| - Total Fan Service is a fan fic of Total Drama Island (planned to be a series of fan fics) by tropper Great Pikmin Fan, currently on its first season Total Fan Service Plains. It takes place in a universe compeltely seperate from canon, in the future of an alternate timeline. It is about Ezekiel hosting what is supposed to be an Ecchi series (hence its name) with the eleven female characters from the original series competing, but actually turns out to be Not So Different from the original Total Drama series. At least two sequel seasons are planned to be made; Total Fan Service Island, where Sierra and twelve Original Characters compete with (rather than instead of) the first 11, and Total Fan Service Woods, with Blaineley and more OCs added. There's also a possible spinoff Total Fan Service Side Stories (Initialized TF3S), which isn't in a competition but rather sitcom like stories about the characters in the AU of TFS, which is quite unusual. The fan fic can be found here and it's in its early chapters (and in the process of editting), with the author leaking some information about the series's future on his fanfiction.net profile.
* Air Vent Passageway: Invoked in-universe. The maze in the first chapter has four fake air vents that lead to an open space where one can climb out through one of those openings. The problem is, one of these drops strait into the prison cell.
* Big Bad: As it stands, it's a tossup between Eva or Courtney.
* Butt Monkey: Justin, Heather, and Lindsay.
* Curb Stomp Battle: Day 2's second challenge had all five Screaming Hills winning their one-on-one match against the Killer Grass.
* Demoted to Extra: The whereabouts of Alejandro, Cody, DJ, Duncan, Harold, Noah, Owen, Trent, or Tyler are currently unknown. At least one of them will be seen by the end of the first season, though.
* Development Hell: The pilot took around half a year between when it was created to when it was published (circa April to October 3rd), and even then it's in a bit of a "beta" phase. The second chapter was actually worked on for just around two weeks before publish, the publish for the chapter in question only being apart by two days.
* Disk One Final Boss: Heather, who is set up as the antagonist for the first chapter, is voted off first.
* Divergent Character Evolution: The end of chapter 3 hits that Katie and Sadie will begin this. Although with the former being eliminated early, and all the main development going to Sadie, a contrast to usual fandom trends.
* Ecchi: Parodied. So far, it's not really like this, but only time will tell how it develops.
* Elemental Powers: Confirmed to be in the story by Word of God (on his Wikipedia account).
* Even Evil Has Standards: Ezekiel gives himself several guidlines as to not be like Chris. Even so, sometimes the campers call him out as being a jerk.
* Foils: The teams are set up this way.
* Follow the Leader: Of Total Drama Comeback, to some extent.
* Hot Springs Episode: Parodied. There isn't going to be an entire episode in the hot springs per-say, but a trip there is the reward for the challenge in the upcoming chapter 6.
* Jerkass: Ezekiel. Not as bad as Chris (or so he says...) but still.
* Love Triangle: Something of type 4 involving Bridgette, Ezekiel, and Izzy. To elaborate: Ezekiel and Izzy both have feelings for Bridgette, Ezekiel attempting to be subtle (but Justin picks up on it) and Izzy being outright straitforeward. Bridgette wants to try to take the relationship slower, but still hints at being attracted to her. However, she does not like Ezekiel, and the relation between Ezekiel and Izzy is unclear at this point.
* Luck-Based Mission: Defied. All of the challenges are going to be based on phyical skill (often with some hinderances), as stated in the author's profile description for this series. The closest the series has gone to this trope is, ironically, the first challenge, due to involving navigation of a maze layout.
* Manipulative Bastard: It's implied Justin is going to be this.
* Non Indicative Title: The fan service is actually only Once or Twice and Episode at most. Although the title is really more of a parody if anything.
* Orwellian Retcon: Sometimes, the author goes back to add or change a few scenes in the earlier chapters.
* Paintball Episode: Arguably the first chapter. Although the contestants themselves had to run away from the gun-weilding interns.
* Shocking Elimination: Both eliminations that have happened so far were deliberatly set up to resemble common fanon eliminations, (Courtney and Sadie) when the other, slightly more unexpected person gets voted off (Heather and Katie). Although averted in context; both people voted off have had more foreshadowing and reason than the other in the bottom two. (Heather was very much hated by everybody and provided a threat, and almost won immunity, while Courtney was at worst being strict with Gwen and Leshawna. Eva specifically wanted Sadie because she thought Sadie could pose a bigger threat to Eva's enemies, and with Katie and Sadie basically distracting one another one of them had to go.)
* Small Name, Big Ego: Heather and Ezekiel.
* Slapstick Knows No Gender: Apart from the campers, there's a heafty ammount of female interns who get injured as well, up to and including recoiling from taking a picture.
* Start My Own: Ezekiel's adittute towards Chris's old show Extreme Musical Drama High School.
* Stop Being Stereotypical: Gwen point out how stereotypical Ezekiel was being when he reveals the hockey challenge in chapter 3.
* Super-Powered Evil Side: Bridgette has one. Implied to take over when she's off her meds.
* Team Shot: Modeled after canon, only this one includes the hosts.
* Tempting Fate: The end of the first challenge: Heather, instead of leaving the maze and winning, decides to pull a prank with Lindsay to try to show the other campers that she's Badass. It backfires.
* Wangst: Invoked with Ezekiel, who sometimes whines about Chris.
* What Could Have Been: Tons.
* We Hardly Knew Ye: Because the days are all one chapter, Heather is voted off in the very same chapter she is introduced.
* Widget Series.
* Word Salad Title: "Total Drama [season theme]," but with "Drama" replaced with "Fan Service."