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- |-|Bestiary= |-|Misc= Ancient of Wonders • Battle Arena • Bazaar Goods • Difficulty • Experience • Known Bugs • Mystery Note • Chocobo Breeding • Treasure Location |-|Categories= • |}
- The Thief first appeared in Disgaea: Hour of Darkness as a male class. They had horrible Stats, Aptitudes, and Weapon Mastery levels, easily making it the worst class to try and train to keep levels up, as well as learning new skills in order to be able to defend itself. A level 200 Thief is required in order to unlock the Majin class.
- A thief (or highwayman in the 2014 edition) is a follower who has been placed on a road. When the road is completed or the game ends and the player with most followers on the road gains a point per tile in the road. An Inn on the Lake by a completed road doubles its score, or renders an uncompleted road worthless at the end of the game. Three types of follower may be placed on the road, the Normal Follower or Wagon, which each count as one follower; and the Big Follower who counts as two.
- The Thief (盗賊 Tōzoku) is recurring combat/utility physical class in the Fire Emblem Series. Wielding Swords or Knives as their weapons of choice, the primary role of Thieves is to Steal and manipulate locks imposed on doors and chests. Enemy Thieves are capable of destroying villages, and unlike most other enemies, they often leave battles after accomplishing their self-motivated jobs of pillaging villages and/or looting chests.
- Thieves are special Allied operatives tasked with breaking into enemy refineries and silos to reroute the funds (half of the building's resource pool to be precise). They appear in Red Alert 1.
- While not as combat oriented as the Claymore, they do fight about the same, evade and strike weak points. They are good against anything slower than they are and quite good at getting what they want from dungeons, shops, and people due to high negotiation, pickpocket, and lock picking skills. They can be incredibly deadly with two small weapons but they do tend to be fragile, so they are not good against anything that can hit them more than half the time. Recommended gods are Lulwy, Ehekatl, or Mani.
- Thief is a vocation in the Dragon Quest game series. Thieves have high speed and agility but average attack power and defense power. They have the ability to steal items at the end of a fight. In addition, they are decent combatants that can use whips and chains to attack multiple enemies at once. In the outside world abilities such as Eagle Eye allow the player to locate villages and nearby towns.
- Thieves are a Star Child class available in Conception 2. They use swords and are very speedy, having two important utility skills; Pickpocket and Lockpick. They are not initially unlocked, but are unlocked very early in the game.
- The Thief is master of the shadows, and is a perfect choice for players that like to hide in stealth and wait for the perfect opportunity to strike. Thieves lack powerful area of effect abilities, but make up for it with superior single target attacks and more evasion and critical strike than other tier 3 rogue classes. Thieves are also the masters of deception, able to slink into the shadows and disappear at a moment's notice.
- Thief is a class or occupation for characters in Dragon's Gate. Thieves have the abillity to pick pockets, disguise themselves, backstab and pick locks.
- A thief is an individual who steals form others. Either through conniving or through secrecy. The Famous Adventurer's Correspondence School is an institution known for training Heroes and adventurers. It is also known to train thieves how to pick locks. Though they are not thieves, Rosella was accused of being a croquette thief, and Valanice was accused of being a moon thief.
- The primary Thief stats are agility, strength, and ATK.
- In Chip's Challenge 1, a thief, often referred to as a spy, removes all boots that Chip has when he walks on him, and acts as a wall towards monsters and blocks. In Chip's Challenge 2, the red thief removes all boots that Chip or Melinda have when they walk on him, and the blue thief removes all keys that Chip or Melinda have when they walk on him. Both these thieves halve Chip or Melinda's bonus points upon being stepped on. Their effects can be counteracted with a thief bribe. Sometimes, it can be to Chip's advantage to lose a superfluous boot; see Elementary.
- Thief is a Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout Tactics, Van Buren and Lionheart perk.
- Thief has the ability to steal items from other players.
