabbing his drink, finishing it quickly, then dropping enough credits for the table's drinks before taking Kiare's side, "Allright...so you were right that...." Just then he notices Axel with the blaster, "Oh hell...." While Kiare speeds off, Antoine starts to move as fast as his not so mobile legs take him, "Axel! JUST WAIT A DAMN MINUTE!" He spots Lynae off in the distance, and silenty wonders how stupid he looks hobbling quickly towards the fountain, "What a damned vacation this is...." Khanar is startled as the man is filled with drug fueled anger and stands up while drawing a weapon. He really kind of sees all this as a blur, and his body just really decides to go into instict mode and react to dissolve a situation that doesn't really need to end badly. A balled up fist arcs out in a blow aimed for the man's jaw. Vassily does indeed chuckle at the comedy value of the scene. Caspar's notorious storms always seemed to cause a swelling in the dark side of the force. Tempers grow hot, emotions get out of control. The subtle taste of it on the air fills the Sith's senses like a fine drug. His chuckle fades into a slight, almost genuine smile. As the waitress comes back by, he orders another mug of caf and settles back in his scene to watch the events continue to unfold. If there's a mind in all of this that stands in blatant opposition to the Sith's sentiments, it's the Marine. No anger, no heat. As Axel draws the pistol, Webb instinctively thumbs the emergency button on his comlink. "Situation in Fountain Square. Multiple injuries. EMS required. Weapons drawn," he assesses, his voice almost casually conversational to the voice on the other end as Webb's eyes sweep the square. That link on his wrist will serve as a beacon now, for emergency response, for the paramedics that will invariably come, and for the security personnel who are inevitably closer. As the tip of Axel's finger turns white from the pressure of pulling the trigger, his balance is thrown off by the incoming blow from Khanar. A shot goes off, the loud *BANG* can be heard for blocks as the big-bore slugthrower launches a projectile wide of it's target. The shell impacts the duracrete sidewalk and sends chunks of rocks spraying into a nearby shop window, shattering it. The recoil from the weapon itself assists in Axel's downfall. Already off balance, the hand-cannon shoves Axel's arm around and he once again fall on his ass. If it weren't for the copious amount of spice in his system, the man would be crying in pain. Instead, only a few tears swell up but are concealed by the onslaught of water spraying him from the fountain. The smuggler has a new target now, but fortunate for Khanar, is still too shaken up to take sufficient aim with the pistol. Instead, there are shot after shot fired until all 6 rounds are depleted, most hitting the sides of buildings, knocking out several bricks and causing clouds of dust to ploom around each bullet hole. The last shot however, being way high because of the recoil, impacts the fountain itself forcing a chunk of marble to fall, hitting the angry stoner square in the head. Axel fell silent as his unconscious form slumped over, his head held above water only because it was leaning awkwardly on the very chunk that knocked him out. Kiare looks at Lynae and becons Dareus to hobble faster, "Always? Well.. I wouldn't say always. But Tyler causes a scene everywhere he goes. Almost drowning while drunk, almost crashing, not being able to piss straight. It's almost comical, but then stuff like this happens. I mean, just look at the way he arrived. You know a sith has to be able to get something that doesn't fall apart the minute he stops willing it to be whole." Wibble doesn't even blink as the hand-cannon blows a whole in the sidewalk next to him. He did stop laughing when he was 'told' to, but this of course starts his laughing right back up. "Oh, score! He so totally missed!" he says, giggling again. He suddenly stops giggling and looks at the hole in the sidewalk beside him, eyes getting a little wider...slowly...one click after another...before one side of his face starts twitching. - Lynae neatly pushes Kiare behind her as Axel starts firing the bazooka of a weapon and the shots fire wildly into the air, missing the initial intended target and taking out a lot of innocent bystanding buildings, unoffending bricks and one surprised fountain before Axel manages to knock himself out in the process. "Huh," is her one syllable response stated even as she's moving towards Axel with the intent of making sure he doesn't actually drown. In a fountain, of all things, which can't be better than drowning in a bathtub. She starts to climb into the fountain towards Axel. Now that Malign has left the area completely, even though he's on the move 'quickly'; Antoine stops just by the fountain, and half shakes his head at Axel, "I hope he doesn't expect bail from me." He turns and looks at Kiare, and also a quick survey around the area to see who's standing and who got hit by the amazing display of marksmanship, leaning with both hands on his cane, he then looks at Khanar, "No offence, but it's usually smarter to end up these kinda situations...good thing he couldn't hit the broad side of a Star Destroyer." Khanar mutters some form of agreement to Dareus while bending over and tossing the smoking gun a few feet away. He then crouches next to the man, a look of worry on the face. He begins muttering