| - The difference between the “Land” and “Maritime” versions is how the outer cummerbund is attached at the front and where the quick-release handle is located. Both comes with an internal cummerbund which overlaps across the stomach and is secured with Velcro. The "Maritime" version has a solid center panel and two side flaps with Velcro panels underneath of them. Each side of the cummerbund attaches to the Velcro on its corresponding side. The release handle is located at the top of the front panel near the wearer's neck which allows ambidexstrous use. This version provides the wearer with a wide, uninterrupted section of webbing on the center of the vest which allows pouches for multiple magazines to be placed on the center of the body for easy access. On the Land version the external cummerbund wraps around and overlaps over the user's stomach and is secured under a single center flap rather than the two side flaps of the "Maritime" version. The release handle on the "Land" vest is located on the left side of the front panel, just above where the cummerbund wraps around. This version breaks up the amount of continuous webbing on the user's front, but allows the vest to be fitted with a different cummerbund which has additional pockets for 6x8" side plates. The addition of these plates can bring the vest of to full Level IV protection for the entire torso, meaning the vest can stop rifle rounds from all sides instead of just front and back. Additionally, both the "Land" and "Maritime" versions can be fitted with extra coverage for the neck, biceps, deltoids, and, as previously mentioned, the groin area. These inserts provide up to Level IIIA coverage except for the groin which has a Level IV plate available. Critiques of this vest include its weight when fully loaded with plates and inserts, its lack of "breathing" due to its coverage, and difficulty donning the vest by ones self.