| - A furry webcomic drawn by Chalosan and written by SoulKat. And that ID_Fox guy. The story is a Slice of Life that revolves around Mora Linda, who inherits her family's farmland after the death of her mother Diana. At first attempting to manage the farm on her own, she quickly realizes that she will need help, and goes out to recruit some more workers. Things are complicated when an old rival shows up and tries to run Mora out of business. The comic can be found on The Katbox, which hosts this comic along with The Eye of Ramalach, Caribbean Blue, and Anthronauts. The main comic, as well as some of the side comics and supplemental material, contains occasional NSFW material. Generally updates on a week with the main comic and one bonus comic, but tends to slip due to the usual hassles of life.
* Absolute Cleavage: Most of the females are guilty of this at different points of the comic.
* Abusive Parents: In Taffy's backstory, her mother beats her for getting her hair dyed.
* Action Girl: Joy Ravenhurs.
* Adult Child: Sarah Silkie.
* All There in the Manual: An obscenely large amount of the backstory exists only on the forum. About the only questions left unanswered are the ones the writers don't want to answer just yet (like, for instance, what exactly happened between Mora and Alej that caused them to become mortal enemies).
* All Women Are Lustful: Mostly played straight with Mora, but subverted big-time with Taffy.
* Amusing Injuries: Miles is a master of this.
* Animal Stereotypes: In one page, Sarah mentions she hates water because she's a cat.
* April Fools' Day: Every year since the comic's inception, they've had a joke comic on this day. In fact, the very first joke comic was considered a real comic for so long, it eventually had to be labeled an April Fools' comic just to clear up the confusion.
* Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering? complete with a Shout-Out to Pinky and The Brain on the last panel of this page
* Armed with Canon: It's a little more subtle than most canon fights, but there's some pulling and tugging behind the scenes, as ID, SoulKat, and Chalo all have rather different ideas for where the comic should go. SoulKat usually pulls the most Executive Meddling and takes away ID's canon ammo, but since Chalo's the artist he can usually get the last laugh just by drawing it the way he wants it to go.
* Art Evolution: Chalo's art has improved in practically every area since the strip's beginnings.
* However, some may argue that the art has started to dip in quality recently.
* Ascended Extra: Idward was originally meant to be a one-shot character used purely for comic relief. However, he was later reinstated into the comic during the Harvest Festival arc, and eventually became a main character.
* Ascended Fanboy: Sage Freehaven. It all started when he won a cameo contest. Fast forward to the present day, and he had what amounts to an entire arc of "Breasts Are the Best" dedicated to beautiful girls fighting over him. He is currently the canon love interest of Tila Sunrise.
* Attempted Rape: Mora is assaulted by a group of workers in one of the earliest installments of the comic. They get as far as removing her top... and then Minos shows up.
* The Atoner: Apparently Minos falls under this because of his past.
* Author Avatar: Miles and Idward are avatars of SoulKat and ID_Fox, respectively. Chalo has also drawn himself within the comic, but only as a Creator Cameo.
* Barefoot Cartoon Animals
* Berserk Button:
* People who make Sarah when Rachael is around end up with serious trouble on their hands.
* Minos apparently used to have one in some form as well, a fact that he's deeply ashamed of.
* Beware the Nice Ones: Sarah and Taffy.
* Big Beautiful Woman: Tiggs, Tila Sunrise, and Cocoa.
* Big Eater: Tiggs again.
* Blondes Are Evil: Tootsie's had her moments of this.
* Body Paint: Angel.
* Bollywood Nerd: Tiare.
* Brainy Brunette: Tiare, once again. Sammy combines this with traces of Badass Bookworm and Cloudcuckoolander at times.
* Breaking the Fourth Wall: In one panel, Sarah questions what other people Ambar's story will inform. Ambar replies with "oh, everyone!" and smiles over her shoulder, looking directly out of the panel. Maybe not so much breaking it as using one of those diamond-tipped circle cutting whatchamadads to stealthily cut a hole through it.
* Break the Haughty: At one point in Learning Curves, Vixy crashes a party hosted at Davin's place, talks trash about his "quarterback slut" girlfriends, and states her plans to seduce him. His girlfriends respond appropriately. To say nothing of Alej's "wardrobe malfunction".
* Brick Joke: Minos' gophers.
* Butt Monkey: Amusingly, despite his Author Avatar status, Miles tends to be the character who gets comically injured the most. And if you're curious why, this Elf Only Inn comic provides some insight.
* The Cameo: Several forumites have had cameos in Las Lindas and its bonus arcs; the forum runs cameo contests from time to time that allows for someone to win a cameo in the comic of their choice by producing an edit of an existing strip that most amuses the comic's creators. The winners so far are:
* Guno (Winner #1; the girl leading Miles off)
* Zarmir (Winner #2; the bartender)
* Sage Freehaven (Winner #3; the merchant)
* Dingo (Winner #4; the guy behind the register)
* Fyxe (Winner #5; the girl with breasts that are huge even for Las Lindas)
* Bad x Ash (Winner #6; his cameo has not yet happened)
* Greycat R. (Winner #7; the guy resembling Idward in the first frame)
* Uber-popular furry artist Jessica Elwood's fursona has also made several cameo appearances, mainly because she's a close friend of Chalo.
* Catch Phrase:
* Miles' "CRIPES!" whenever he's on the butt end of a joke or otherwise gets hurt. This reaches a new level of hilarity when this word is his reaction to WALKING OFF THE EDGE OF A CLIFF.
* There's also Taffy's adorably flustered cry of, "Oh, raspberries!"
* SK seems to be trying to turn "awesome" into Miles' new word in an attempt to get everyone to realize how "awesome" he believes Miles to be. Instead he's just making Miles sound like Michael Bay.
* Cat Fight: Mora and Rachael have a pretty big one later in the comic.
* Character Development: One of the central themes of the comic.
* Character Focus: Each of the bonus comics focus on one or two of the characters in the main comic, while the main comic features arcs that focus on certain characters at certain points in the story.
* Cloudcuckoolander: Sarah, so very much.
* Completely Missing the Point: Many of the bust chart images feature the girls in their usual outfits, and in some cases even more conservative clothing than they usually wear. Most recently, Kate was seen wearing chest bindings in her chart pic.
* Continuity Nod: Remember the gophers Minos chucked? Apparently, his aim was off. (The second link contains NSFW material.)
* Cool and Unusual Punishment: Alej's punishment for attempting to "steal" Sage from Tila in "Breasts Are the Best"? Stripped, chained and subjected to a cold shower. With Tootsie.
* Cool Big Sis: Rachael to Sarah. Taffy also to a certain degree.
* Covert Pervert: Certain character topics in the forums show Ambar having traits of this.
* Crossover: The comic occasionally has small non-canon sideplots with the other Katbox comics, usually around certain holidays (especially Halloween).
* Dark and Troubled Past: Many character's pasts sucked to some degree, but Minos gets special mention since he used to work for the Big Bad of the universe.
* Dark-Skinned Blond: Tootsie Roswell qualifies for this, having gray fur and blond hair.
* Dark-Skinned Redhead: Ambar has traits of this, with brown fur and red hair.
* Deadpan Snarker: Miles, Mora and Rachael do this now and then. Alejandra comes a little closer since she spends most of her time deadpan, and only rarely lets her temper get the better of her.
* Death Glare : Mora gives quite an impressive one on page 250
* Deconstruction:
* Of the Inferred Holocaust with the aftermath of the "Emperor vs Earth" backstory, and arguably of the Unknown Rival with Alej.
* The Primes as a whole mildly deconstruct the concept of "anthro races". In most media with anthros, they tend to be almost identical, or at least very similar, to humans. The Primes, on the other hand, have their own unique history, culture, beliefs, political system, etc. Its actually a bit admirable that the authors have put so much thought into making their anthro race unique.
* Determinator: The Emperor. He chased the Primes (the anthro animals of the comic) all the way to Earth simply because they left his iron-fisted rule.
* Deus Ex Machina:
* Ambar pretty much personifies this trope, to the point where SoulKat intentionally tries to keep her out of the story.
* Minos had a big problem with this as well, having a tendency to show up and resolve any situations with either a Megaton Punch or solemnly-delivered "wisdom".
* The plane. This definitely counts, because it's a plot element that came right out of nowhere to magically end Miles' troubles, letting him keep his horrible attitude and not learn anything, and--judging by the dialogue--convincing everyone else in the cast that he's AWESOME. While Minos has to be made less wise and Ambar has to stop showing up in the main comic altogether to prevent more Deus Ex Machina from happening.
* Diabolus Ex Machina: Hey, looks like things are looking up for the farm now that they've won the Harvest Festival! Wait, what are Din and Jin telling Sarah to do? ...OhCrap.
* Disney Death: Digit experienced one recently.
* Disappeared Dad: Mora's, as revealed here.
* Distracted by the Sexy: Miles was unable to figure out Mora's true intentions of making him work for her in the beginning of the comic due to her flaunting her sex appeal at him.
* Drives Like Crazy: Tootsie.
* Dysfunction Junction: Not as bad as most examples, but its still there.
* Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": The Emperor.
* Even Evil Has Standards: When Alejandra is about to start construction near the Las Lindas farm, she actually stops at the last moment because the starting point was actually Diana's grave. Needless to say, the executives that she works with weren't happy with her decision.
* Evil Redhead: Din turns into this when she and Jin trick Sarah into nearly killing Digit.
* Exactly What It Says on the Tin: See Meaningful Name
* Executive Meddling:
* Boy howdy, from SoulKat. He's basically the reason no Las Lindas porn is drawn by Chalo.
* The reason for the girls' outfits for the bust chart becoming less and less revealing. Which sort of misses the point of a bust chart.
* The Fair Folk: Din and Jin fit this perfectly.
* Fan Service: The comic practically runs on it. Hell, the most popular bonus arc is "Breasts Are the Best", a non-canon arc that is fueled by fanservice.
* Fan Service with a Smile: Many female characters have their moments, but Taffy would qualify the most, considering her cheerful personality.
* Flame War: One of the worst in webcomics today between two sides of a epic level Fan Dumb. It can sour the experience somewhat.
* Fiery Redhead: Ann, Din, Vixy, and Ambar.
* Five-Man Band:
* The Hero: Mora
* The Lancer: Miles
* The Smart Girl: Rachael
* The Big Guy: Minos
* The Chick: Taffy
* The Sixth Ranger: Sarah
* For the Evulz: Din and Jin's manipulation of Sarah in order to try and kill Digit.
* Fourth Wall Mail Slot: The forums have a section where readers can ask questions to the cast. They can actually be quite informative (and funny) sometimes.
* It's through this forum that Ambar gained a good amount of her popularity with the strip's fans; since she appears only rarely in the actual comic, the forum gave the Katbox Krew the chance to use her as a way to answer questions about Neo Earth and the Primes, as well as questions about Ambar herself.
* Friendly Tickle Torture: The Ticklebug between Sarah and Rachael.
* Funny Background Event: During this page.
* Furry Confusion: "I'm not a cow!" To say nothing of the fact that Alejandra, who for all intents and purposes looks like a cow, runs a milk factory.
* Went over a bit here in The Rant. Chalo points out that the Primes, being foreign to Earth, aren't related to wildlife. Still a bit jarring to see a anthromorphic antelope around your standard Earth antelope.
* Gag Boobs:
* Tila Sunrise.
* Also Mora, Alejandra, and Nina.
* Genki Girl: Sarah.
* Also, Geecku.
* Glasses Girl: Alejandra and Tiare.
* A God Am I:
* Idward gets a little carried away and declares this on his island sojourn. Hilarity or injuries would've been sure to ensue if the bonus comic this trope happened in hadn't been canceled. However, it seems the comic is still canon, as the further events that would have happened are explained in the main comic.
* The Emperor, who in the duration of its career killed several gods.
* Good Bad Girl: Mora.
* Groin Attack: Miles learned the hard way never to get between Sarah and her birthday presents. He also learned that Sarah may not be the brightest, but she knows when someone's giving her breasts unwanted ogling.
* Halloween Cosplay: This has happened for a few years, and usually involves the other Katbox comics in some way. In 2009, the Las Lindas cast was drawn to resemble a movie poster for Army of Darkness.
* Hair Antennae: Sarah.
* Highly-Visible Ninja: The ninja in this comic doesn't even bother to hide after finding what he's after.
* Hime Cut: Rachael, as part of her Expy package. Her background also contributes to this, as she actually comes from a very high-class family.
* Hollywood Kiss: Recently between Randal and Taffy.
* Hot for Student: Bonus comic "Learning Curves" features a relationship between college teacher Sammy and college student Toby.
* Hot Amazon: Ailana, Geecku, and Dischordia.
* Hot Librarian: Alejandra may not be a librarian, but she has all of the other physical attributes to qualify for this.
* Hot Mom: Ambar and Diana Linda.
* Hot Scientist: Tiare and Tootsie fall under this category.
* Hot Teacher: Sammi, no doubt about it.
* Huge Schoolgirl: Tiggs all the way.
* Hurricane of Euphemisms: Done by Miles and Toby at the end of this Learning Curves comic. (NSFW)
* Hypocritical Humor:
* To be fair, Digit is technology that only appears supernatural.
* Idiot Ball: This was seemingly glued to Sarah when Din and Jin were manipulating her.
* Idol Singer: Hope
* Ignored Epiphany: Miles, after seemingly realizing how badly he's screwed up his own life, apparently decides once again that he doesn't need to change anything about his less-than-admirable lifestyle or his toxic personality, the world needs to start changing for him because he's so perfect and awesome. That's right, folks - after that sappy faux Nice Guy speech about "changing for the better" at the end of the Mall arc, he clearly states that he's the same Jerkass he's always been and that he intends to keep being this way.
* Earlier, we had Alej during the climax of the Harvest Festival arc. Her response to Mora saying she never wanted their rivalry and that she genuinely wants to be friends with her again? Rant and rave about the "injustice" of the situation and how her factory is the best thing ever. Karma quickly bites her.
* I Have Boobs - You Must Obey!: Mora seduces Miles in the beginning of the comic and eventually makes him a worker at her farm.
* Implacable Man: The Emperor is implied to have been one in the backstory. Even with the power of the Crests, it still took the direct intervention of a god to stop him from destroying everything, and even then there was considerable collateral damage to clean up.
* Intelligence Equals Isolation: Tiare is... not a people person.
* Internal Consistency/Retcon: The shapeshifting towel (between here and here)
* Interspecies Romance: It's pretty common actually. Idward who's a dog, has had this with Mora who's a cow, and Miles who's a cat has had this with Taffy who's a rabbit.
* In Vino Veritas: In BB, Taffy manifests a completely different persona while drunk, and calls herself Ria.
* It's All About Me: This is how Miles' mind works.
* Jail Bait: Sarah, lampshaded by Mora here.
* Jerkass:
* Miles. Goes into Jerkass Woobie after the incident with Digit when he had been missing for DAYS due to hypnosis. No one even noticed his absence until they wanted him to do a job. After FINALLY getting back, gets chewed out by Tiare, and no one even bothers to ask where he's been or if he was all right. See this page.
* Mora has a tendency of sometimes falling into this category.
* Jerk with a Heart of Gold:
* Mora and Rachael.
* Alejandra seems to cross between this and Rich Bitch, especially with her recent actions.
* Miles to a degree.
* Karma Houdini: Din and Jin manipulate Sarah into almost killing Digit and send Miles into a trancelike state that results in him falling off a cliff, and their actions by extension cause a sizeable amount of fire-related damage to the farm and lead to Rachael almost drowning. With absolutely no repercussions.
* Unless, of course, Idward manages to put two and two together.
* Sarah and Digit are planning to hunt them down but Din & Jin found them first.
* Kick the Dog: Many of Miles' detractors see his actions during the Harvest Festival as an example.
* Kill the Cutie: Din and Jin attempt to do this to Digit using Sarah.
* Large and In Charge: The Emperor, though since it was a "history lesson" by Ambar, that instance may have been for dramatic effect.
* Laser-Guided Karma: How else would you explain Miles' recent string of terrible luck?
* Lethal Chef: To say Randal tends to overspice his cooking would be a pretty big understatement.
* Lions and Tigers and Humans, Oh My!: Not that we see the humans all that often.
* Little No: Delivered by Tootsie to Alej when she tells her she needs to give up on her revenge plans against Mora.
* A Load of Bull: Minos.
* Loads and Loads of Characters: Between the regular cast in the main comic to all the other characters across the various side comics, it's a wonder that any of them manage to get any development.
* Mad Scientist: Tootsie, in spades.
* Magic From Technology: Lampshaded by Digit here.
* Male Gaze: Lots, especially in the Breasts are the Best comics.
* Mama Bear: Ambar, both literally and figuratively.
* Man Child: Sarah Silkie.
* Marshmallow Hell: In this Dungeons and Dames comic.
* Meaningful Name: The title is Spanish for "The Beauties".
* Mood Whiplash: It's a proven fact that Miles getting hurt is a great way to alleviate stress from the darker moments.
* Moral Dissonance: Miles personifies this trope. He demands the world's respect and gives none in return.
* Almost all the characters tend to have this problem (if not the same reaction/circunstances) which seems to be a trend in many furry webcomics. It can be kinda unsettling when you realize it.
* Ms. Fanservice: Practically every single female character qualifies as this in some way, with the exception of Taffy's mom (and the possible exception of Digit).
* Digit is the Token Mini-Moe...
* Nanomachines: Nano-zells, which are what Digit and the other Resident Spirits are made of.
* No Biochemical Barriers: Played mostly straight. While Primes and Humans can have children together, it's apparently not very easy, making "hybrids" fairly rare.
* This also applies between different Prime species, with any possible hybrids having only superficial physical distinctions (eg. Joy from the Knighthood side-comic).
* Non-Mammal Mammaries: Geecku.
* "No Respect" Guy: People have a tendency to forget that the comic has TWO writers...
* People also have a tendency to forget that Chalo is not working on the comic alone.
* Some would consider Miles eligible, but considering he doesn't treat anyone with respect...
* Not a Date: Randall and Taffy insist they aren't going on a date together... and admit they are on the next page
* Not Blood Siblings: Mora and Randal have a pretend wedding in the now-defunct bonus comic "Simpler Times".
* Also Sarah and Rachael, who actually refer to each other as "sis".
* Not So Harmless: Din and Jin.
* The Nudifier: The Glorps in "Dungeons and Dames".
* Obliviously Evil: Din and Jin's shenanigans become a lot less funny once they almost kill Digit, giggling all the way.
* Oh Crap: Din and Jin, upon being cornered by Digit.
* Only Known by Their Nickname: Din and Jin never refer to anyone by their real names, instead using nicknames (i.e. "The Golem" for Minos and "The Great Artist" for Idward).
* Taffy's real name is Ria.
* Tiggs real name is Traci Biggs. Apparently, she doesn't seem to be able to make the connection.
* Only Sane Man: Most of the characters take turns being one, but Minos and Taffy usually count the most.
* Only Six Faces: Las Lindas suffers from Better Days syndrome, in that faces tend to gravitate towards "cat" regardless of what species the creature in question is actually supposed to be.
* Orphaned Series: Several bonus arcs have been cancelled since they became a fixture of the comic's schedule; this was done partially to lighten artist Chalosan's workload, and partially because the cancelled arcs just weren't pulling in donations.
* Pimped-Out Dress: This was the bread and butter of the Harvest Festival Arc.
* Polyamory: Davin, and his relationship with Ann, Tiare, and Angel.
* Pstandard Psychic Pstance: Subverted, in that while she doesn't use them often, there's never any indication that Ambar is using her powers unless you count the original Crest Diaries comic.
* Quest for Sex: Miles' main goal in life.
* Rage Breaking Point: Quite recently, when Mora visits Alej on Tootsie's request to try and make peace with her before she destroys herself. It seemed to be going well, until Mora sticks her foot in her mouth when she WRONGFULLY assumed the reason why Alej hated her was over a high school crush years ago and that she's willing to forgive the trivial spat. Alej got so angry at the assumption she SNAPPED HER SHOTGUN IN TWO with her bare hands.
* Really Gets Around: Mora (prior to the events of the comic), Angel, and Geecku.
* Especially Geecku, who was once stated to have had sex with well over 4,000 guys. Hell, Geecku IS this trope.
* Actually, Geecku did it with 3273 guys according to this comic.
* Really Seven Hundred Years Old: The Crests are all far older than they look, though exactly how old is uncertain.
* Also Minos and Ambar.
* Rescue Romance: Mora and Minos.
* Retcon: There are many examples of this, some good, some bad.
* Rachael had once stated she went to high school, which contradicts the fact that she and Sarah grew up on the streets, thus Lost Kittens was made to show that she lied.
* Tootsie was retconned into being straight.
* Angel is now a former severe meth addict who was saved from the gutter and placed into college by Davin within about a year.
* Rich Bitch: Vixy and, to a slightly lesser degree, Alej.
* Right Behind Me: After successfully sneaking back to the farm after a secret day on the town, Miles and Rachael promise to keep it a secret from Mora...only for Mora to pop up behind them
* Rose-Haired Girl: Taffy, although this is subverted as her hair is really dyed. She's actually a White-Haired Pretty Girl.
* Running Gag: Early comics would often have characters eating mint ice cream, as an in-joke to SoulKat hating the flavor.
* Scenery Censor: Usually played straight, but occasionally subverted.
* Schedule Slip: The various comic updates are tied to donations, and even then the creators can shuffle around which one will actually be updated when, so it's sort of a "who knows" on when the main comic or bonus pages will get updates. Chalo's busy schedule and health issues are the biggest reasons for slips, but given that he makes a living off of his artwork, it's certainly understandable to a degree.
* Schoolgirl Lesbians: In Learning Curves, Tiggs admits to Vixy she's normally not interested in girls, but finds Vixy to be "different". Also a rather out-of-nowhere case of If It's You It's Okay.
* Screw the Rules, I Have Money: Alejandra and Vixy.
* Serious Business:
* How Alej views the "competition" between her factory and the titular farm. She's pretty much the only one who treats it as such.
* Rachael feels this way about the fights in the arena. She cuts herself off before she can use this trope by name.
* SoulKat tends to act this way towards the comic and all related material. Let's just say, don't ever mention the nude photoshops to him unless you've always wondered what it feels like to be smacked upside the head with a banhammer.
* Sex Sells: "Breasts Are the Best" is the main source of cash inflow for Las Lindas. And the Bust Chart project earned Chalo around three thousand dollars in under a month.
* She Cleans Up Nicely: Many of the girls look lovely in their gowns during the Harvest Festival.
* Shiny Midnight Black: Rachael and Angel's hair colors can be described like this.
* Shout-Out:
* To World of Warcraft on this page.
* Rachael is modeled almost completely, in design and character, after Motoko Aoyama from Love Hina. Backgrounds in several strips during the Mall Arc featured images of characters from two of the other Katbox comics.
* To My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic: Sarah describing a terrible sorceress can easily be compared to a similar character describing (or singing about) a certain Evil Enchantress.
* Skunk Stripe: Alejandra's hair color.
* Spinoff Babies: Cancelled bonus arcs "Simpler Times" and "Lost Kittens".
* Start of Darkness:
* "Learning Curves", which shows how Miles went from a (more or less) decent guy to the bitter, womanizing cynic he is today.
* "Building An Empire" shows how Alej became the...morally grey business tycoon she is in the main comic.
* Stealth Pun: The Minotaur, anyone?
* Super-Deformed: Several instances.
* Super Strength: Minos has a lot of this.
* Supreme Chef: Taffy.
* Sure Why Not: The character of Tila Sunrise was intended to be a minor character who would appear in the "Dungeons and Dames" bonus comic; due to her popularity both with the site's forumites and the comic's creators, Tila was eventually given a true backstory: she's a successful hotel baroness whose likeness is the basis for the Tila within the D&D expy played in "Dungeons and Dames". This allowed Tila to appear in "Breasts Are the Best" without the creators having to worry about fudging ALL of their canon to make it happen.
* Similarly, Ascended Fanboy Sage Freehaven's character was also written into canon in a similar way: he and other forumites pushed the "Dungeons and Dames" version of Sage and Tila together as a couple, so when Sage was given official canonization, he was written in as Tila's love interest/business assistant (in the "Dungeons and Dames" universe, Sage is a weapons merchant who operates out of the Sunrise Guild).
* Sweater Girl: Mora on occasion.
* Tabletop Games: The bonus comic "Dungeons and Dames" is all about a gaming group Taffy joins, featuring a Dungeons and Dragons expy. Includes further examples of:
* Dungeon Crawling
* The GM Is a Cheating Bastard
* Total Party Kill: This happens in the very first strip, as Taffy - new to her group - and the rest of her party meet with a dire fate that causes their GM to restart their adventure.
* You All Meet in An Inn: Following their game's restart, all of the characters meet at The Sunrise Guild, an inn/tavern run by Tila Sunrise.
* Taking You with Me: In the backstory, the Emperor tried to do this to reality itself, and he succeeded...sort of. It's complicated.
* Team Mom: Taffy
* Theme Naming: Pepper-Ann, Halite, Cocoa and Canela in Dungeons and Dames.
* And the Ravenhurst girls, Joy, Hope, and Grace.
* The Chick: Despite the cast being mainly female, Taffy practically defines this trope more than anyone else.
* "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Page 273, which is basically an entire page of Tiare calling Miles out on all the crap he's pulled.
* Third Person Person: Tila and Geecku.
* This Is for Emphasis, Bitch: "Because you're fired bitch!
* Triang Relations: Type 4 concerning Mora, Minos, and Rachael. Can also apply to Idward, Mora, and Minos.
* Troubled but Cute: For all his jackassery, inmaturity, idiocy and refuse to see his faults to a level of delusion the size of the Emperor, Miles had showed in contrast several continual acts of kidness and selfness (if somewhat pervert) actions around the cast that denotates he is/can be a better person, if only he stopped seeing sex as a confirmation of love. He also had showed in fast instances a sense of remorse, paranoic fear, loneliness and pure self loathe between outburst of (apparently forced) egomania that would make him a prime character in Megatokyo.
* True Companions: Yes, there's quite a few kinks to sort out (especially between Mora and Rachael), but ultimately the farm staff count.
* Tsundere: Despite the abovementioned Berserk Button regarding the term, in the latest arc Rachael basically acts like a textbook example. When this was pointed out to ID, he said he couldn't really argue with the classification anymore since Chalo and SoulKat had seemingly decided to write her as one. (Apparently, originally Rachael punched Miles when he said he respected her, before this was toned down.)
* Unknown Rival: Alej. Don't tell her that to her face, though.
* In a similar vein, while Las Lindas and Alej's dairy farm empire are directly competing with each other, neither Taffy nor Tootsie are aware of who the other's boss is. This is why they're able to play the Dungeons and Dragons expy together in "Dungeons and Dames".
* Of course, since it's Taffy and Tootsie, it's unlikely they'd care even if they did know.
* Unlucky Childhood Friend: Miles to Hope in the Learning Curves story.
* Victoria's Secret Compartment: Alej keeps her cell phone between her cleavage. Tootsie, on the other hand...
* Villainous BSOD : Apparently, things have been going downhill for Alej since the harvest festival.
* Walk On Water: Kate does this here.
* What Did I Do Last Night?: Taffy has this reaction here. (Warning: NSFW)
* What the Hell, Hero?:
* Both Miles and Mora have been called out on their Jerkass tendencies by Minos and Rachael, respectively. (Someone miles knew from college calls me him out on being an immature Jerkass.)
* And while Mora got to call Rachael out on one of her own tendencies of that variety, apparently only Minos is allowed to call Minos out on stuff.
* White-Haired Pretty Boy: Randal; also, Miles (to some fans).
* White-Haired Pretty Girl: Alejandra, although she does have strands of black hair mixed in. Cocoa/ Dischordia also qualify for this. Digit also to a certain degree. There's also Taffy, before she dyed her hair pink.
* You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Geecku, Jin, Nina and Tiggs.
* Your Approval Fills Me with Shame: Rachael to Miles here, when he applauds her advances towards Minos.