| - Narrator: It was a frosty day in Tarrytown, and Jay Jay the Jet Plane was just returning home from making a delivery. Narrator: And boy oh boy, was he cold. Narrator: Jay Jay couldn't wait to get back to Tarrytown Airport, and get in front of a nice, warm heater. Jay Jay: M-m-m-my wing flaps are c-c-covered with snow and my...my jets need to be warmed! (The loudspeaker beeps.) Brenda: (on speaker) Calling Jay Jay. Calling Jay Jay. Please report to Brenda Blue's workshop, right away. Jay Jay: Oh...if I d-d-don't...get myself warmed up soon, I'm g-g-g-going to t-turn into an icicle! Brenda: Oh, hi, Jay Jay. How was your flight? Jay Jay: T-t-t-terrible, B-Brenda! I'm f-f-freezing in this c-cold weather! Big Jake: Why, that's exactly what we wanted to talk to you about. How would you like to be someplace warm and comfy? Brenda: (from o.s.) There's a delivery that needs to be made in Sunshine Desert. (Cut to her on the end of this.) And we thought you and Tracy would like to go there together? Tracy: Yup, and it's a nice, warm place and there's lots of neat stuff to see there. We can stop and see all the sight. Jay Jay: Did you say "warm"? Yes, yes, yes!! Big Jake: It's so close and such an easy flight that you two can fly there by yourselves. And when you arrive, you can stay with my brother, Big John, at the Sunshine Airport. Jay Jay: Yippee! When do we leave? Brenda: Right away. But there's just one thing you have to do. Jay Jay: What? Big Jake: Well, you have to use the Buddy System. Jay Jay: What's the Buddy System? Big Jake: Well, Jay Jay, the Buddy System means that you and Tracy have to look out for each other. (Cut to Tracy, nodding in agreement; he continues o.s.) You have to stay together at all times. (Back to him.) That way, if anything goes wrong, you won't be stuck on your own. Jay Jay: Oh, we understand. Right, Tracy? Tracy: Right. Brenda: Great! Well, you'd two better get going, have fun! Tracy: Yeah, let's go! Jay Jay: (giggling, starts to exit) Yeah!! Narrator: So, Jay Jay and Tracy happily took off on their way to warm and wonderful Sunshine Desert. Jay Jay: Together with my buddy, it's a better way to be (They stop and begin to sway to the rhythm.) If the weather gets too cloudy, there are two of us to see Tracy: But it's never far alone Jay Jay: We're never stuck out on our own Together is a better way to be Tracy: You bet! Jay Jay: We've always been the best of buds Tracy: We're really quite a pair Jay Jay: To have a friend so faithful is really rather rare To never be alone no matter when, no matter where Oh Jay Jay, Tracy: Together is a better way to be Together is a better way to be Tracy: I'll look out for you, and you'll look out for me [Yeah.]Jay Jay: We'll always stick together, it's the safest way to be If something should go wrong, we won't be on our own Tracy: I'll have you, and you'll have me Jay Jay, Tracy: Together with my buddy, It's a better way to be If the weather gets too cloudy, there are two of us to see But it's never far alone, they're never stuck out on their own Together is a better way to be Together is a better way to be Jay Jay: (from o.s.) Wow, Sunshine Desert! I can't believe we're finally here! Jay Jay: And mmm-mmm, it sure is warm and comfy. Tracy: Big Jake and Brenda said we could take our time and see all the sights before we come back home. Jay Jay: Great, 'cause the first place I wanna go to is Sunshine Desert Canyon. Tracy: Well, the first place I wanna go to is Sunshine Desert Cave. Jay Jay: Hmm. Well, we only have time to go to one or the other before the sun goes down. Narrator: Tracy and Jay Jay each wanted to do something different. Now what would they do? They thought about it for a while, and they finally came up with an idea. Jay Jay: Hey, I know! Why don't we each go do what we want? Tracy: That's a great idea! (pauses, remembering something) Oops. But wait a minute, we're supposed to be using the Buddy System—we're not supposed to leave each other's side. Jay Jay: (dryly) Oh, that's right. Tracy: (pauses) But you know what? Jay Jay: What? Tracy: We could just stop being buddies for a little while. After all, we can be buddies again later. Jay Jay: Okay, Tracy! Tracy: (from o.s.) Let's do it that way, then. See ya, Jay Jay! (Pull back to frame her.) I'm flying to the cave! Jay Jay: I'll meet'cha back here, Trace! I'm headed for the canyon! Narrator: So, Tracy went her own way— (She flies off.) —and Jay Jay went his. Narrator: But some time