| - Kreetles were similar to Phindas, but they lived on the deserts of Geonosis because the Geonosians brought Kreetles from Kashyyyk in 22 BBY.
- Un parásito de madriguera, artrópodo natural de Tatooine, el kreetle se encontraba a menudo en las ciudades, casas y otras áreas urbanas.
- A parasitic, burrowing arthropod native to Tatooine, the kreetle was often found in cities, homes, and other urban areas.
- Kreetles are parasitic, burrowing arthropoids indigenous to Tatooine, though they can also be found on the planets Geonosis, Kashyyyk and Naboo as well, often being found within cities, homes, and other urban areas. The word "kreetle" is sometimes used as an insult.
| - Kreetles were similar to Phindas, but they lived on the deserts of Geonosis because the Geonosians brought Kreetles from Kashyyyk in 22 BBY.
- Un parásito de madriguera, artrópodo natural de Tatooine, el kreetle se encontraba a menudo en las ciudades, casas y otras áreas urbanas.
- A parasitic, burrowing arthropod native to Tatooine, the kreetle was often found in cities, homes, and other urban areas.
- Kreetles are parasitic, burrowing arthropoids indigenous to Tatooine, though they can also be found on the planets Geonosis, Kashyyyk and Naboo as well, often being found within cities, homes, and other urban areas. The word "kreetle" is sometimes used as an insult.