| - The hydralisk is a zerg evolution of the slothien. While slothiens were peaceful herbivores, the hydralisk is noted as being one of the most fierce and sadistic of the zerg strains. Hydralisks are a versatile combat strain, and form the backbone of the Swarm, acting as shock troops. To terrans, hydralisks symbolize the Swarm's power more than any other strain.
- "Yeah, I got your Zerg right here..." -Terran Marine from the Demolition Team on the Amerigo, shortly before a Hydralisk abducts him The Zerg Hydralisk is a warrior strain that forms the core of the Zerg armies. They serve as the primary ranged unit for the Swarm, supporting the Zerglings and Ultralisks by shredding enemies from afar.
- Hydralisks are the Zerg's medium assault warriors. They are also their primary ranged attacker using powerful spines that can pierce through Neosteel with ease. At close quarters, Hydralisks attack with their scythe-like appendages capable of penetrating basic Marine armor in one strike. Due to being one of the most seen strains with poisoned attacks, over twenty types of antivenom have been created in the interbellum following the Brood Wars. For more information see Hydralisk on the parent site Special abilities:
| - Hydralisks are the Zerg's medium assault warriors. They are also their primary ranged attacker using powerful spines that can pierce through Neosteel with ease. At close quarters, Hydralisks attack with their scythe-like appendages capable of penetrating basic Marine armor in one strike. Due to being one of the most seen strains with poisoned attacks, over twenty types of antivenom have been created in the interbellum following the Brood Wars. For more information see Hydralisk on the parent site Special abilities:
* Burrow/Unburrow - unit burrows underground to hide from enemy forces, but cannot move nor attack anything. Can be seen by detectors and be affected by certain abilities and weapons
* Lurker Morph (StarCraft I, Heart of the Swarm evolution, and Legacy of the Void) - unit can evolve into the Lurker strain
- "Yeah, I got your Zerg right here..." -Terran Marine from the Demolition Team on the Amerigo, shortly before a Hydralisk abducts him The Zerg Hydralisk is a warrior strain that forms the core of the Zerg armies. They serve as the primary ranged unit for the Swarm, supporting the Zerglings and Ultralisks by shredding enemies from afar. The Hydralisk was created from the Slothiens, peaceful caterpillar-like herbivores. When the Slothiens were assimilated, they were perverted into nightmarish serpentine predators. They had gained hooked claws for movement and combat, double-jawed maws filled with sharp teeth, and a spit attack that fired Needle Spines from their shoulders. These spines could fly like crossbow quarrels and shred steel. Hydralisks were often at the spearhead of attacks on the Zerg's enemies.
- The hydralisk is a zerg evolution of the slothien. While slothiens were peaceful herbivores, the hydralisk is noted as being one of the most fierce and sadistic of the zerg strains. Hydralisks are a versatile combat strain, and form the backbone of the Swarm, acting as shock troops. To terrans, hydralisks symbolize the Swarm's power more than any other strain.