| - Calembel (Sindarin: Grüne Nabe) war eine Stadt (möglicherweise Hauptstadt) im Gebiet von Lamedon, einem Lehen Gondors, und lag zwischen Erech und Pelargir nahe an den Furten des Ciril. Während des Ringkrieges, war die Stadt verlassen. Die meisten Männer waren in den Krieg um Minas Tirith gezogen, andere waren vor dem Heer der Toten, das einem Gerücht zufolge kommen sollte, in die Berge geflohen.
- Calembel – miasto w Lamedonie, położone na drodze między Erech a Pelargirem, w zakolach rzeki Ciril. W czasie Wojny o Pierścień, miasto było opustoszałe z tej racji, że większość mieszkańców poszła służyć w Minas Tirith, a pozostali uciekli w góry w obawie przed armią Umarłych z Dunharrow.
- Calembel was a city of Gondor and the capital of the province of Lamedon. It was situated on a small hill along the river Ciril and a major road that led into Southern Gondor. Aragorn and the Host of the Dead camped here on their way to Pelargir.
- Calembel was een stad in Gondor en de hoofdstad van de leen Lamedon. Het lag dichtbij de Voorde van de Ciril en kruiste de weg vanuit Erech. Tijdens de Oorlog om de Ring rustte Aragorn en het Grijze Gezelschap hier met het Leger der Doden.
- Lamedon's principal town was Calembel (S. "Green Enclosure"). It lay conveniently on a hillside east of the fords of Ciril, on the road which links central Gondor to the mining communities of the southern White Mountains,where people from all of Lamedon and the northernmost part of the Mornan would exchange goods with each other and with merchants from the capital. The town was essentially a trading post,center for supplies,ore trade and catered to the needs of the folk of Lamedon and the provincial government at Ost-en-Girilthir.Most of ore though was shipped directly on to Linhir and Pelargir.
| - Calembel (Sindarin: Grüne Nabe) war eine Stadt (möglicherweise Hauptstadt) im Gebiet von Lamedon, einem Lehen Gondors, und lag zwischen Erech und Pelargir nahe an den Furten des Ciril. Während des Ringkrieges, war die Stadt verlassen. Die meisten Männer waren in den Krieg um Minas Tirith gezogen, andere waren vor dem Heer der Toten, das einem Gerücht zufolge kommen sollte, in die Berge geflohen.
- Calembel – miasto w Lamedonie, położone na drodze między Erech a Pelargirem, w zakolach rzeki Ciril. W czasie Wojny o Pierścień, miasto było opustoszałe z tej racji, że większość mieszkańców poszła służyć w Minas Tirith, a pozostali uciekli w góry w obawie przed armią Umarłych z Dunharrow.
- Calembel was a city of Gondor and the capital of the province of Lamedon. It was situated on a small hill along the river Ciril and a major road that led into Southern Gondor. Aragorn and the Host of the Dead camped here on their way to Pelargir.
- Calembel was een stad in Gondor en de hoofdstad van de leen Lamedon. Het lag dichtbij de Voorde van de Ciril en kruiste de weg vanuit Erech. Tijdens de Oorlog om de Ring rustte Aragorn en het Grijze Gezelschap hier met het Leger der Doden.
- Lamedon's principal town was Calembel (S. "Green Enclosure"). It lay conveniently on a hillside east of the fords of Ciril, on the road which links central Gondor to the mining communities of the southern White Mountains,where people from all of Lamedon and the northernmost part of the Mornan would exchange goods with each other and with merchants from the capital. The town was essentially a trading post,center for supplies,ore trade and catered to the needs of the folk of Lamedon and the provincial government at Ost-en-Girilthir.Most of ore though was shipped directly on to Linhir and Pelargir. The affairs of the town of Calembel were managed by a council of twelve, elected from among the wealthiest townsmen on a yearly basis. The council did not have a great deal to do; primarily it collected market fees from those who visited Calembel to trade, was responsible for public construction and other administrational purposes. For the most part, the council worked closely together with the Lord of Lamedon who, from time to time, was invited to participate in council meetings. Calembel had about 5,000 inhabitants before the Great Plague. The town had no walls, and its buildings clustered along the road from the fords to the castle above the town. Most houses were two-story structures, with a wooden top story, supported by the stone walls of the ground floor. The market square lay at the center, to one side of Castle Road, and was surrounded by three-story buildings. This was the wealthy part of Calembel; the hovels of the poor were found on the outskirts of town. The town fringes also housed trades which for various reasons were not tolerated in the central parts: smithies (numerous smiths plyed their profession in Calembel) and potteries, for the fire risk, tanneries for the smell, brothels for decency. Outside town on the way to the fords, the pens of the livestock market—"Sheep Market," in daily speech—were found. For three days of every second month, this area echoed with a bleating cacophony, as surplus animals were driven here from all over Lamedon.