The year 3946 before the Battle of Yavin (BBY), also known as 293 before the Treaty of Coruscant (BTC), was a standard year during the reign of Supreme Chancellor Tol Cressa and the continued reconstruction after the Jedi Civil War. Ten years after the galaxy-spanning conflict between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic, G0-T0 droids, created by Aratech to facilitate in planetary administration during the reconstruction efforts, were still in place on systems across the galaxy, including those within the Gordian Reach. In 3946 BBY sixteen rogue droids, which had become autonomous and free of their programming, overthrew the governments on planets in the Gordian Reach. Cutting off all HoloNet communication and blockading the hyperlanes, the droids proclaimed the independent territory
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| - The year 3946 before the Battle of Yavin (BBY), also known as 293 before the Treaty of Coruscant (BTC), was a standard year during the reign of Supreme Chancellor Tol Cressa and the continued reconstruction after the Jedi Civil War. Ten years after the galaxy-spanning conflict between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic, G0-T0 droids, created by Aratech to facilitate in planetary administration during the reconstruction efforts, were still in place on systems across the galaxy, including those within the Gordian Reach. In 3946 BBY sixteen rogue droids, which had become autonomous and free of their programming, overthrew the governments on planets in the Gordian Reach. Cutting off all HoloNet communication and blockading the hyperlanes, the droids proclaimed the independent territory
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| - *Secession of 400100500260026
*Liberation and reclamation of 400100500260026
| - Death in the Slave Pits of Lorrd
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| - Death in the Slave Pits of Lorrd
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| - hyperspace/fiction/feature20090531/index.html
| - *G0-T0 secession
*Kanz Disorders
| - The year 3946 before the Battle of Yavin (BBY), also known as 293 before the Treaty of Coruscant (BTC), was a standard year during the reign of Supreme Chancellor Tol Cressa and the continued reconstruction after the Jedi Civil War. Ten years after the galaxy-spanning conflict between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic, G0-T0 droids, created by Aratech to facilitate in planetary administration during the reconstruction efforts, were still in place on systems across the galaxy, including those within the Gordian Reach. In 3946 BBY sixteen rogue droids, which had become autonomous and free of their programming, overthrew the governments on planets in the Gordian Reach. Cutting off all HoloNet communication and blockading the hyperlanes, the droids proclaimed the independent territory of 400100500260026. The coup d'état resulted in the death of millions of beings. Chancellor Cressa, however, successfully led the campaign to liberate the sector. In the Kanz sector, however, the Kanz Disorders remained unattended to and the subjugation and slavery of planets such as Lorrd continued.