Were made in cream- ware to match large dinner services, and were fitted with castors of the same ware, for salt, pepper, and sugar, and with bottles for oil and vinegar. In this complete state they are rare. There is one in the Bohn and another in the Bragg Collections Categoría:Wedgwood handbook: Glosario: C Categoría:Glosario EN C Categoría:Diccionario C
Were made in cream- ware to match large dinner services, and were fitted with castors of the same ware, for salt, pepper, and sugar, and with bottles for oil and vinegar. In this complete state they are rare. There is one in the Bohn and another in the Bragg Collections Categoría:Wedgwood handbook: Glosario: C Categoría:Glosario EN C Categoría:Diccionario C