| - The Song that Nay crafted to eliminate the Sharls that were attacking Felion, and it serves as the final battle song for Ion's side of Phase 1. Strictly speaking, this Song is a Hymmn due to Nay's nature as a prototype Sharl and the fact that it doesn't make use of the functions of the Surge Concerto Terminal, even though it could be misinterpreted to be a Cieln due to its great power and scope, as well as the fact that its title isn't written in Emotional Song Pact. Basically, this Song is an advanced form of the SHS Heteromycin drug that is used to control the Sharls turned into a Song and a weapon, as Sharls and Incarnates that have been administrated said drug become Master Sharls and gain complete control over them, as all the Sharls share the same base genetic material. In short, the singer can make all the Sharls in Soreil act according to her thoughts and will, but the singer will also require a tremendous amount of power for it, as they can't use the power from Soreil and the Ar nosurge Tube due to this Song's nature. In fact, only Nay would be able to sing it due to her current position as Empress, making her the only bearer of the Imperial Vocal Cords that allow her to manifest powers beyond that of any other being in the ship. Additionally, while the singer can freely use this Song to copy her own feelings onto the Sharls, which can go from empathy to forcing them to feel in a specific way, dangerous feelings can as easily spread throughout them. Nay made this Song after having gotten an analysis of Prim's FFT Spectrum, as Zill had administrated her a sample of the SHS Heteromycin to give her complete control over the Sharls. Nay then gathered her closest followers in the Celesgarden in Felion and told them to protect her as she sang to rid the world of the Sharls. However, Ion stepped in and asked her to stop, not knowing the current Empress was Nay due to wearing the Empress' Linkage. Nay initially heard Ion's arguments calmly, but she finally exploded after Ion showed she wouldn't back out from her position, and unveiled herself before her former friend. Nay then started singing, which forced Ion and Earthes to fight her and her bodyguards to make her stop. In the end, Nay could only make the Sharls fall asleep briefly, as Cosal revived them shortly later, and since Prim was taken away by Nero, they couldn't get another sample of her spectrum to remake the Song. However, it must be mentioned that Ion stopped Nay not only because of her wishes for the humans and Sharl to coexist: it was also because the feelings Nay wanted to spread to the Sharls were those of self-destruction to make them kill themselves, so she was willing to commit suicide by singing this Song if that meant that the Sharls wouldn't attack the humans any more. So Nay ended owing her life to Ion after this, though this entire chain of events also became a trauma that ended appearing in her Genometrics later on, not to mention that the failure in destroying the Sharls caused the trust and popularity she had among the people as the Empress to plummet.