| - Before the war, the building that the 'City' would come to occupy was originally a dormitory for the Paris Junior College. It would sit empty since shortly after the bombs, the students and staff either returned to their homes or died from the fallout from the nearby metroplex. It would again be roamed by humans in 2236 by a down and out scavenger and prostitute. She at first had come there to sleep for a night, but seeing its surprisingly good condition and fenced-in courtyard, had another idea. She began to explore the entire building, blocking most exits with ruined furniture. She then set about exploring the city ruins for seeds, finding several wild plants. She planted these in the courtyard and bided her time. Her first guest was a prospector desperate to make it rich in the Seasons. Despite the man having little money and acting strangely, Emily agreed to let him spend the night. She provided him with a warm bed and meal, and the man left in the morning. She would forget the encounter and return to her previous routine, breaking it only to cater to the rare traveler or caravan. The prospector would return in 2240, carrying several packs of scrap. He again stayed the night, and despite being odder than before (she attributed it to the Seasons), she provided company to him. In the morning, he paid her much more than she was entitled and thanked her, heading north. Emily would never see him again, but the scrap he left was enough for her to purchase several slaves in Oklahoma. Purchasing mostly middle-aged women like herself, she was able to buy four slaves to return with. Telling the women they were now under contract and they would be working off their debt. She at first had them tending to the garden as they settled in, she began taking them aside one by one and asking them about their lives. The interview would take on stronger sexual undertones over the next few days until Emily began having sex with them, consensual or not. after roughly a dozen sessions all four were broken and willing to perform with strangers. The girls would work both in the garden and in the beds for the next three years until they worked off their contracts. All four would choose to stay, having come to think of the brothel as home, and having few prospects on the roads of North Texas. Life would continue as normal until 2250 when Emily died. She would leave the business to one of the women, Rose Debenaux. Despite being held in practical bondage for almost a decade, Rose was still every bit the scheming gangster that she had been in The Big Easy before her unfortunate capture and selling. She would travel back to the Oklahoma slave markets in March of 2251, with a bag of Ring pulls and returned with another four women. They were given the same deal Rose had, though the sex training was participated in by everyone. The garden would be expanded and a few more rooms reclaimed, but besides that life would continue as normal for the next four years. That is the first year a slave caravan stopped by, staying the night. For the next three decades, life would continue like this, the girls gardening until they have a guest, buying what they don't make from the caravans and waiting for the rest. by 2287 some of the original girls have retired, buying replacements to take their place as they lounge about or look over the town ruins.
- (theme song) (screen switches to first class) Lisa: Thanks for taking us here Wendy Sandra: Yeah Candace is all alone in loser class Wendy: We ll I was gonna take just Lisa but then I remember if you and Candace are left alone one of you would be mutilated and considering Candace's height Sandra; Are you insulting my height? Wendy: No I didn't mean it like that Sandra; I was joking I get your point Lisa; Man I cant believe how far we made it Sandra: Yeah but we look like trash Wendy: Our hair is messed up the dark circles under our eyes Lisa: I know I'm surprised Chris hasn't killed us yet Sandra: Well it'll all be better soon Wendy: Yeah but I miss Ferb Sandra: I miss Soul Lisa: So do I Candace COnfessional: Those girls are leaving me in misery they will pay Lisa: SO where do you think we'll land Chris PA: Attention passenger we are now landing in Paris Wendy: I'm gonna guess France (screen switches to everyone outside the plane) Chris: Bonjour, welcome to Pari city of love and the Tower of Eiffel Lisa: Oh wow Chris: For today's challenge you need to climb to the top of the Tower of Eiffel on your designated sides Candace: So Chris: While stuff is pelting you Sandra: What stuff? Chris: It's a surprise (screen switches to everyone in their designated spot CHris: Now you wont know who wins Invincibility until tonight and (Chef blows a slide whistle) Sandra: Oh my gosh this is annoying (mud starts shooting) Lisa: Mud this is disgusting. Piano (Lisa goes inside the Eiffel TOwer avoiding the piano) Lisa: Luck that didn't run over me (screen switches to CHris, CHef, and, an intern) CHris: So listen we need you to test out the next challenge (intern gets crushed by piano) Wendy: I swear this is so painful Candace: I can't believe they shot a motorcycle at me what if I was killed Lisa: Snow? It's freezing Sandra: Good thing I'm wearing a sweatshirt Candace: This is so intense how am I gonna win this (intern is shot at her but she ducks) Candace; Next thing you know they will hit me with a goat (goat flies at her) Sandra; Why do I always get the donkey I mean like this thing could trample me Lisa: I get a deer? They have never had these on the show before, from what I know Wendy: I don't get why I get a kangaroo what are kangaroos doing in France well I guess it is better than a dingo Cnadace: This Lisa: Animal Wendy: Is Sandra: Insane (screen switches to CHris and Chef) Chris: What is a kangaroo doing in France Chef: Attacking Wendy Chris: Okay how did it get here Chef: He got on the plane in Australia Chris: Okay so what are we gonna do about the intern Chef: Leave him in the plane Chris: We are on TV Lisa: I finished Candace: Where did they get all this blood Sandra: This is not fun Wendy: I am almost there Sandra: I swear I'm gonna vomit Candace: I dont get why Chris having stuff pelting us Wendy: Finished Sandra: This is to get Candace out Candace: I'm gonna be out if I don't lose (Sandra vomits) Sandra: Uh the vomit is tasting better than what's hitting me Candace: I'm glad that goat is gone Sandra: Uh if I dont finish soon I will lose conciousness Candace: Finished Sandra: I'm done (passes out) (screen switches to CHris and Chef) Chris: I wonder what their doing up there Chef: They are done (screen switches to loser class) Lisa: Sandra wake up Sandra groans Lisa: Welll at least your alive Sandra: I'm awake Lisa: Are you okay? Sandra: No I'm sick Wendy: Well we know the plan Sandra & Lisa: Yes Candace Confessional: Uh those girls are plotting (screen switches to elimination room) CHris: Okay Candace receives 3 votes Candace: Oh Chris: But she won Invicibility so with one vote the person eliminated is Sandra Everyone but Candace: No Sandra: Bye guys Candace: Make sure your leg doesn't weigh you down (Sandra hits her with a rubberband) Candace: Ow Chris: Okay time to go Sandra: Make sure Candace does not win (jumps out) Chris: The Final 3 one will win the money and the others will go empty handed. Will Candace receive commupeance? Who will win? Find out next time on TOtal Drama WOrldWide (confessional) Candace: They will pay for their past Lisa: Candace should not be here and I will try so hard to make sure that doesn't happen Wendy: I know Candace won't win but to the other competitor Candace: Bring Lisa: It Wendy: On This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.