| - Little is known of the origin of weretigers. The species is hereditary, but a weretiger can also be created, if someone is bitten or scratched by an existing natural weretiger. These transformed weretigers will be visibly different, as they will be smaller in their wereform and will also have different eyes. It is known that the trigger for initial shifting is usually happiness.
- The weretigers are one of a number of types of lycanthropes, humans inflicted with a supernatural virus which allows them to take the the power and appearance of a specific species of animal, in this case, tiger. They are a matriarchal society (led by a woman/queen), unlike most of the other lycanthrope societies which are patriarchal (led by a male/king).
| - The weretigers are one of a number of types of lycanthropes, humans inflicted with a supernatural virus which allows them to take the the power and appearance of a specific species of animal, in this case, tiger. Tiger lycanthropy is one of the harder-to-catch strains, and the weretiger culture sees attacking outsiders as an abomination. Being given tiger lycanthropy is seen as a reward for a job well done, and they think it is a sin to give it to someone not worthy. It is also one of the few forms of lycanthropy that can be inherited, as well as caught. Consequently the weretiger culture is strongly divided into pureblood clan tigers, who are inherited lycanthropes, and attacked ones, whose coloring matches natural tigers. However, according to the Mother of All Darkness, all of the clans started off as survivors of attacks, and have just forgotten this because the power breeds true. It is hinted that the Yellow Clan might still possess this power of spreading all strains of tiger lycanthropy, which could explain why Anita caught all of them, although there are too few recorded survivors of yellow tiger attacks to draw any conclusions. Tigers tend not to announce they are infected, and entire families may stay in "the closet" for generations. Intermarriage is common in order to keep the bloodlines pure, and forced marriages between clan members aren't unheard of. Most weretigers have arranged marriages, and they have been known to abduct known tigers if an arranged marriage cannot be done. There used to be only four known clans of tigers within the United States, and they all kept mostly to themselves, although as the series proceeds we meet tigers from all five clans. They are a matriarchal society (led by a woman/queen), unlike most of the other lycanthrope societies which are patriarchal (led by a male/king).
- Little is known of the origin of weretigers. The species is hereditary, but a weretiger can also be created, if someone is bitten or scratched by an existing natural weretiger. These transformed weretigers will be visibly different, as they will be smaller in their wereform and will also have different eyes. It is known that the trigger for initial shifting is usually happiness.