| - The starter level for sure, Hitotsu is the smallest system in the Epsilon Galaxy, and is a great place to learn how to play Overlord. You enter this eight planet system controlling world one, your Starbase, while the enemy has the last world, his Starbase. The other six planets are up for grabs, and your opponent most likely will not attack you until all planets are formatted.
| - The starter level for sure, Hitotsu is the smallest system in the Epsilon Galaxy, and is a great place to learn how to play Overlord. You enter this eight planet system controlling world one, your Starbase, while the enemy has the last world, his Starbase. The other six planets are up for grabs, and your opponent most likely will not attack you until all planets are formatted. Use your starting credits to purchase an Atmosphere Processor (AP) from the Buy Screen and then return to the Main Screen by pressing B. Here you can move the cursor to the globe on the left showing the "Hitotsu" system rotating. Holding the A Button on the controller and pressing up or down will allow you to change between worlds. Select an unformatted planet and move the cursor to the Atmosphere Processor's icon on the right, then press A to send the AP to that planet. Pressing the AP icon again will inform you of the days left until the planet is completed, as well as if the AP is still in transit to the planet. Rarely you can receive a message stating the AP is broken and you will be required to purchase another to continue formatting worlds; this can severely set you back if it occurs early in a game due to the AP's price. File:200px-OverlordNES-Planet InfoScreen.png Once you have begun formatting a planet you can turn your attention to your Starbase. It has starting amounts of food, fuel, energy, and a population, but these resources will disappear before long. Click on the Buy Screen icon to the right (looks like a pile of coins) to buy some ships from the catalog. You should have enough credits to pick up a Farming Station B for food, a Cargo Cruiser B to move goods, and perhaps a Solar Satellite B to generate energy. The satellites will be placed into orbit around the Starbase whenever purchased, as they are self-sufficient, but all other craft are sent to an empty docking bay on the Starbase to be crewed and given fuel. Should all three bays be full the ship is left in orbit around the Starbase—quite unusable by the way—until a bay opens up. Pressing B returns you to the Main Screen, where you can press the icon for the Cargo Bay Screen, allowing you to crew and fuel the ships for use.