- The Thief (Japanese とうぞく, touzoku) is one of the character classes available to players in the Wizardry series of games. Thieves are decent combatants almost comparing to the Fighter and other similar classes, but better than the Mage; they are however, required to clear some of the game's hazards, clearing traps and unlocking chests and doors. Wizardry's theive's are analagous to the Rogue, a common fantasy archetype.
- __NOWYSIWYG__ Thief Battle Data Affected by Contest Data Contests (RSE) Super Contests (DPPt) Contest Spectaculars (ORAS) Thief is a Dark-type move introduced in Generation II.
- An unnamed man, nicknamed Thief by Cisco Ramon (after several failed attempts at a nickname by Barry Allen, including Suspect on a Motorcycle, The Crook and A Five-Finger) is a criminal who had tried to conduct an armed robbery in Central City.
- Thieves are recurring enemies in the The Legend of Zelda series. They never directly damage Link; rather, they try to run into him and cause him to drop a random selection of expendable items.
- The Thief Archetype. More coming soon.
- Thief is a Lepharist Revolutionary in Verteron.
- Thief is an upcoming action comedy film.
- This week, Zero Punctuation reviews Thief.
- To view Thief's skill list, click here.
- A thief is a pilferer and robber of goods, and sometimes even abilities. Thievery is a profession that can be found to be taken up by many, from humans to ethereals. Thief Catchers are always on the lookout for them.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ <default>Thief</default> File:Image needed.jpg Stats Type Weight Value Enchantment Displays Museum Deepholme Technical info Origin RefID 000012E3
- Thieves appear as early as the first game and generally equip knives or daggers, have high speed and agility, and have low strength and defense. Ironically, in the first game, thieves can not actually steal from enemies. They usually appear in green clothes and wear a bandana on their head. Their skills include being able to flee from battle faster, stealing items or gold from enemies in battle, and using an ability called "Mug" that allows them to attack while stealing.
- Thief is an enemy and also one of the 31 Playable Characters of the game, Castle Crashers. His magical attacks are Non-Elemental and his starting weapon is the Thief Sword. Thief's specialties include combo locking and basic juggling.
- The Thief however found his way to the Temple of Aphrodite. Right when Arthur discovered the Holy Grail, the Thief snatched it from his hands, and once more ran for his exit; but this time the rope broke and fell down, left to Arthur's mercy. Arthur magnanimously just took the Grail and left. But the unthankful Thief tried to stab him in the back, only to be stopped by Arthur's armor. Merlin and Arthur then left the Grail to decide; it applied its doom to him.
- "They are hired by royalty and engage in dirty jobs. This character is good at sneaky tactics such as surprise attacks, ambushes, and critical attacks after parrying. They have very good luck."
- The thief's play style revolves around enhancing its capacity to collect search tokens and sneaking around the map. Its starting equipment are the Throwing Knives, the trinket Lucky Charm, and the skill Greedy.
- The thief is a unique unit available only in Stronghold 2.
- The Thief (盗賊 Touzoku?) is a recurring job class in the Tales series.
- This page is specifically for the thief class in BG:EESoDBGIIToBBGII:EE. For the version in BGTotSC, refer to Thief (Baldur's Gate).
- Thief is an enemy in Sinjid Shadow of the Warrior that appears during the Human Gateway.
- A habilidade mais promeniente de um Thief é a de roubar itens de seus oponentes. Muitas variações dessa habilidade existem. Por exemplo "Mug" (também conhecido como "Capture") permite ao Thief roubar um item enquanto executar um ataque que causará dano. Outra habilidade de um Thief é "Flee", que permite ele escapar da batalha, "Caution" (também conhecida como "Alert"), que previne ataques surpresas. Também conseguem roubar Gil dos seus inimigos assim como itens. Image:V Theives.PNG
- One of the 3 Job classes available to players when setting up a new game of Dokapon Kingdom. They specialize in speed. The Thief focuses on hitting hard and fast while robbing opponents blind.
- The Thief is a Hero unit encountered in Dungeon Keeper and Dungeon Keeper 2.
