| - !rowspan="2"|Naam !colspan="2" rowspan="2"|Moeilijkheidsgraad !rowspan="2"|Exp.level !rowspan="2"|Lengte !rowspan="2"|Skill levels !rowspan="2"|Quest nodig !colspan="2"|Beloningen !rowspan="2"|QS |- !QP !Andere |- |Tai Bwo Wannai Trio |colspan="2"| |File:Intermediate.png |Lang |15File:Agility.gif 30File:Cooking-icon.png 5File:Fishing.gif |Jungle Potion |2 |
* 5.000 File:Cooking-icon.png
* 2.500 File:Attack-icon.png
* 2.000
* 1 karambwan poisoned rune spear
* Toegang tot de brothers' stores
* Toegang tot de tribal statue, karambwan, karambwanji
* Toegang op delen van de Barbarian training | |- |Tail of Two Cats, A |colspan="2"| |File:Intermediate.png |Medium |Geen |Icthlarin's Little Helper |2 |
* 2 Antique lamps (5.000 skill exp)
* 1 Mouse toy | |- |Tale of the Muspah, The |colspan="2"| |File:Novice.png |Medium |6File:Firemaking-icon.png 8File:Mining-icon.png 10File:Magic-icon.png10File:Woodcutting-icon.png |Geen |1 |
* 1.000 File:Magic-icon.png
* 800 File:Mining-icon.png
* 500 File:Firemaking-icon.png
* Experience lamp (200 exp)
* 4 sapphires
* Toegang tot de Trollweiss ice caves |MA1 |- |Tears of Guthix |colspan="2"| |File:Intermediate.png |Kort |43File:Quest.png 49File:Firemaking-icon.png 20File:Crafting-icon.png20File:Mining-icon.png |Geen |1 |
* 1.000 File:Crafting-icon.png
* Toegang tot de minigame | |- |The Temple at Senntisten |colspan="2"| |File:Master.png |Lang |
* Level 50 File:Prayer-icon.png
* 125 Kudos van het Varrock Museum |
* The Curse of Arrav
* Desert Treasure
* Devious Minds |2 |
* 2 Quest Punten
* 10.000 File:Prayer-icon.png Experience
* Een lamp die 23.000 Experience geeft in een skill.
* Twee lampen die 20.000 Experience geven in een combat skill boven de 50.
* Ancient hymnal
* Toegang tot de Ancient Curses
* Toegang tot Senntisten Temple's altaar.
* Toegang tot de Ghorrock, waar het krioelt met Steel dragons, Iron dragons en in de grot met Waterfiends en Icefiends. | |- |Temple of Ikov |colspan="2"| |File:Experienced.png |Lang |42File:Thieving.gif 40File:Ranged-icon.png |Geen |1 |
* 10.500 File:Ranged-icon.png
* 8.000 File:Fletching.gif
* 1 Boots of lightness
* Toegang tot de Armadyl gravestone |L1 |- |Throne of Miscellania |colspan="2"| |File:Experienced.png |Medium |Geen |Fremennik TrialsHeroes Quest |1 |
* Toegang tot de minigame |FR, ME1 |- |Tourist Trap, The |colspan="2"| |File:Intermediate.png |geen |10File:Fletching.gif 20File:Smithing-icon.png |Geen |2 |
* 4.650 File:Agility.gif/ File:Fletching.gif/ File:Smithing-icon.png
* De mogelijkheid om darts te smeden | |- |TokTz-Ket-Dill |colspan="2"| |File:Experienced.png |Medium |40File:Attack-icon.png 41File:Mining-icon.png 43File:Crafting-icon.png45File:Strength-icon.png 50File:Construction.gif |Geen |1 |
* 5.000 File:Attack-icon.png
* 10.000 File:Crafting-icon.png
* 15.000 File:Mining-icon.png
* 20.000 File:Construction.gif
* Toegang tot een nieuw mining gebied
* De mogelijkheid om obsidian te smeden | |- |Tower of Life |colspan="2"| |File:Novice.png |Kort |10File:Construction.gif |Geen |2 |
* 1.000 File:Construction.gif
* 500 File:Crafting-icon.png
* Toegang tot de Creature Creation
* Toegang tot de Builder's costume en de emotie | |- |Tree Gnome Village |colspan="2"| |File:Intermediate.png |Kort - Medium |Geen |Geen |2 |
* 11.450 File:Attack-icon.png
* Toegang tot het Spirit Tree system
* 1 Gnome amulet |G |- |Tribal Totem |colspan="2"| |File:Intermediate.png |Kort |21File:Thieving.gif |Geen |1 |
* 1.775 File:Thieving.gif
* 5 swordfish
* Toegang tot Lord Handelmort's tuin |HA |- |Troll Romance |colspan="2"| |File:Experienced.png |Medium |28File:Agility.gif |Troll StrongholdDeath Plateau |2 |
* 8.000 File:Agility.gif
* 4.000 File:Strength-icon.png
* Verschillende gems
* Toegang tot Trollweiss |T5 |- |Troll Stronghold |colspan="2"| |File:Experienced.png |Medium |15File:Agility.gif |Death Plateau |1 |
* 2 Mysterious lamps (10,000 skill exp)
* Toegang tot Trollheim en de Troll Stronghold |T2 |- |} Categorie:Quest lijst