| - Beastlord is a unique class which combines some powers from the Monk and Shaman classes along with a powerful pet. Beastlords can imbue their pets with powers and combat enemies with hand-to-hand skills or with weapons. They can "de-buff" enemies with spells, and possess modest healing abilities. This diverse array of skills allows Beastlords to be effective solo adventurers at many levels as well as being handy in a group. Six races can be beastlords, Barbarians, Iksars, Ogres, Trolls, Vah Shir, and Wood Elves.
- Beastlords are characters living in the Midwest in 2197.
- The Beastlord was a quasi-mythical entity among the A'Mar, Human inhabitants of the moon Lamus. It was said to be the "the mightiest of gundarks," and as a coming-of-age ritual, young A'Mar, both male and female, went on a Beastlord's Hunt to try and find it.
- A Beastlord is a warrior who has developed a bond or gained control over a single animal, known as a Warder. The warder stays with or nearby the Beastlord from the earliest stages of their development and it is this 'pet' that makes a Beastlord into a powerful fighting force; as the Beastlord advances in strength and experience so does their warder companion. When fighting side by side, the two make a formidable opponent and the damage they can inflict is nearly unrivalled when considered with the beastlords other benefits to a party. Beastlord Races Barbarian, Iksar, Ogre, Troll, Vah Shir
- Beastlords are the strongest and most tyrannical leaders of the Beastmen tribes, all of whom are large, hairy, musclebound brutes possessed of a raw and savage might that far outshadows the rest of his brutish kin. They carry themselves with swaggering confidence, revelling in their own superiority over lesser beasts. Their thick, hairy skulls are crowned with magnificent sets of horns as sharp and hard as any blade, and their robust and heavily-thewed bodies are covered with scar tissue and crudely rendered tattoos.[1a]
- “You and your beast companion are like twin aspects of one being, acting in perfect accord. Any separateness is an illusion of space and time—a seeming that might one day be erased."[MP:151] Prerequisite: 21st level, ranger, Beast Mastery class feature Ultimate Understanding (21st level): Once per round, you can take a minor action to command your beast companion to take a standard action, a move action, or a minor action.