and sees the woman approach. He doesn't move the head, but he does make sure that all necessary holes are free of water. Using a shaking hand to wipe a bit of sweat that has formed on his brow, he looks around and yells,"Need a doctor now!" - "He did say he might have need of my services as a doctor, I had no idea he meant today," Lynae replies in a voice that is both amused and strained as she slogs through the water towards Axel and crouches down beside him in the water. Without benefit of any of the usual trappings of the profession, and mumbling about how handy a biomedical scanner would be right now she falls back on the practice of examining the patient that being Axel of course, the old fashioned way. She takes his wrist in one of her hands and takes his pulse while tapping the other hand gently against his face to see if she can bring him around despite the bonk to the head. "I may need your help getting him to his feet," she says to Khanar. Slowly, Axel starts to come to. His eyes are crossed and there's a large bump forming on his head. He mumbles something in god-knows-what language as he tries to gain focus and see what in the hell happened. Several small metal cylinders float up as the various spice vials leave his pockets and surface. "Owwww..." he says softly and slowly. "I need drugs.. lots of drugs..." he mumbles and closes his eyes again trying to muster the strength to stand up. Even on a dreadful, wet, chills-you-straight-to-the-bones day, law enforcement is never far from the square. A couple of the local constabulary are already homing in on Webb's link. Then Axel's sidearm discharges, the muzzle flash and report rendering Webb's signal largely moot. With the shots fired, the two patrolmen raise their carbines to shoulders, levelling their weapons at Axel... until they realise that the weapon is gone, and that Axel's situation is quite absurd. One of the constables actually has a look of nigh pity for Axel, the other borderline disgust. "Suppose cuffing him is moot," the former says to the latter, over the sounds of an ambulance's siren drawing in from the east. Khanar sees the vials float up and quickly scoops them up before passersby see them. He deftly slides them into a cargo pocket on his pants while appearing to look for something. He looks at Lynae and says,"Yeah, I'd help, but from the sounds and from those men looking a little angry over there, I don't think you nor I will be helping this man right now." He stands up and backs away, waiting for constables and medics to show up, hands in his pocket, one hand gently feeling the vials to make sure they are secured. - "I'd say you have more than enough," Lynae remarks to Axel as she taps the side of his face again, "eyes open," she says in a firm voice, needing to check pupil dilation before she glances up at Khanar. Following his gaze she spots the two security type individuals then shakes her head before turning back to Axel, "Work with me, Axel, open your eyes. Tell me what hurts," she carefully examines the bump forming on the top of his head, "you're going to have one nasty headache when all is said and done, and likely a concussion," she adds, still frowning intently. Dareus looks at Axel, and then to the security that shows up, "Nah, I doubt he's gonna be a problem." A half chuckle leaves his mouth, and he looks at Lynae, "Well, I guess this little enjoyable evening came to a fun close." He starts to make his way over to Kiare slowly, not definately utilizing his cane. The arrival of the constabulary is enough to let Vassily Korolov know that the chaos of the situation is soon to be resolved. He places a small credit chip on the table as he stands up and looks up at the sky, the storm is begining to subside. He sighs gently before making his way back out into the fountain square, blending into and disappearing as members of the crowd leave the area. Khanar looks at Lynae and walks over to her quickly. He leans over to her and says loud enough so she can hear,"Have him to contact me on frequency 123.23 when he comes around. Ok? It is important. Got it?" He waits, slightly nervous and bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet waiting for a reply. Dareus puts his arm gently around Kiare, "You know, I survived the last half of my life by the thinnest of threats, you really gotta start trusting I can take care of myself." He sighs, "Tomorrow, I'm doing nothing but floating in the water." He looks between Kiare and Lynae, "Anyone disappointed if I suggest we just go the hell home?" The ambulance arrives, hovering to the side of the fountain. Under the supervision of the constables, Axel is ushered into the back, still dazed, but not fighting. He is handcuffed to the gurney in a not-so-pleasant way and the doors close. As quickly as it arrived, the Ambulance heads off, towards the hospital's high security wing. There would be interrogations and fines and likely some jailtime in the man's future, but nothing he hasn't been through before. - Lynae nods to Khanar in reply before the medics arrive to sweep Axel away in a flurry of efficiency. While they're sorting him out she climbs back out of the fountain near Kiare and Dareus and sits on the edge of it for a minute while her heart pounds. "Smashingly marvelous idea," she says while breathing heavily for a moment and nodding at both. "I vote we don't leave the beach again, ever."
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