| - The evening rushed upon the Soul Society, retreating Shinigami and Souls had begun to gain comfort in the interiors of their homes. The wind had a certain edge to it today. Sweeping across the horizon, it even made the virtually untouchable, Gaika Shihōin to shiver today. Gaika was a man of prestige and modesty, his lean, but well toned physique, illuminating blue eyes, shining locks of blue hair draping near his face all gave him the air of a nobleman. Standing in an almost frustrated position, he wore his shikahusho with pride. Consisting of a long-sleeved black kosode, with large bell sleeves that reach down to his lower forearm, but not directly at his wrist. Under this, he wore a black, sleeveless tank top, which is rather similar to the Keisen uniform, albeit with the back still in-tact. He wore a simple pair of black hakama, and a sky-blue obi sash tied around his waist, which he kept his katana hung at it's left. Finally, he clad black gloves on his hands and he adorned completely black leather shoes. Gaika was frustrated. His long-time friend, finally came back to the Soul Society, and, he didn't even have time, to say a simple "hello". He even accepted the damn invitation, yet as usual, he was always late. Gaika, simply muttered to himself." Honestly, that stupid guy. He must be busy with his girlfriend again!" A harsh tone and although low, it was clearly an insult, and he reinforced it with his facial expression, that clearly wrote that he was annoyed. From the corner of a well packed diner hall, entered a man donning a white haori thrown over his shoulder at draped across his body. With a blank face, he scanned the room with his mature looking face, and sharp muscular features he stood out among the others in the room who were all bearing robes accustomed to that of a standard second Division Shinigami. Entering with multiple emotions flickering through him, Ryōiki placed on a well hidden facade of a welcoming aura. Bypassing his normal stage of his introverted persona, he approached and calmly greeted his friend Gaika, "sorry for the delay, just like old times" he said following a smile. Pausing, he sat in the benched table looking across it to Gaika, before he slowly looked around him "...Man, three hundred years is a long time pal. I've missed you, and I wonder what my pal has been up to in the last century or so" he said following a small chuckle, clearly it was half-assed because of the concern that he was feeling deep within his soul. "Listen, Gaika. I left to keep those I care about out of harms way...I had no idea it would possibly end up like this. I've been through Hell in back to get to where I stand now, and I am happy to say that I have lived long enough to see my best friend once again." His words sincere and clear, he spoke loudly just as a Captain should his warm gaze looked back at Gaika, hoping to feel a rapport; maybe Gaika would understand why he left, although it would be impossible to feel sympathy with the former prisoner as the Hell he escaped it beyond means of comprehension. "So tell, Mr. Shihōin. How has things been going for you?" Gaika, still visibly irritated, reluctantly took the seat that was offered to him. However, in only moments, Gaika's frown became a small smile. No matter how he looked externally, Gaika was delighted that his old friend was back, and was safe. He merely told Ryōiki, " Yep, this is just like old times isn't it? Haha." Gaika was chuckling, something he would uncommonly do. But, he quickly regained a slightly more serious composure. His expression showed sympathy, but, regrettably, he could never understand what his best friend went through. But, he did say," I'm sorry..." However, he knew Ryōiki hated sad situations, so he quickly turned the conversation around. Telling him," Guess what, I'm promoted! I have the position of 3rd Seat, and the commander of the Nest of Maggots!." "Ha! Great, great, my friends. Very good" he said, following a loud hearty chukle that ensued for several seconds, catching the attention of many others who happened to be in the diner at the time. Somewhat overzealous and overexaggerating his laugh, he unusually lengthened his laugh for some time before stopping. Appearing to find comfort, he glanced at his haori. "Well, you probably weren't at my ceremony" he said quietly, but you can see can't ya." he said. "We've both come a longs way since the old days at the Academy haven't we"...Ryōiki finals words lingered, his tone fell off and became weak and his voice trailed away as he lost concern on the topic, clearly distressed about something else. He stood blank and quiet, not answering or moving at all, he remained silent right after his sentence ended and trailed away. Losing focus, he stared at his fingers, and the thumbs that were twirling around each other rapidly. Keeping his new decision within the ripples of secrecy, he remained quiet so that Gaika may answer, but the pounding of Ryōiki's large foot could be heard easily as it beated against the ground time and time again. Gaika sighed, he hit his best friend on