| - Hitler the Red-Nosed Reindeer was Adolf Hitler's half-brother. A gene mutation gave him a dark red nose and other unique features. Consequently, despite the similar given names, there was never difficulty telling them apart, although his brother grew a toothbrush mustache, just to make sure for shit. Though abnormal, the nose made Hitler look more elegant when marching and it was still dark beautifully in the house, attracting women. Hitler the Red-Nosed Reindeer has been known for trespassing, backyard-grazing and eating out people's gardens and bushes. The police hunted him but it was a guerrilla war and Hitler hardly appears simian. Hitler's tactics, such as Surprise Buttings and Butt Kicks, prolonged this hunt for 17 months, until Hitler was nearly frozen to death while taking a bath. Hitler was caught, sentenced for his several offenses, and released into the depths of Sumeria.