| - The unarmed Transport Galleon is the second transport ship and automatically upgrades from the Transport Barge, once a nation has entered the File:Gunpowder age small.jpg Gunpowder Age. Along with the upgrade, the ship gets an increase of 40 hit points for a total of 90. Not that it would help all that much: Like its predecessor, it still moves fairly slowly and is extremely vulnerable to most attacks, especially from light ships (like Corvettes and Sloops) and garrisoned defense structures. Therefore, landing operations should always be secured by warships and the coastline should be cleared of any towers, forts and city garrisons before the landing force arrives.
| - The unarmed Transport Galleon is the second transport ship and automatically upgrades from the Transport Barge, once a nation has entered the File:Gunpowder age small.jpg Gunpowder Age. Along with the upgrade, the ship gets an increase of 40 hit points for a total of 90. Not that it would help all that much: Like its predecessor, it still moves fairly slowly and is extremely vulnerable to most attacks, especially from light ships (like Corvettes and Sloops) and garrisoned defense structures. Therefore, landing operations should always be secured by warships and the coastline should be cleared of any towers, forts and city garrisons before the landing force arrives. Like all transport ships, Transport Galleons cannot be built – a land unit will automatically embark on a transport vessel, when ordered to cross the sea (e.g. ordered to move to another landmass). However, a nation must have researched File:Science Research Icon.png Science 1 (Written Word) and own at least one Dock to make sea transports possible in the first place. The unit's hit point percentage is transferred to the transport. For as long as a unit is embarked, it cannot attack nor use any of its active or passive abilities. Transport vessels profit from a connected Copper resource (+20% hit points) and from Whales (+20% speed for sailing ships), but for some reason not from Citrus (heals ships at sea). However, they can be healed/repaired by a Supply Wagon, if the nation is French or owns the Versailles wonder.