| - - 1137 BC, the Zanyal of Kanjor civilisation suffered a major setback, being invaded by the rising Bendirian Kingdom from the Bendiri in modern Alduria. The Bendirians were both fierce warriors and capable strategists, and through a series of raids and attacks pushed their borders to the East, siezing the in 1125. - in 1002 BC a great sea battle near the small island of Vavalya took place, where a Bendirian Invasion Fleet was crushed by the Zanyal fleet under the command of Hari Dandol - 900's BC continuous revolts prevented the Bendirian Kingdom from fully annexing Zanyal, and the once splendid cities were reduced to rubble by the almost constant warfare - 837, three hundred years after the Bendirian Invasion, Count Henri Munodi, King of Afar (Tondola - Kanjor) landed on Zezir beach after vanquishing a Bendirian Fleet near the Zanyir cliffs. The Bendirian invaders opposed at first little or no resistence to his army because they were fighting on their Northen border against Saridan, but when Monudi tried to liberate the Zanyal Valley, he was killed in an ambush at Kalyu Bridge and Admiral Richard Belmon of Kanjor signed a peace treaty with the Bendirians