| - Golbat is Koga's partner in crime, as Koga is never seen without him. He uses his Golbat in a similar manner to a mirror; in which he can use it to see the location of people or items.
- Grimer was used by Koga as an outfit, as well as being used to constrict his opponents. He uses it to the extent that Red is unable to call upon his Pokémon for assistance, and made him grievously close to suffocating.
- Muk was used by Koga during his conflict between the Elite Four Agatha, and was imperative to his survival after Cerise Island began to collapse.
- Koga used his Tentacruel to help Red and Blue digging towards Ilex Forest.
- Articuno was captured by Koga for Giovanni's plans, and he used it to primarily defeat Red and Blue, shortly before it fused with the two other birds. However, once Koga was defeated, it was returned to the wild, before being captured by Green.
- Gastly's appearance was in the Pokémon Tower, and was used by Koga to revive the deceased bodies of Pokémon within the shrine. It was defeated by a joint-effort by Red's Saur and Blue's Charizard.
- Arbok is inarguably Koga's most powerful Pokémon, mostly due to the fact that it can regenerate its body parts almost infinitely, as well as being able to control detached parts of its body.
- Rhydon was first introduced as its pre-evolution, before Koga injected it with a serum which induced its evolution. In this form, it was powerful enough to defeat both Red and Misty easily.