| - The Divine Comedy was most famously illustrated by Gustave Doré, whose very literal interpretations of the punishments sinners suffer in Hell are truly horrifying.
- Dante's Inferno is a club in Seattle owned by Dante Passini. The club's manager is an elf, who goes by the name "Alessio". They also have a separate branch with a single establishment in Hong Kong
- Superman (TV series) (1988)
* Bonechill
- Dante's Inferno was a club in in Guinness Lake, Westview. It was owned by the Exile, Indigo.
- thumb Dante's Inferno es un videojuego de acción perteneciente al sub género hack and slash desarrollado por Visceral Games y publicado por Electronic Arts para PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 y PlayStation Portable.
- Dante's Inferno es un lugar de los cómics de Las Macabras Aventuras de Billy y Mandy.
- Dante's Inferno is a goth nightclub owned and run by Dante Pontis. It is not officially a limani (sanctuary), but humans, Were-Hunters, Dark-Hunters, Apollites, Daimons, and others can expect to be left in peace as long as they don't start any trouble.
- This week, Zero Punctuation reviews Dante's Inferno.
- Położenie: Fifth Avenue and Madison Street, #: (52-8016) Właściciel: Dante Passini : Designed to resemble the poet Dante's vision of Hell, this club is in a class by itself. Nine, huge glass dance floors pulsate with energy while four ramps spiral downward, eventually leading to the bottom level, a private room marked "Hell". >>>>>[This is THE place to see and be seen in Seattle.]<<<<<
- A copy of Inferno, translated by John Ciardi, was among the small collection of books found aboard the SS Botany Bay in 2285. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan) Captain Kathryn Janeway was given a copy of Dante's Inferno by her fiancé Mark Johnson as an engagement gift. She later lent the book to Chakotay, who once quoted its opening line to her: "In the middle of the journey of our life I found myself astray in a dark wood where the straight road had been lost." Chakotay agreed with Dante that if you always see the road ahead of you, it is not worth the trip. (VOY: "Shattered")