| - Zack
- In Final Fantasy VII, Zack only appears in flashback sequences which portray him as almost identical to Cloud Strife, the game's main protagonist. These sequences elaborate on Cloud's past and his connection to Sephiroth, the game's villain. In Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-, Zack's history and influence upon the Final Fantasy VII world are brought into focus. He also appears in Last Order -Final Fantasy VII-, Before Crisis -Final Fantasy VII-, and briefly in Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children and Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete.
- Zack Fair is a hero from the Final Fantasy VII series. He was a good friend of Cloud, and motivated Cloud to want to become SOLDIER. he is also main character in FFVII, supporting character in FFVII: advent childern and main protagonist in FFVII: crisis core A 1st Class Soldier in the making with a simple yet passionate dream of becoming a hero. Enthusiastic, passionate and positive. He will take on any mission to prove his worth to the Shinra company. Also popular among the women in Midgar, he soon gets his own fan club. ack left his home town of Gongaga at the age of fourteen to join the Shinra Electric Power Company's military forces. He was promoted to Soldier 2nd Class sometime in the next two years. Unlike many Soldier members, he has a 1st Class mentor named Angeal Hewley.
- [[Imagen:Zack_Fair.png|thumb|right|El mejor amigo de Cloud]] Zack es un chaval que apareció por primera vez en Final Fantasy VII. Nació en el pequeño pueblo de Gongaga y siempre tuvo el sueño de convertirse en SOLDADO para trabajar con Shinra Inc.. Falleció a manos de esa organización. La espada que lleva es de él, aunque veamos a Cloud con ella. Aparece en varios juegos de la Saga Final Fantasy.
- Zack Fair es un personaje no-jugable de Final Fantasy VII, y protagonista de una de sus precuelas, Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core y de la OVA Final Fantasy VII: Last Order. Es un joven e impetuoso SOLDADO. Zack tiene una gran conexión con el pasado de Cloud Strife y con Sephiroth. También fue novio de Aerith Gainsborough, acompañándola aún cuando esta muere (como se puede ver en Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children). También fue el personaje que le regaló el lazo rojo, y el que hizo que Aeris vistiera de rosa (fue una promesa que hicieron en el parque del Sector 5). Cargaba la Espada Mortal antes que Cloud y después que Angeal, su mentor.
- Zack Fair is a Final Fantasy character in the Kingdom Hearts series. The following pages are about him:
* Zack in Kingdom Hearts 3: The Return of the Chasers by JMan2.o.
* Zack in Kingdom Hearts II ½ by Xerruy.
- In Final Fantasy VII, Zack only appears in flashback sequences which portray him as almost identical to Cloud Strife, the game's main protagonist. These sequences elaborate on Cloud's past and his connection to Sephiroth, the game's antagonist. In Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-, Zack's history and influence upon the Final Fantasy VII world are brought into focus. He also appears in Last Order -Final Fantasy VII-, Before Crisis -Final Fantasy VII-, and briefly in Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children and Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete.
- Tiedosto:Zack-crisis_core.pngZack Fair syntyi Gongaga Villagessa. Zack oli ensimmäisen luokan sotilas Shin-Ran Soldierissa. Hän taisteli Sephirothia vastaan Nibelheimin Mako Reactorissa, mutta haavoittui. Cloud Strife onnistui heittämään Sephirothin Mako energian sekaan, mutta Sephiroth oli onnistunut lävistämään Cloudin vatsan Masamune miekallaan. Tämän jälkeen Zack ja Cloud oli viety Shin-Ra Mansionin laboratorioon koekaniineiksi. He kuitenkin pakenivat laboratoriosta ja suuntasivat nyt kohti Midgaria. Zack kuoli matkalla kun Shin-Ran sotilaat ampuivat hänet. Ennen kuoltuaan Zack antoi Cloudille Buster swordin. Luokka:Hahmot
- Zack Fair (jap. ザックス・フェア, Zakkusu Fea) ist ein Nebencharakter aus Final Fantasy VII und der Hauptprotagonist aus Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. Zack stammt aus dem entlegenen Dorf Gongaga und tritt schon früh SOLDAT bei, um seinem Vorbild, dem Helden Sephiroth, nachzueifern. Als er schließlich im Rang aufsteigt, wird Angeal, ebenfalls ein Rang-1-SOLDAT wie Sephiroth, sein Mentor und unterstützt ihn bei Missionen und im Training. Die beiden verbindet jedoch auch eine tiefe Freundschaft, sodass Zack nun mehr Angeal als Vorbild ansieht, welcher ihm immer wieder predigt, dass er Träume in sich tragen soll und um jeden Preis seine SOLDAT-Ehre bewahren muss. Zunächst hält Zack nicht viel von Angeals Worten, begreift jedoch zunehmend mit fortschreitender Handlung, was sein Lehrer ihm sagen will.
- The current player behind Zack is the founding admin for Celestial Refresh, and has been under the control of this player since 2007. There have been two other players who possessed this character before his current player, but neither of them had Zack for nearly as long.
- Zack Fair è un personaggio chiave della Compilation di Final Fantasy VII. Apparso per la prima volta nell'originale Final Fantasy VII, è stato un eroico SOLDIER di 1ª classe, di cui il protagonista del gioco Cloud Strife è stato grande amico. Il suo ruolo è molto marginale nella storia originale, ed appare di persona solo durante alcuni flashback nel subconscio di Cloud, ma è colui da cui Cloud ha ereditato la sua fidata Spada potens.
- Zack Fair is a non-playable character in Final Fantasy VII and the main protagonist of its prequel, Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-. The second wielder of the Buster Sword before Cloud Strife, Zack received the Buster Sword from his mentor Angeal Hewley. Zack is a 1st Class SOLDIER and is Cloud's best friend during their time working for the Shinra Electric Power Company.
- Zack Fair is a little-seen character from Final Fantasy VII who nevertheless is important to the game's storyline. He received a starring role in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, an FF7 prequel that was released for the PSP in early 2008 and has sold roughly 1.5 million copies to date.
- Zack Fair est un personnage non-jouable dans Final Fantasy VII, et le protagoniste principal de Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-. Second porteur de l'Épée broyeuse après son mentor Angeal Hewley, Zack est un membre du SOLDAT de 1ère classe, et le meilleur ami de Cloud Strife durant Crisis Core.