| - Note - this is a character from History who appears in the Eagle series of novels - do not include historical facts that might be 'Spoilers'.
- Vespasian was an Emperor. Indiana Jones owned a miniature replica of his bust.
- Vespasian var en manlig Tau'ri som levde i Rom under antiken. Julius Caesar berättade för R.J. Harrison som var fångad Caesar. Caesar berättade Colosseum var byggd ett århundrade efter hans livstid av Vespasian och Titus. (INF: "Museum")
- Metellus Publius Vespasian.
- Vespasian was a moon-faced man who rose to become Roman Emperor although not, as far as we know, on account of his lunar looks. He founded a dynasty known as the Flava-Flavian Emperors that was to last a good couple of decades; quite an achievement for Roman imperial dynasties of the time. Although he is probably best known now for building the Colosseum in Rome he was better known at the time for taxing Roman's wee. Really.
- Following the Cleansing of Laeran, the rot of Chaotic corruption had begun to spread throughout the entirety of the IIIrd Legion. Lord Commander Vespasian, one of two officers with the rank of Lord Commander within the rigid hierarchy of the Emperor's Children, staunchly adhered to his Legion's ethos of perfection through honour, refusing to allow himself to fall to the rampant hubris and arrogance that had become more common within the ranks of the IIIrd Legion as the Great Crusade progressed. Over the course of many months, Vespasian consulted other like-minded Battle-Brothers within the Legion, including the 2nd Company Captain Solomon Demeter, about his growing concerns and fears for the future of the Legion.
- thumb|234px|Lord Comandante Vespasian Vespasian era uno de los dos Lords Comandantes de la Legión de Marines Espaciales de los Hijos del Emperador durante la Gran Cruzada. Los Hijos del Emperador estaban asignados a la 28ª Flota Expedicionaria. Vespasian dirigió las operaciones en Veintiocho Tres, un planeta también conocido como Laer, en la campaña que luego sería llamada la Purga de Laeran. Sin que los Hijos del Emperador lo supieran, los Laer eran adoradores del Caos.
| - Note - this is a character from History who appears in the Eagle series of novels - do not include historical facts that might be 'Spoilers'.
- Following the Cleansing of Laeran, the rot of Chaotic corruption had begun to spread throughout the entirety of the IIIrd Legion. Lord Commander Vespasian, one of two officers with the rank of Lord Commander within the rigid hierarchy of the Emperor's Children, staunchly adhered to his Legion's ethos of perfection through honour, refusing to allow himself to fall to the rampant hubris and arrogance that had become more common within the ranks of the IIIrd Legion as the Great Crusade progressed. Over the course of many months, Vespasian consulted other like-minded Battle-Brothers within the Legion, including the 2nd Company Captain Solomon Demeter, about his growing concerns and fears for the future of the Legion. Vespasian was present during the meeting between Ulthwé Craftworld Farseer Eldrad Ulthran and his Primarch Fulgrim upon the Eldar Maiden World of Tarsus. He had heard the the dire warning presented to them of the Warmaster Horus' corruption by the then-unknown Ruinous Powers of Chaos and the inevitable rebellion and civil war that would follow. The Primarch had rejected such accusations outright. Influenced by his Laer daemonblade, Fulgrim ordered his delegation to attack the seditious xenos. Lord Commander Vespasian reluctantly followed his Primarch's orders and destroyed Tarsus and the rest of the Eldar Maiden Worlds the 28th Expeditionary Fleet had recently encountered using Exterminatus. Weeks later, Fulgrim's fleet was ordered by the Council of Terra to rendezvous with Horus' 63rd Expeditionary Fleet to inquire about reports of the Luna Wolves; recent conduct and acquire information in regards to the grave injuries Horus had sustained on Davin's feral moon. Vespasian was excluded from this delegation to the Warmaster, further demonstrating the growing rift between the Lord Commander and his Primarch Fulgrim. Following this visit to the 63rd Expeditionary Fleet, Fulgrim announced to his senior commanders that he would lead a small force to join Ferrus Manus and his Xth Legion at Callinedes IV in the Callinedes System under the pretense of clearing it of an Ork infestation. The rest of the Legion would rendezvous with the Warmaster's 63rd Expeditionary Fleet at the Istvaan System to halt a growing rebellion. But the IIIrd Legion wasn't to fight alone, for they were to deploy alongside the Death Guard and the World Eaters. Though the men of his Legion cheered in adulation at the prospect of fighting with their brother Astartes, Fulgrim's amusement turned instantly to sorrow as he understood that, but for Vespasian’s stubbornness, a great many of these warriors would have made a fine addition to the army of Horus's planned crusade against the Emperor. Vespasian's refusal to allow his men to sample the heady delights of Chief Apothecary Fabius's chemical stimulants and surgical alterations, had condemned the warriors under his command to death in Horus's trap on Istvaan III since they could not be trusted to betray the Emperor. Fulgrim realised he should have disposed of Vespasian much sooner, and the mixture of guilt and excitement at the deaths he had set in motion proved to be a potent cocktail of sensations. When the planned massacre on Istvaan III was done, the Loyalist chaff would have been cut from Horus's forces, and they would be a sharpened blade aimed at the heart of the corrupt Imperium. Vespasian met his end after the operation conducted by the IIIrd Legion to cleanse Callinedes. The Lord Commander was denied audience with the Primarch, a most unusual occurrence, after numerous requests. A dark shroud had hung over Vespasian ever since the battle on the deep orbital of the Callinedes System. The Primarch spearheaded the assault during the pacification of the Diasporex's Deep Orbital DS191, leading the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Companies. During the assault, Captain Solomon Demeter, commander of the Emperor's Children's 2nd Company, found himself unsupported by the 1st and 3rd Companies as the battle-plan had required. Overextended and in real danger of being cut off and destroyed, the 2nd Company was only saved from certain destruction by the unplanned and timely arrival of the 10th and 13th Companies under the commands of Captains Saul Tarvitz and Lucius, two junior officers that Demeter had found himself associating more and more with as he was systematically frozen out by the IIIrd Legion's high command. A dark shroud had hung over Vespasian since witnessing these events and he felt obliged to act after he observed Solomon Demeter's 2nd Company being intentionally abandoned by both Captain Kaesoron's and Vairosean's companies. Within hours, the 2nd Company was in transit to the Istvaan System to rendezvous with the three other Legions to pacify the rebellious world of Istvaan III. Finally seizing the opportune moment, Vespasian confronted Fulgrim in his stateroom on his flagship, the Pride of the Emperor, over the growing corruption and decay of the IIIrd Legion's ideals. The Lord Commander discovered, much too late, the malign influence of Chaos that had held sway over his Primarch. With the sibilant whispers of the daemon-possessed Laer sword urging him on, Fulgrim murdered Vespasian in cold blood by stabbing him in the neck with the Kinebrach Anathame that had been gifted to him by Horus.