later... (Tracy flies into view.) Tracy: Boy oh boy, I should've reached that cave by now. Uh-I wonder if I'm going the right way. (Cut to Jay Jay.) Jay Jay: Gee, that canyon can't be this far away, can it? Where is it? [Animation goof: Jay Jay and Tracy's features are mirrored during this exchange.] Tracy: Boy oh boy. I think I'm lost! I should've stayed with Jay Jay, he's always good at directions. Oh, now what am I gonna do? Jay Jay: Wow...I don't know where I am! Too bad I left Tracy, she'd know where to go. She knows how to get anywhere. Tracy: Oh, no! I'm running out of gas! What a bad time for this to happen! I have to land, right away! Jay Jay: Yikes! My gas is almost gone! I have to land, right now! Narrator: Poor Tracy wandered through Sunshine Desert, looking for some sign of Jay Jay. Tracy: Boy, I hope I find Jay Jay before it gets too late. Big Jake was right—we should've stayed together like good buddies. Narrator: Meanwhile. Jay Jay was searching desperately for Tracy. Jay Jay: Oh, boy...I never should've left Tracy! I shoulda stuck with that Buddy System! Now look at the fix I'm in! (He backs up slowly.) Narrator: But as luck would have it... Jay Jay: Tracy! Tracy: Jay Jay! Jay Jay: Boy, am I glad to see ya! Tracy: I'm glad to see you too, Jay Jay! But...but why aren't you flying? Jay Jay: Well, I got totally lost, a-and I flew around so much that I ran out of gas. Why aren't you flying? Tracy: (chuckles) I did exactly the same thing! (Both laugh.) Boy, we really messed up this time, didn't we? Jay Jay: Uh-huh. We shoulda stayed with that Buddy System and stuck together. Tracy: You can say that again. (pauses) Hey! But you know what? Jay Jay: What? Tracy: We can start the Buddy System right up again and not leave each other's side. Jay Jay: Hey, yeah! It would be like we never stopped! Tracy: (from o.s.) Right. Jay Jay: So what can I do for ya, buddy? Tracy: Well, we need to figure out a way to get to the nearest town and get some gas. Do you remember where it is? Jay Jay: Hmm...I do remember Big Jake telling us that the nearest town was called Sunnyville. It should be pretty near where we are now. Tracy: That's great, Jay Jay! Boy, are you good to have around as a buddy. (Jay Jay chuckles.) Come on, let's go! (She leads the way.) Narrator: So, Jay Jay and Tracy went off to find the town of Sunnyville. Jay Jay: What is it, Tracy? Tracy: I just remembered something. Big Jake told us that his brother, Big John was at Sunshine Airport. Maybe we can radio to the airport and ask Big John to come out here to help us. Jay Jay: Great idea, Tracy! Bo-o-oy, I'm glad to have you as my buddy. Tracy: (flattered) He-ey! Jay Jay: This is Jay Jay calling Big John at Sunshine Airport. Come in, Big John. Big John: (over radio) Big John here. Hi there, Jay Jay! We're waitin' for ya! What's takin' you and Tracy so long? Jay Jay: Ohhh boy, Big John, it's a long story. But before I tell it, me and my buddy Tracy really need your help. Narrator: Well, sure enough, Big John was able to help them. Jay Jay: Now, Jay Jay and Tracy knew they were going to get some fuel and get back in the air again very soon. Narrator: At Sunshine Airport, they delivered their package and stayed the night with Big Jake's brother Big John. The next day, they even got to see the cave and the canyon. Then they flew home, happy to be in each other's company. Tracy: Jay Jay, that was fun! Thanks for being the best buddy ever! Jay Jay: You're welcome, Tracy. You're a buddy I always wanna go places with. Tracy: Thanks. I'm gonna go over to Brenda's workshop to tell her and Big Jake all about our trip. Wanna come? Jay Jay: You bet. I'll be right there, I just wanna get some more gas first. Tracy: (leaving) Okay, see ya! Snuffy: Hi, Jay Jay. Snuffy: Welcome back. Jay Jay: Hi there, Snuff! Hi, Herky! Snuffy: How was your trip? Jay Jay: It was great! Where are you guys off to? Herky: We'r-r-re going to Moose Head Falls to make a deliver-r-ry, and Snuffy's coming with me as my buddy! Snuffy: Yeah, but I don't know why. Herky can do it fine all by himself. Jay Jay: Snuffy old pal, there's one thing I've learned, it's this: there's nothing safer and more fun than having a buddy to do things with. The Buddy System really really works. Have a safe fun trip, guys! Narrator: Jay Jay had discovered that when it comes to trying new things or going to new places, there's nothing better than having a buddy along to make everything safer, happier, and more fun.