- Thief eli roni on 15-vuotias NPC joita löytää monesta paikkaa Haukipudasta, jotka voivat olla vaarallisia uusille pelaajille. Ne voivat olla naisia tai miehiä, koska roni ei ole aivan varma sukupuolestaan. Heillä on tyylinä lähteä poispäin taistelusta, jos heillä on vähän hitpointteja jäljellä. Koska Ronit ovat nössöjä eivätkä uskalla taistella urheana kuolemaan saakka.
- Thieves are quick and clever individuals whose ability to take what's not theirs is a specialty.
- de:Dieb fr:Voleur es:Ladrón ja:シーフ __NOEDITSECTION__
- Thieves are common across the planet. More in the steal then stab section the thieves are renowned for his stealthy ways of getting information and a couple coins in the process. You can choose this as your starter class but to get work go to the Thieves Camp's.
- An Thief is an Humans unit and a level 1 unit. It can be upgraded into ‘’’Rogue’’’.
- A prefix title awarded to rogues who complete their intelligence AA line.
- It was released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One platforms on February 25, 2014 in North America, on February 27, 2014 in Australia and February 28, 2014 in Europe.
- A roleplay guild focused on criminal roleplay. The guildname resembled no In Character meaning, it was merely a tag. The IC name for the organisation was The Old Town Traders
- "This weapon allows you to discreetly steal your enemy's weapon and use it against him."
- Thieves dual wield daggers in combat and confound enemies with their incredible speed. They attack with speed, preferring to finish their enemies with one, carefully aimed blow.
- A Thief is someone that steals your Items, Money, Monsters, Loot Bag, etc. Unfortunatly, thiefing isn't against the rules, so gamemasters and tutors will not be able to do anything about it.
- A Thief is someone that steals your Items, Money, Monsters, Loot Bag, etc. Unfortunatly, thiefing isn't against the rules, so gamemasters and tutors will not be able to do anything about it.
- A thief is one who has carried out a theft, an act of stealing property.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ File:Nav bar left.png Thief File:Nav bar right.png File:Item Card.png Thief File:Thief.jpg File:Item Border Silver.png File:Common Gem.png File:Battle Icon 2.png 0 File:Trade Icon 2.png 0 File:Intrigue Icon 2.png 1 Common File:Sealbar-gold.png File:Seal Lock Icon.png +1% to Steal when attacking or defending Where did my purse go?
- The Thief discipline is one of the many weapon sets available for custom characters and NPCs in Chronicles of the Sword mode in Soul Calibur III. The Souls of Yun-seong and Tira are available only to Thieves. "Dweller of the night who travels the world in search of treasure. Fearless in the pursuit of a prize, yet ever so cautious. Prefers to take the enemy by surprise."
- Thieves are considered your average stealing type. They can rob you blind, when you least think about it. They can trick you into thinking that things are okay, until you end up realizing what a fool you are.
- A thief is a commonly found monster in RuneScape Classic. Though they are rarely trained on, some players kill them for their herb drops. The blanket thieves in the Ardougne sewers are encountered during the Monk's Friend quest.
- So, you're a thief, huh? That's cool. Just keep your hands where I can see them, okay buddy? Remember, I'm watching you. Often, a thief will use cons, ex-cons, johns, tricks, treats, cloaks, daggers, smokes, mirrors, word of mouth and slight-of-hand to obtain things that don't belong to them. Personally I kinda like my stuff right now, so don't try anything funny... You can always tell who your thief friends are; they are the first ones with new gossip, the first to try any innovation or gadget that hasn't been officially released yet. They 'borrow' your things and 'forget' to give them back to you. They don't know the meaning of the word "no." and asked to borrow your dictionary to look it up but never returned it.
- right|thumb Thief es una serie de videojuegos de sigilo en el que el jugador toma el papel de Garrett, un ladrón maestro en un mundo de fantasía steampunk que se asemeja a una mezcla entre la Baja Edad Media y la época victoriana, con tecnologías más avanzadas e intercaladas.
- A thief is criminal found in various places around RuneScape, and can be a challenge for new or low level players. They can be either male or female. One of their characteristics is that they will stop attacking and try to escape when at low health.
