Fukaboshi is a shark merman and the first son of the royal Neptune family on Fishman Island. After he, his father and his brothers were liberated by the Straw Hat Pirates, he allied himself with them against Hody Jones and his crew.
Fukaboshi ist ein Hai-Wassermann und der älteste Sohn König Neptunes.
Fukaboshi è un tritone di tipo squalo ed è il primogenito della famiglia reale dell'isola degli uomini-pesce.
Fukaboshi (フカボシ Fukaboshi?) es un tritón de tiburón y también el primer hijo de la Familia Neptune del Reino de Ryugu, es el hermano mayor de Ryuboshi, de Manboshi y Shirahoshi
Fukaboshi adalah seorang duyung jenis hiu dan anak pertama dari keluarga kerajaan Neptune di Pulau Gyojin. Setelah dia, ayahnya, dan adik - adiknya dibebaskan oleh Bajak Laut Topi Jerami, dia bekerjasama dengan mereka melawan Hody Jones dan krunya.
Fukaboshi is a shark merman and the first son of the royal Neptune family on Fishman Island. After he, his father and his brothers were liberated by the Straw Hat Pirates, he allied himself with them against Hody Jones and his crew.
Fukaboshi, l'aîné des Trois Princes, est le fils du roi Neptune et d'Otohime