the head with a quick palm strike, and then lectured him." Why are you so depressed? Yes, we've come a looong way from the Academy, but, does it really matter? We're still friends aren't we? I believe that it's enough for us, alright? So cheer up!" Gaika told him, smiling again, and quickly asked him." So, you fought the Kidō Corps Captain? Captain Jinkou?" "Oh, yea! He said, as a frown hidden underneath a fake smile suffused itself onto his face. His voice snapped as a raspy whisper that came from his throat. "It was sort of a welcoming bout" he hissed, "but I was still wounded from my battle with Sabishii and Midori wasn't trying nearly her hardest." he admitted. "...S-Sabishii was the warden who kept me imprisoned." Meanwhile, the steady hum from Ryōiki's feet battering the ground, became a slow undulating one as he slowly entered a stage of tranquility and ease while around Gaika, yet he knew eventually he would have to ask him. "..G-gaika..? I must ask you something?" Gaika was nearly astonished at this. His friend was brought down to such a level! By a fellow captain at that!? Was there really such a difference in sheer skill between the two? Nobody would know. However, Gaika responded to Ryōiki's stuttering behavior, with simply." Sure, go right ahead. Ask." "There, well there is no other way to put this" he managed to say, unable to grasp the syalbells that formed words emerging from his mouth. In a hesitant, but determined manner, he stood up on his feet and slammed his hands to the table in front of him. "I HAVE A SON!" He shouted, intoxicating others in the open diner to twist there heads in shock from the loud, abrupt words. Many glared at him awkwardly, but he easily dismissed there scandalous gazes and focused onto Gaika's response, "things are changing so rapidly. So quick, my life is flickering before me and I am unable to understand it all alone." Ryōiki paused as he placed emphasis on his next words, making sure they came out in a murmered tone. Recovering his regal posture, he sat back down and glared into Gaika's eyes, "I'm sorry to attack you with this. Bear my burdens on you, but your my bestfriend...a-and I need your help to rescue my son." Suddenly, with his words trailing off, Ryōiki taken a sudden serious undertone, in both tone and clearly in mannerisms. His eyes twinkled with knowing as he spoke, "with the documents of stolen from the Head Division quaters and Central 46, I've analyzed the written articles on my son. Apparently, he was participating in experiments on Souls for years, and easily broke free from capture, fleeing to Hueco Mundo...I blame myself for this." Saying it without a second thought, he openly explained his focus to capture his son, ignoring the atrocity previously committed on his part against Soul Society. "I refuse to allow my own blood to be trapped in that world without knowing that I'm here, and that I will save him!" His words demanded, slamming his heavy fist into the ground until nigh of a crater could be seen; many cracks in the wooden table appearing from where his fist pounded. Gaika wasn't in shock about his best friend having a son. I mean, the amount of time he did things with his girlfriend, it was evident that something was to have happened. Yet, it was what came after the declaration that blew his mind away. It seemed that his best friend had been through much torture in his life, but no more. However, before he said anything else, Gaika took hold of Ryōiki's arm abruptly! His strength was far from what one would think of his lean build, as he pulled the man away from the area along with him, heading towards a different destination. A cold expression lay on his face, he was about to say something, but not yet. Remaining impassive, Ryōiki was well aware that it would take quite some time for one to let this sink in. Although, he was slightly embracing to Gaika's strength; a very good sight to see; having a longtimefriend who was once clearly outclassed by the newly elected Captain, and now having boast-worthy levels of strength. Accepting, Ryōiki followed after Gaika steadily. Placing his palm on Gaika's right shoulder, he nodded and smiled. His icy shell had been shattered by his old friends caring words, "of course I'm an idiot, otherwise I wouldn't be in this situation" he spoke plainly. A variety of things could have been said, but Ryōiki hadn't said them. Rebutting Gaika's words wouldn't convince him of anything, so Ryōiki simply chuckled as the notasligic moments of the thrilling adventures he partook in whilst under Retsu tutelage and upon joining the Court Guard Squads. Rash and impulsive, and not much different now, Ryōiki was assured his venture wouldn't be in vain, and mentally prepared to face his son. Pausing for a brief moment, he walked beside Gaika to stare at the azure sky with small, wispy mushrooms of white floating in the sky above. Gaika merely sighed, he knew that his friend was stupid, but THIS stupid, he would never imagine. Merely chuckling, he told him." Fine, I won't chicken out. I have your back, and you have mine. But, before