| - The company was founded in 1943 by book publisher Arnold Miller and his son Leonard Miller. They started out in 1945 publishing black-and-white reprints of the Fawcett Comics Marvel Family titles, including Captain Marvel Adventures Captain Marvel Jr., The Marvel Family, and Whiz Comics. Between 1950-1952, British writer/artist Mick Anglo produced Space Commando Comics, featuring "Space Commander Kerry," for L. Miller & Son. Main article: Marvelman
| - The company was founded in 1943 by book publisher Arnold Miller and his son Leonard Miller. They started out in 1945 publishing black-and-white reprints of the Fawcett Comics Marvel Family titles, including Captain Marvel Adventures Captain Marvel Jr., The Marvel Family, and Whiz Comics. Between 1950-1952, British writer/artist Mick Anglo produced Space Commando Comics, featuring "Space Commander Kerry," for L. Miller & Son. Throughout the 1950s L. Miller & Son also published a large line of Western comics. L. Miller & Son's original Western titles, which they started producing in 1954, included Colorado Kid, Davy Crockett, Kid Dynamite Western Comic, Pancho Villa Western Comic, and Rocky Mountain King Western Comic. Some of the longer-running Western reprint titles included Gabby Hayes Western, Hopalong Cassidy Comic, Lash Larue Western, Monte Hale Western, Rocky Lane Western, Six-Gun Heroes, and Western Hero. Main article: Marvelman In 1954, after the National Comics Publications v. Fawcett Publications decision, L. Miller & Son was forced to cancel their line of "Marvel" titles (though the company continued to published Whiz Comics minus any Marvel Family stories). Faced with the sudden loss of their star feature, and operating under different copyright laws, the company turned to Mick Anglo to come up with a replacement character that, while ostensibly a new creation, mimicked enough core elements of Captain Marvel to retain the interest of readers who had enjoyed the reprints. Anglo (along with writer Len Miller) created Marvelman. Captain Marvel, Jr., was adapted to create Young Marvelman, and Mary Marvel had her gender changed to create the male Kid Marvelman. The magic word "Shazam!" was replaced with "Kimota" ("Atomik" backwards). Using the "new" characters, the company launched three titles, Marvelman, Marvelman Family, and Young Marvelman. By the end of the 1950s, L. Miller & Son had cancelled all their Western titles. In 1959, with demand for British-produced comics shrinking, Miller cancelled Marvelman Family and turned both Marvelman and Young Marvelman into reprint books. The titles struggled on, each putting out 346 issues, but were finally cancelled in 1963. Starting in 1961, the company moved into the horror/suspense genre with two new titles, Mystic and Spellbound, both of which culled pre-Comics Code material from American publishers like Atlas, Marvel Comics, American Comics Group, Charlton, and E.C. Comics. L. Miller & Son Ltd. ceased comic book publication in 1966. The physical asbestos printing plates from which Miller had produced their comics, and presumably the rights to the comics as well, were sold to Alan Class, Ltd.. Class, for his part, was interested primarily in horror and science fiction stories and reprinted few of the original Miller creations. (Class was still using some of the Miller printing plates as recently as the late 1990s.)