- Vespasian was an Emperor. Indiana Jones owned a miniature replica of his bust.
- thumb|234px|Lord Comandante Vespasian Vespasian era uno de los dos Lords Comandantes de la Legión de Marines Espaciales de los Hijos del Emperador durante la Gran Cruzada. Los Hijos del Emperador estaban asignados a la 28ª Flota Expedicionaria. Descrito como de rasgos clásicos, Vespasian era uno de los mayores guerreros de los Hijos del Emperador. Según el Primer Capitán Julius Kaesoron, era controlado, agraciado y extremadamente letal. Los guerreros que seguían a Vespasian seguirían su ejemplo en todas las cosas. Como modelo a seguir, Vespasian dio ejemplo de cómo alcanzar la perfección mediante la pureza de propósito. Su fuerte sentido de la moral era un severo contraste respecto a su menos virtuoso homólogo, el otro Lord Comandante de la Legión, Eidolon. Vespasian dirigió las operaciones en Veintiocho Tres, un planeta también conocido como Laer, en la campaña que luego sería llamada la Purga de Laeran. Sin que los Hijos del Emperador lo supieran, los Laer eran adoradores del Caos. Tras la Purga de Laeran, la corrupción del Caos empezó a extenderse por los Hijos del Emperador. Vespasian, apegado incondicionalmente a su ética, resistió la arrogancia que ahora se podía encontrar en toda la Legión. Ignorante de la existencia del Caos, durante las siguientes semanas y meses Vespasian consultó a otros miembros de la Legión que pensaban como él, incluyendo al Capitán de la II Compañía Solomon Demeter, sobre su creciente preocupación. Vespasian estuvo presente en Tarsus, un Mundo Doncella Eldar, durante un encuentro con Eldrad Ulthran, Vidente del Mundo Astronave Ulthwé. Durante esta conferencia, los Eldar advirtieron a Fulgrim y a su delegación de la caída de Horus al Caos y de la futura rebelión. Fulgrim rechazó de plano las acusaciones de los Eldar, y el encuentro acabó con una batalla. Vespasian destruyó con reticencia Tarsus y el resto de Mundos Doncella que la Legión había encontrado recientemente mediante bombas víricas, siguiendo órdenes de Fulgrim. Semanas más tarde, la 28ª Expedición se reunió con la 63ª, de Horus, siguiendo instrucciones del Consejo de Terra. Fulgrim había recibido órdenes de interrogar al Señor de la Guerra sobre los informes que Terra había recibido sobre la conducta de la 63ª Flota Expedicionaria, y sobre las graves heridas sufridas por Horus en la luna de Davin. Vespasian no fue incluido en la delegación que se reunió con Horus, remarcando aún más la creciente separación entre Vespasian y su Primarca. Vespasian encontró su fin tras una operación llevada a cabo por la III Legión para limpiar la Estación Orbital Profunda DS109 en el sistema Callinedes de una infestación Orka. Al serle negada extrañamente una reunión con Fulgrim a pesar de sus numerosas solicitudes, Vespasian se sintió obligado a actuar cuando vio que la 2ª Compañía de Solomon Demeter era abandonada intencionadamente. Aprovechando el momento, Vespasian se enfrentó a Fulgrim en sus aposentos por la creciente corrupción y decadencia de los ideales sobre los que la Legión había sido fundada. Para su horror, Vespasian descubrió demasiado tarde la influencia que el Caos tenía sobre su Primarca. Entonces, Fulgrim lo asesinó apuñalándole en el cuello con el Anatham.
- Vespasian var en manlig Tau'ri som levde i Rom under antiken. Julius Caesar berättade för R.J. Harrison som var fångad Caesar. Caesar berättade Colosseum var byggd ett århundrade efter hans livstid av Vespasian och Titus. (INF: "Museum")
- Metellus Publius Vespasian.
- Vespasian was a moon-faced man who rose to become Roman Emperor although not, as far as we know, on account of his lunar looks. He founded a dynasty known as the Flava-Flavian Emperors that was to last a good couple of decades; quite an achievement for Roman imperial dynasties of the time. Although he is probably best known now for building the Colosseum in Rome he was better known at the time for taxing Roman's wee. Really.