| - Warrior Bug is the unofficial fan name for a biological weapon that appears a few times in the original Armored Core game as an enemy. Produced by the queen of this bio mechanical "race" of organisms, Warrior Bugs are weaker but much more numerous than their mother.
- Warrior Bugs are four-legged bugs approximately two to three meters long and are colored as to the terrain, such as desert warriors will be tan with black and yellow stripes. The rearmost pairs of legs are much longer than the two front forelegs, and serve as the primary locomotion, the forelegs being 1/3 shorter. Warrior Bugs are quite agile and fast, they can climb and burrow.
- Warrior Bugs are bred for use as the main infantry caste of the Arachnid forces of Klendathu. They are hexapods, meaning that they are only six-legged; however, they only walk on four of these legs (the hindlegs and forelegs), with their other two limbs (sometimes referred to as "side mandibles") raised in the air in an attack posture. They possess powerful jaws, which they can use to literally rip a foe in half. Generally, they attack in huge swarms, and have been known to be supported by the Tanker Bugs.
| - Warrior Bugs are bred for use as the main infantry caste of the Arachnid forces of Klendathu. They are hexapods, meaning that they are only six-legged; however, they only walk on four of these legs (the hindlegs and forelegs), with their other two limbs (sometimes referred to as "side mandibles") raised in the air in an attack posture. They possess powerful jaws, which they can use to literally rip a foe in half. Generally, they attack in huge swarms, and have been known to be supported by the Tanker Bugs. The upper forearms, or "side mandibles" are utilized like organic swords, and are used for both offensive and defensive techniques. They are used as its primary weapon, as they reach out to well over a meter; 2 feet further than their forelegs and 3 feet further than their mandibles. It was originally believed that the Warriors could use these upper forearms for grasping objects in a manner similar to that of a praying mantis, but this has been disproven. Warriors in fact possess no dexterity with their upper forearms whatsoever, and they are merely built for stabbing and slashing implements. Their secondary weapons are their pincer-like mandibles, which are capable of crushing rock, metal, and severing limbs; the last of which is one of their chosen means of attacking foes. They also seem to possess a form of natural, non-changeable camouflage, colored to match their local terrain; for example, desert-based warriors are tan with black and yellow stripes. This presumably operates on both an offensive and defensive level. Warriors are quite fast and agile, using their hindlegs and forelegs (not to be confused with their upper forelegs) as their means of locomotion. Of these two sets of limbs, the hindlegs serve as the primary locomotion, as they are much longer than the forelegs, being 1/3 longer. They can climb and burrow with these legs if need be, but prefer to use the tunnels made by Burrower Bugs instead. Even if they lose a limb, they still fight at 86% efficiency.
- Warrior Bugs are four-legged bugs approximately two to three meters long and are colored as to the terrain, such as desert warriors will be tan with black and yellow stripes. The rearmost pairs of legs are much longer than the two front forelegs, and serve as the primary locomotion, the forelegs being 1/3 shorter. Warrior Bugs are quite agile and fast, they can climb and burrow. These bugs utilize a powerful pincer-like mandible that is capable of crushing rock, metal and severing limbs as a means of attack. The two upper forelegs or "side mandibles" are utilized in the manner of swords for attack as well as defense. It was thought to use these as 'hands' for grasping objects in the manner of a praying mantis. This is in fact not the case as a warrior has no dexterity with them and as such they are merely stabbing and slashing or eviscerating implements. They are devastating in this role as they reach out to well over a meter, 2 feet further than their forelegs or 3 feet further than its actual mandibles. It is said that they can lose a limb and still fight with 86% efficiency. Also, it would seem that Warrior Bugs have very tough exo-skeletons, being able to take a large amount of fire before they succumb to their wounds. This plays a very tactical advantage since arachnids attack in very large numbers and, like in the whiskey outpost picture below, they can climb over the dead below. Losing arachnids is considered a minor problem since mobile infantry troops are HEAVILY outnumbered and the arachnids are, unlike humans, not afraid to attack the enemy even if they have powerful weapons, since their bravery, ignorance and huge quantity in numbers plays an advantage in overrunning enemy positions. Warriors are capable of surviving harsh environments, and even in the vacuum of space. This is used to the Arachnid's advantage where Warriors would use the vacuum of space to outflank unsuspecting Federation forces such as as during the Battle of Fort Casey. It is unclear if Warriors breath air and can hold their breaths for long periods, or if they survive through some other method.
- Warrior Bug is the unofficial fan name for a biological weapon that appears a few times in the original Armored Core game as an enemy. Produced by the queen of this bio mechanical "race" of organisms, Warrior Bugs are weaker but much more numerous than their mother.