| - Project Elpis was the name of a motion tabled by the Council of Seven Elders, that would see the majority of Olympuses' human residents "reconditioned," both mentally, and biologically, to be perfect, blurring the line between regular humanity and Bioroids. The nature of the reconditioning process wasn't too clear, but would likely involve a significant amount of brainwashing. The Project was one of the main plot elements in the second volume of the Appleseed manga, Prometheus Unbound.
| - Project Elpis was the name of a motion tabled by the Council of Seven Elders, that would see the majority of Olympuses' human residents "reconditioned," both mentally, and biologically, to be perfect, blurring the line between regular humanity and Bioroids. The nature of the reconditioning process wasn't too clear, but would likely involve a significant amount of brainwashing. Proposed out of fear that even Olympus would one day fall to humanity's need for violence and destruction, despite the social insulation provided by the Bioroids, the majority of the Central Management Bureau's Legislative House viewed the motion as a potential species domination scheme, which would ultimately see the demise of natural, non-engineered humans in Olympus. The Project was one of the main plot elements in the second volume of the Appleseed manga, Prometheus Unbound. Athena Areios, at the time only Administrative Director (and not the Prime Minister she would later become) was the most verbal oppoonent of Project Elpis, even though it would in theory eliminate the risk of social collapse, something she dedicates her life to preventing.