| - Overall i somehow liked how the dev team has balanced those 16 brawlers, some are good and some is not very good. After the balance in the 16 jan 2018, i have new balance suggestions to make:
* Shelly: Star power slow strength reduced, the problem with the shell shock is that the slow strength is just too strong.
* Spike: Pretty much balanced, except that his hitpoints needs to become 2800 as a mid range low to medium health brawler
* Mortis: Movement speed increase back to 750. He is treated like the other heavy dealing damage short range brawler rather than being treated as mortis. And also revert his soul value nerf since he is more balanced in brawl ball.
* Crow: Crow is one of the best brawler in the game right now and his reload speed should be increased to 1.6 seconds so that using him will be abit more challenging. Also make poison damage per tick same as old and thus reduces his total poison damage, because it dosent makes sense to give him faster poison damage buff.
* Also more minor nerfs: Revert his 1 blade super buff.
* Barley: Reverts his slow bottle throw speed because that is when he is the worst brawler in the game, and reduce his damage from 560 to 520 so that his attacks isint as impacting.
* Dynamike: Increase hitpoints to 3000, because of his attack delay so he should be bulkier
* Nita: Balanced
* El primo: He is middle right now and can be abit better by giving his attacks a wider width or make his attack back to cone because brawlers are supposed to be hit when they are close.
* Darryl: Balanced
* Nita: Small attack mechanic buff to nita, right now her ruptures behaves like a bullet rather than actual rupture, so make her rupture bahaves like pocos attack by make part of her rupture width continue to travel the full distance when the other part of the rupture hits the wall.
* Jessie: Balanced, is better to give the orb fourth bounce since the bounce does not hit more than one opponents often.
* Colt: Hitpoints decreased to 2600, and reverts the bullet speed buff. He is too much of a tank for a medium-long range brawler for his damage. Also reverts his range nerf from 9 to 10 because this nerf is bullshit. I do agree with the star power speed increase nerf ha.
* Ricochet: Balanced.
* Poco: Balanced.
* Tara: Balanced.
* Piper: Super is underwhelming, so make her landing phase also drops 3 blue grenades.
* Pam: Balanced.
* Bull: Balanced.
* Brock: Balanced.
* note for me: Check previous versions for inplemented ones of mine in 4 jan 2018.