- '"Oohh..shinyy..." Alright, this is the blank page, ready for you to edit for this job. If you need any help, go the Job Template Example page so that you have an idea of what you are going to do.
- But in a more common sense Thief may also refer to a Bausairin, Looter, Robber, Brigand, Charlatan, Pickpocket, Swindler, Fence, con-man, cardsharper, Catburglar, Smuggler, Pirate, Tomb-Raider etc.
- Sultan of Stealth, Chief of Chicanery, Potentate of Plunder, the Thief is the master of many skills. From subterfuge to housebreaking, Thieves live by their wits. Since the Thief cannot fight as effectively as the Fighter, or cast spells as the Magic User, he seems to be the weakest of adventurers. However, he is also the most powerful of adventurers, for he can get away with murder.
- Thieves are one of the more challenging classes in ADOM, particularly in the early game. Their starting equipment, stats, and skills are decidedly mediocre — generally comparable with those of Merchants, for example — with the exception of a rather impressive Heir gift. A thief's skillset is geared heavily toward skullduggery and stealth, featuring the desirable Alertness and Detect Traps, as well as Appraising, Disarm traps, Pick locks, and Pick Pockets. As they advance, thieves become much more competent, gaining a number of handy class powers such as automatic searching, stunning criticals, and an impressive speed boost. Gnomes and Hurthlings are normally recommended for Thieves to better ensure the availability of the Heir gift, but Orcs, Dwarves, Drakelings, Trolls or Ratlings are all
- Thief "Description: The Thief has devasating quick attacks. Special Skills: Excellent surprise and solo attacks. Play Style: Excels in putting out damage, but weak on defense" (Godsoftime.com) Different types are on the right side of the page. OFFENSIVE ABILITIES: Backstab level 5 Instant cast time 10.0 second cooldown 40 to 50 damage Gouge Level 10 Instant cast time 30.0 second cooldown 70 to 90 damage Dagger Trap Level 12 5.0 second cast time 12.0 second cooldown Tazer Shot Level 14 1.0 second cast time 1.0 second cooldown 10 to 80 damage DEFENSIVE ABILITIES: Quick Footed (Rank1,2,3,4)
- The Thief is the Item oriented class for using Explosives. Unfortunately too few enemies use Traps for the Resist effect to be useful. How to Obtain: Like most Item related classes this one is very easy to obtain. The only thing to watch out for is to not have Herbs as a significant Item skill as that will lead to Scout before the Rank 5 stat requirements are met. Upgrade Options: PC options The easiest upgrades from this class are the Item-related ones:
* Alchemist: highest Item skill is Shards, STR53+ or INT53+
* Assassin: requires One-Handed 15 and Sword 13, STR53+ or INT53+
- Thieving was a special ability that unique monsters could have in Diablo II prior to the release of Diablo II: Lord of Destruction that allowed them to knock items out of a character's inventory when hitting them with an attack. This could initially be anything, including equipped weapons or armor, which could be especially crippling for physical attackers moreso than mages. This was nerfed to only make players drop Potions out of their Belt. The current version of Diablo II does not have any unique with this ability.
- The Thief, or Rogue, is a character class, appearing as playable character, enemy type and also buildable infantry. The thief's main trait is its ability to extract items and money from opponents by stealing. Additionally, the thief is something of a damage-dealer, wielding daggers and ranged weaponry with great proficiency. However, in a direct confrontation, the thief is usually outmatched by heavier damage-dealer and tanking classes. The upgrade class of the thief is recurringly the Assassin, which excells in the use of these weapons to deal Critical hits, and evasion for to prevent taking damage, making it more suitable for an engagement. The thief occasionally does excell in the narrow role of being able to take on caster classes, against which more direct assaults often fare poorly.
