All main- and off-hand weapon bonuses are found in the Offensive Stats section and all armour bonuses are found in the Defensive Stats section. All armour and weapons give a value for each bonus, with the strongest equipment giving the highest bonuses. File:Unequipped item right click options.png File:Equipped item right click options.png Equipment bonuses are highly important to certain aspects of RuneScape such as player killing in Wilderness and fighting in the Duel Arena.
Attributes | Values |
| - Combat Stats
- Combat Stats
| - Kaikki "Main-hand" ja "off-hand" aseet, eli oikeassa ja vasemmassa kädessä olevat aseet löytyvät Offensive Stats eli hyökkäystilastoista. Kaikki varusteista saatavat bonukset löytyvät Defensive Stats eli puolustustilastoista. Kaikki varusteet ja aseet luovat yhdessä isku- ja blokkaustilaston. File:Unequipped item right click options.png File:Equipped item right click options.png
- All main- and off-hand weapon bonuses are found in the Offensive Stats section and all armour bonuses are found in the Defensive Stats section. All armour and weapons give a value for each bonus, with the strongest equipment giving the highest bonuses. File:Unequipped item right click options.png File:Equipped item right click options.png Equipment bonuses are highly important to certain aspects of RuneScape such as player killing in Wilderness and fighting in the Duel Arena.
- All main- and off-hand weapon bonuses are found in the Offensive Stats section and all armour bonuses are found in the Defensive Stats section. All armour and weapons give a value for each bonus, with the strongest equipment giving the highest bonuses. File:Unequipped item right click options.png File:Equipped item right click options.png File:Item stats.png Equipment bonuses are highly important to certain aspects of RuneScape such as player killing in Wilderness and fighting in the Duel Arena.
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| |
| - 9(xsd:integer)
- 12(xsd:integer)
- 14(xsd:integer)
- *2.5
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| - Kaikki "Main-hand" ja "off-hand" aseet, eli oikeassa ja vasemmassa kädessä olevat aseet löytyvät Offensive Stats eli hyökkäystilastoista. Kaikki varusteista saatavat bonukset löytyvät Defensive Stats eli puolustustilastoista. Kaikki varusteet ja aseet luovat yhdessä isku- ja blokkaustilaston. File:Unequipped item right click options.png File:Equipped item right click options.png
- All main- and off-hand weapon bonuses are found in the Offensive Stats section and all armour bonuses are found in the Defensive Stats section. All armour and weapons give a value for each bonus, with the strongest equipment giving the highest bonuses. File:Unequipped item right click options.png File:Equipped item right click options.png Equipment bonuses are highly important to certain aspects of RuneScape such as player killing in Wilderness and fighting in the Duel Arena.
- All main- and off-hand weapon bonuses are found in the Offensive Stats section and all armour bonuses are found in the Defensive Stats section. All armour and weapons give a value for each bonus, with the strongest equipment giving the highest bonuses. File:Unequipped item right click options.png File:Equipped item right click options.png File:Item stats.png Equipment bonuses are highly important to certain aspects of RuneScape such as player killing in Wilderness and fighting in the Duel Arena.