| - This is the list of the LEGO Indiana Jones Character in Another (anime) (yeah, I'm a big fan of Another [anime] and, yes, it's not only IJ characters):
* Indiana Jones: 1.
* Original: Indiana Sakakibara (Indiana-kun, Sakakibara-kun, Sakaki), leader of Team of Countermeasures. 2.
* Desert Bandit Disguised: Indiana "Cairo" Jones (Cairo-kun [pronounced: Keiro-kun]), join the Countermeasures Team after the class trip. 3.
* Tuxedo: Indiana "Tuxedo" Jones (Tuxedo-kun [pronounce: Tuksido-kun]), died during the class trip - stabbed in the neck by Junior. 4.
* Kali Temple: Indiana "Kaly" Jones (Kaliran-kun), died during the class trip - stabbed in the back by Junior. 5.
* Young Indy: Indiana Jones Jr. (Junior-kun), died during the class trip - knocked out by Mola Ram 6.
* Professor: Prof. Indiana Jones (Indiana-sensei, Indiana-senpai), died during the class trip - killed by glass shards caused by lightning strike.
* Han Solo: Han Solo Misaki (Han Solo-kun, Misaki-kun), has a collapse lung. Join the Countermeasures Team once he's transfered into class IJ-SW.
* Fedora Garth: Fedora-kun, Fedora-senpai (rarely), senior of Team of Countermeasures. Has a problem with his lungs.
* Thuggee Slave Driver: TSD-kun (pronounced: Tiiesdii-kun), part of the Countermeasures Team.
* Short Round: Mizuno Wan Li (Wanli-kun, Shorty-kun, Mizuno-kun), class officer of class IJ-SW. Join the Countermeasures Team after the homeroom teacher of class IJ-SW suicide.
* Maharajah: Mizuno Maharajah (Mizuno-kun, Maharajah-kun), vice class officer of class IJ-SW. Died during the class trip - break his neck from balcony by accident.
* Boy scout: Herman Scout, Herman Garth (Hermana-kun), Fedora's son. Died in May - implied in neck by his own umbrella's tip.
* Walter Donovan: Takabayashi Donovan (Takabayashi-kun, Donovan-kun), Has a heart condition. Died in June - heart attack.
* Marcus Brody: Takabayashi Marcus (Takabayashi-kun, Marcus-kun), Walter's younger brother. Died in July - crashed by a speedboat during the summer break.
* Colonel Deistrict: Deistrict-kun, one of class IJ-SW student.
* Major Toth: Tohoto-kun, one of class IJ-SW student. Stabbed in the back by the mansion manager during the class trip, but survive.
* Colonel Vogel: Vogurru-kun, one of class IJ-SW student. Has an astma.
* Elsa Schenider: Elsa-san, Walter's girlfriend. Died during the class trip - hanged in celling.
* Irina Spalko: Irina-san, one of class IJ-SW student.
* Rene Belloq: Rene-kun, one of class IJ-SW student.
* Mac McHale: Harru-kun, one of class IJ-SW student.
* Harold Oxley: Oxley-kun, one of class IJ-SW student.
* Mola Ram: Rama-kun, one of class IJ-SW student.
* Charter Lal: Charta-kun, one of class IJ-SW student. Died during the class trip - burnt by the housefire.
* Kao Kan: Kao-kun, one of class IJ-SW student. Died along with his family in July - car accident.
* Wu Han: Hana-kun, replacing Kao Kan in the class trip, since he died because a car accident.
* Colonel Dovchenko: Dovchenko-sensei, homeroom teacher of class IJ-SW. Died in July - suicide in front of the class.
* Henry Jones Sr.: Henriana-kun, Ria-sensei, vice homeroom teacher of class IJ-SW. Found out to be the extra one.
* Mutt Williams: Muttaa Sakakibara (Muttaa-kun), off in vacation with his mother in Caribbean.
* Marion Ravenwood: Mari Sakakibara (Mari-san), off in vacation with her son in Caribbean.
* Satipo: Mizuno Satipo (Satipo-kun, Mizuno-kun), nurse in the LEGO Hospital in charge for children (recently Han Solo). Shorty's father. Died in June - crashed by elevator.
* Willie Scott: Wilhelmia Mizuno (Willie-san, Mizuno-san), Satipo's wife. Died in July - crashed by excavator.
* Oliver Wood: Olee-kun, student of class HP. Offers help for the Countermeasures Team before the summer break.
* Dick Grayson: Duraiku Gakuen (Duraiku-kun), student of class DC-Marvel. Offers help for the Countermeasures Team before the summer break.
* Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon: Machizawa Ogawa (Machizawa-kun, Ogawa-kun), Shorty's best friend from Ninjago, currently a waiter in Nioga cafe. His father, Lord Garmadon/Machizawa Nakao, is the extra one in 1998.
* Kai: Tetsuya Kai (Tetsuya-kun), Grayson's known-to-be adoptive brother, currently a waiter in Nioga cafe.
* Jay Walker: Aizawa Ai (Aizawa-san, Ai-san, Aizawa-kun), Oliver's friend from Ninjago, currently a waiter in Nioga cafe.
* Zane Julien: Yomiyama Makoto (Yomi-san, Makoto-san, Yomiyama-kun), waiter in Nioga cafe.
* Cole: Kouichi Misaki ("Cole"ichi-kun, Kouichi-kun, Misaki-kun), waiter in Nioga cafe. He seems to have experience with the curse of class IJ-SW (previously class Ninjago).
* Sensei Wu: Machizawa Wu (Machizawa-sensei, Machizawa-kun, Wuu-kun [rarely]), owner of Nioga cafe and Lloyd's parental uncle. He stops the curse for a year in 1998.
* Nya: Tetsuya Yamada (Tetsuya-san, Yamada-san, Nya-san), Kai's sister. Currently live in Tia Dalma's hut in Palegosto.
* Lou: Fujioka Lou (Fujioka-kun), Cole's father. A librarian and, after Dovchenko's death, homeroom teacher of class IJ-SW for a while.
* Luke Skywalker: Lukaa Misaki (Lukaa-san), Han Solo's friend.
* Leia Amidala: Leia-san, Luke's sister and Han solo's wife. She currently live with Nya in Palegosto.