that. I think we should find out how much different our power-levels are....don't you think?" Gaika asked, itching for some battle. "Worlds, trust me" he muttered under his breathe, following a smirk suffusing itself upon his face. Inside, Ryōiki hadn't a moment to waste although he desperately wanted to see how far his best friend had come in the three centuries they have been apart. Aching for both, Ryōiki simply said, "I promise you Gaika. When my son is back, I will fight you. Consider it a mans' promise." he roared, pounding on his chest like a barbaric oaf. Suddenly, Ryōiki's warmer side was clearly evident after Gaika's accepting to help Ryōiki. From it, hope arose in the old mans eyes as he realized that his son wasn't a figment but a soon-to-be physical being. "Thank you, Gaika, but we must leave now." He reiterated, adding emphasis to the dire situation he paced himself toward the barracks he called home for the past few months. " Well, whatever." Gaika told him, merely smirking at his comment of a 'man's promise', I mean, how stupid could one get? But, he continued on, telling him." Fine, I've got it. So, where do we go for the moment? Has Terumi set up a location?" "She's inside the 5th Division HQ. Lucky for us no one stops by there since the Aizen incident. Good thing to, if anyone where to see the contraption made by Terumi they would probably go nuts" he joked, referring to Aizen as a simple "incident" was a VAST understatement, but Ryōiki wasn't present to behold the terror that occured during that time; a lucky misfortune one could say. Laughing abit, Ryōiki sped up his pace almost into a complete jog as he realized that time wouldn't be on his side, and that his sons whereabouts wouldn't be known forever. Bearing tremendous hope, he continued, now dropping his more cheerful attitude earlier, and in its stead came forth the iron armor and demon gaze that secures his emotions and views the worlds with degrees of distrust. A scintillating azure light quickly shined in the palm of the warrior, and with it, Kazeninoru vanished. "Come on" he muttered, grabbing onto Gaika's shoulder Gaika and himself entirely sweeped away. Less then ten seconds later, Ryōiki appeared behind Terumi with Gaika beside him, his stern face setting him aside from his friend, "we're ready Terumi" he said solemnly, tone and persona changed from the realization of the events before him. "You to can get acquainted while I set up the machine" he said dashing toward a large contraption ahead of him. A metal rectangular machine layed in front of Terumi in the grass field, located in the open area of the Fifth Division Barracks smach-dab in the middle of the HQ. Hidden in plain sight, so to speak, wires extended from the rectangular base to a rod that stood firmly into the ground. Jumbled together, the tip of the rod released sparks of clear distinct spiritual power, and above it, a small rippling affect was beginning to occur in the sky. Gaika didn't know what to say at all, he couldn't emphasize with the couple before him, because, he was never a parent. It seemed that growing up with the law had caused him to become distant from his closest friend. Nevertheless, he tried to help them out as much as possible, and didn't reply to Terumi's outburst, merely telling Ryōiki," I'm heading in, I'll stabilize the path, you two follow after me, you two are far more important than me in this mission." Gaika headed on in the Garganta, his feet, as they touched the black emptiness, formed a stable path of spiritual power, which formed into a platform which he ran across while leaving a path for the two to follow along. For some reason....he felt, as if a disaster was going to occur. "Only two of us can enter, and although Terumi would love it.." Ryōiki began, his tone straight, and serious. Meanwhile, Terumi looked away, her immediate anger concealing itself. "The path is stabilized already thats why I fed it my spiritual power, and extended the time length. However, while we are in Hueco Mundo only a person who truly excels in Kidō will be able to access and continue the machine. It was specifically made for Terumi, as the user also has to be able to cast and maintain a barrier around the 5th Division. Of which, only Terumi can successfully do." As he finished, Terumi shot a swift glance at Ryōiki before withdrawing, postponing what she was going to say. Every motherly instinct in her body urged her to erupt in anger and run toward the Garganta herself, and despite the reasons stated by Ryōiki, it was also true that the former Captain wouldn't allow any harm to be done onto his love. Stepping into the black emptiness that the gaping whole produced, he felt the ominous wind of the past that erupted from the portal, visions of battles from the last generation of Espada and the power of each one, and the growing sinister intentions of the beasts that use this type of transportation. "This'll be quick, I swear Gaika. I won't allow it." he said, his voice trailing as his sentence went on, referencing his motivation to bring his son back to him.