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- CupCake is a character in Rise of the Guardians, and Dominique Grund is the voice of her.
- Ted and Victoria must decide the future of their relationship when she is offered a fellowship in Germany. Barney takes Marshall to buy a new suit. Robin and Victoria accompany Lily to try on wedding dresses.
- Cupcake is one of the "hungry" dogs Chad "feeds" in his spare time. Chad said when he saw Cupcake it reminded him of Sonny. Apparently, Cupcake is a rental dog of $1 per minute ($60 per hour). Chad rented him in order to appear "kind and caring" in front of Santiago Heraldo during Sonny's interview in the episode "Fast Friends." Sonny loves Cupcake and was shocked to hear that Chad was using the dog to get to her press.
- A cupcake is a small cake designed to serve one person, which may be baked in a small thin paper or aluminum cup. As with larger cakes, frosting and other cake decorations, such as sprinkles, are common on cupcakes. Cupcakes were served to Nerus at Area 51 and then used, when he packed them as a snack, to plant a Subspace tracking device on him. (SG1: "Off the Grid")
- She was first introduced in Episode 18.
- When fed to a pet, the Cupcake gives +20 hunger.
- File:Cake jailbreak mini.png Collect 28 (4/8/16) to get Orange Peel
- Cupcake was a member of The Widow Twanky's dance troupe, the Twanky Tulips. She had a love of sweet foods and animals. When Autolycus was in disguise as Autolyca he learned as much as he could about Cupcake, later using it to his advantage when he tried to woo her (HTLJ "Men in Pink"). Later, in a plot to steal the Sapphire of Antioch, Autolycus disguised Cupcake as a princess. He intended her to be a distraction for Prince Alexandros so he could commit the theft, instead, Cupcake and Alexandros fell in love and she became princess of Antioch (HTLJ "My Fair Cupcake").
- Cupcake is an Ivysaur and Sugar Gem's starter Pokémon.
- Cupcake is a blocker in Candy Crush Jelly Saga. It first appears in the Cupcake Crest. The first level in which it is featured is level 23.
- Cupcake was a class hamster at Oakridge Elementary School, who perished in the 8th season premiere.
- Pusia jest białą kotką,której właścicielką jest Phoebe. Pojawia się tylko w niektórych odcinkach. Podobnie jak Pan Kot lubi jeść rybne mini chrupki. Zazwyczaj jest smutna i markotna. Kategoria:Postacie Kategoria:Postacie z serialu Dzieciak kontra Kot
- The enduring popularity of the cupcake is a testament to the essential madness of the human race.
- The cupcake is a trinket that was obtained by opening a mystery box. An ice cupcake was available during the Ice Mystery Box Promotion in January 2013. A spring green cupcake was available during the Spring Green Promotion in March 2013. The ice cupcake was available in the following colors:
- The Cupcake is the Throw gag. It precedes the Fruit Pie Slice.
- Cupcake is a fictional animal character in the Hey Arnold! TV Series. He is a chocolate-colored blue-eyed kitten found by Arnold in a dumpster and adopted by Harold. When Arnold found out that the kitten was lost by Mrs. Ryle (who calls him Thurston), Harold refused to give him back. Returning Cupcake/Thurston to his owner required help of police, animal control service, and Arnold. Harold named the cat 'Cupcake' because he looked like a "chocolate cupcake with a cream filling"... (See Hostess Cupcakes)
- There are two main reasons why they are called "cupcakes". One reason is because they are baked in paper cases. The other reason is their ingredients are measured in mass, as opposed to in weight like pound cakes are. Cupcakes cook more quickly than full sized cakes. They can provide portion control. When you serve cupcakes, it's not as obvious if someone has one early as with a cake. Also, you can serve a mix of different flavors or colors more easily. Small, boutique cupcake shops have become popular in the U.S.A. recently.
- Not to be confused with Muffins Cupcakes are important items in the Mario games, specially in Mario Mart where they cost a lot of money. During the RPG games Cupcakes heal 100 HP. Bowser secretly has a Cupcake below his pillow. However, not everybody likes Cupcakes, as Evil Guy hates them, and he always attempts to destroy them. It turns out he hates them because one day he had to go the bathroom while eating Cupcakes, he couldn't make it, so he blamed the Cupcakes. Some guy named Mecha-Wario likes tho eat ones filled with Cheese.
- A cupcake was a form of baked food that originated with Human civilizations on Earth, a single-serving cake that is baked in a small cup-sized container. Cupcakes are often frosted with sugary toppings, just as full sized cakes are. When used in reference to people, it usually functions either as a term of endearment or of belittlement. In 2380, after Fred MacDougan addressed his wife, Ashanté Phiri, as "darling" she retorted by calling him "cupcake" in her response. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation)