| - Garona Halforcen jest półorkiem-półdraenei, chociaż przed ujawnieniem tej informacji większość (w tym ona sama) uważała ją za półczłowieka. Jest zabójczynią i mistrzynią szpiegów. Dawniej była emisariuszką Hordy podczas pierwszej inwazji na Azeroth oraz mordercą króla Llane'a Wrynna. Później dołączyła do swojego syna i innych członków Nowej Rady Trisfal w walce przeciwko kultowi Młota Zmierzchu.
- Garona Halforcen is a prominent character in the Warcraft universe. She is a half-orc, half-dranei (thought at first believed to he half-human) assassin and spymaster. She was an emissary of the Horde during the first invasion of Azeroth, was the lover of Medivh for a time, and was the reluctant murderer of King Llane Wrynn. Later on, she joined her son, Med'an, and the other members of the New Council of Tirisfal in their battle against the Twilight's Hammer cult.
- Garona Halforcen ist eine legendäre halb-orcische Auftragsmörderin, welche im Dienst des Schattenrats für König Llanes Tod verantwortlich war. Garonas Herkunft, so menschlich sie erschienen haben mag, ist allerdings halb-draeneiisch: ihr Vater war einer von Gul'dans Orcs, ihre Mutter eine Draenei.
- Garona Halforcen is a half-orc half-draenei quest giver for the Horde in the Twilight Highlands. Like most others, she believed she was half-human until the truth was revealed to her. She is an assassin and a spymistress. She was an emissary of the Horde during the first invasion of Azeroth, and was the reluctant murderer of King Llane Wrynn. Later, she joined her son and the other members of the New Council of Tirisfal in their battle against the Twilight's Hammer clan.
- Ettersom hun hadde reist gjennom hele Draenor, var Garona velkjent i orkisk kultur, hvilket gjorde henne til et viktig redskap for Shadow Council. Hun ble adoptert in i den warlock-kontrollerte Stormreaver Klan. Hun ble raskt Chief Interpreter i Shadow Council, og Gul'dans personlige spion og snikmorder. Likevel innrømmer Garona at hun ikke har lojalitet til noen klan. Takket være hennes blandede blod, var hun alltid et utskudd, og hun måtte regne med hennes sluhet for å overleve den barske verdenen. Ved hennes inngang til Azeroth, ga Garonas erfaring henne stor hjelp i innsikt med deres nye fiende - menneskene.