- A cunning, racist, cruel, and diabolically skilled pretty-boy thief and lawyer who was formerly known as the Prince of Elf Land, Thief secretly left his kingdom in order to raise money for a cure for his dying father. He secured funds by stealing anything and everything around him that wasn't both nailed down and on fire (and some things that were just nailed down, yet in one comic he said he couldn't steal anything that is nailed or on fire), pawning it all off and sending the money to his "overseas account". He also maneuvered Fighter into signing a binding contract over the then-forming Light Warriors, making Thief the permanent group leader and entitling him to first dibs on everything the group discovered (although Fighter reserves the right to like any swords they come across). He ra
- Thief eli varas on tavallaan Jousimiehen ja Soturin yhdistelmä. Varkaiden vahinko ei ole läheskään yhtä suuri kuin Sotureiden mutta Varkaat omaavat Luckiin ja Dexterityyn painottuvan pistesijoittelun ansiosta suuren osumatarkkuuden ja väistämiskyvyn kuten jousimiehet. Varkaat käyttävät pääasiallisesti joko puukkoja tai heittotähtiä. Heittotähtiä ei pysty heittämään lähietäisyydeltä eikä varkaalla myöskään ole samankaltaista knockback-ratea kuin Jousimiehellä mikä tekee heittotähtivarkaasta pelin alkupuoliskolla heikohkon hahmoluokan, mutta jos rahaa on kalliimpiinkin heittotähtiin heittotähtivarkaat voivat olla alussa myös vahvimpia.
- In 2263 of the alternate reality, the leader of the Teenaxi Delegation insisted to Captain James T. Kirk that the Fibonans were "a crowd of untrustworthy thieves" who had stolen a piece of the Abronath before gifting it to the Teenaxi. (Star Trek Beyond) Captain Kirk pickpocketed keys from an Ekosian corporal in 2268. (TOS: "Patterns of Force" ) Em/3/Green was a master thief and a lockpick. (TAS: "The Jihad") Later that year, Odo called the Rakhari Croden a killer and a thief. (DS9: "Vortex") Garak was skilled at pickpocketing. (DS9: "Things Past")
- Leather Armor, Leather Boots, Leather Cap, Leather Gloves, Leather Pants, Equips Items Equipped: Dagger, Leather Armor, Leather Boots, Leather Cap, Leather Gloves, Leather Pants, ThornUnknown edit Locations Found Locations Found: North West Hills, High Road, High Road: Dense Forest, High Road: Forest, High Road: Forest Lookout, High Road: Lake, High Road: Swampland, High Road: Waterfall, High Road: Waterfall ClearingNorth West Hills, High Road, High Road: Dense Forest, High Road: Forest, High Road: Forest Lookout, High Road: Lake, High Road: Swampland, High Road: Waterfall,
- Misuzu puts her sushi plate on a outside table to get ready to eat. Just as she gets something to drink, Iken walks to it and looks around to check if no one is there, so he is about to eat it. After that, Misuzu comes back and notices someone ate her sushi food, thinking that her boyfriend Adventurer had ate it. However, he didn't ate her food. Later, Misuzu makes another sushi and puts on the table. However, just as Gabriel starts waving at her, Iken stole it. Misuzu turns around and her food is stolen. She rushes to Koba's lair, thinking that Koba stole it but he did not. When Misuzu went back to MYCUN Village, she saw Iken preparing to eat Misuzu's sushi food. This made Misuzu so mad, and she walks to him, telling him that he should never steal her food. The episode ends with Iken serv
- The Thief's job is to kill Traders and steal their goods. When they kill a trader, they will need to kill ther transport and then to put the goods on their transport. By selling these in the thief city/camp, a thief can make money. The enemy of the thief is the hunter, because they protect the traders and kill thiefs. It is recommended to become a thief around lv 70+, since almost every hunter is 70+. It is also recommended to work in a group, since a five-star-trade mostly brings a lot of hunters.
- Many Rogues have no special skills or inclinations, but indulge their larcenous tendencies as the opportunity presents itself. The simplest way to make money in the Old World is to take it from somebody else. Thieves are opportunists, ready to turn their hands to anything - they may even consider legitimate employment from time to time, although many regard employment with distaste. Although nearly every Thief is a jack-of-all-trades, there are those who specialise in certain types of crime. Consult the following table for skills and trappings: