| - Eleazar was a member of the Hanif who worked as a slave of the Senpet in their mines. He was a companion of Bayushi Tomaru during the time the Scorpion Clan was also under the slave masters. After he was released Eleazar joined the Erba'a Alliance during the Shattering of the Jewel.
- Eleazar fulfilled a number of functions over the course of the Wilderness wanderings, from creating the plating to the altar out of the firepans of Korah's assembly to performing the ritual of the red heifer. After the death of his older brothers Nadab and Abihu, he was appointed to the charge of the sanctuary. His wife, a daughter of Putiel, bore him Phinehas, who would eventually succeed him as Kohen Gadol.
- Eleazar is one of the Denali coven, the mate of Carmen. He used to be a member of the Volturi debate team guard, using his gift for identifying the gifts of other vampires to ensure that Aro didn't miss out on any super special sparklepires that he might want to keep. When he met Carmen, he left the Volturi and the two of them went off on their own, and eventually joined up with Tanya & co. The fact that Aro - who had killed Didyme to make Marcus stay - let this happen is evidence that he's an idiot odd, given that Eleazar's powers are considerably more useful than Marcus'.
- Eleazar ben-Ya'ir, auch Eleasar ben Ja’ir, († 73) war der letzte Anführer der jüdischen Verteidiger Sikarier (Gruppe der Zeloten) der Hochplateau-Festung Masada im Jahre 73 n. Chr. Kurz vor Einnahme der Festung durch die Römer hielt Eleasar ben Ja’ir eine Rede, in der er zum Selbstmord aufrief. Als die Römer unter der Führung von Flavius Silva das Plateau erreichten, fanden sie die Leichen der Besatzung vor.
- Eleazar was Aaron's third son by his wife Elisheba. Eleazar became a priest along with his father and three brothers. He married a daughter of Putiel who bore him a son, Phinehas. After his two older brothers, Nadab and Abihu, were killed for making an unholy offering to God, and during his father's lifetime, "he was supervisor over those who had charge of the sanctuary".
| - Eleazar ben-Ya'ir, auch Eleasar ben Ja’ir, († 73) war der letzte Anführer der jüdischen Verteidiger Sikarier (Gruppe der Zeloten) der Hochplateau-Festung Masada im Jahre 73 n. Chr. Kurz vor Einnahme der Festung durch die Römer hielt Eleasar ben Ja’ir eine Rede, in der er zum Selbstmord aufrief. Als die Römer unter der Führung von Flavius Silva das Plateau erreichten, fanden sie die Leichen der Besatzung vor. Ian Chesterton und Barbara Wright gelangen kurz vor dem Ende der Belagerung nach Masada und lernen Eleazar kennen. Während Ian den Zeloten dazu bewegen will, gegen die Römer zu kämpfen, weiß Barbara um das Schicksal der Zeloten und versucht Ian davon zu überzeugen, dass er sich nicht in den Lauf der Geschichte einmischen darf. Kategorie:Doctor Who Personen (Prosa) Kategorie:Reale Personen Kategorie:Menschen (1. Jahrhundert) Kategorie:Anführer Kategorie:Tot
- Eleazar is one of the Denali coven, the mate of Carmen. He used to be a member of the Volturi debate team guard, using his gift for identifying the gifts of other vampires to ensure that Aro didn't miss out on any super special sparklepires that he might want to keep. When he met Carmen, he left the Volturi and the two of them went off on their own, and eventually joined up with Tanya & co. The fact that Aro - who had killed Didyme to make Marcus stay - let this happen is evidence that he's an idiot odd, given that Eleazar's powers are considerably more useful than Marcus'. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Eleazar fulfilled a number of functions over the course of the Wilderness wanderings, from creating the plating to the altar out of the firepans of Korah's assembly to performing the ritual of the red heifer. After the death of his older brothers Nadab and Abihu, he was appointed to the charge of the sanctuary. His wife, a daughter of Putiel, bore him Phinehas, who would eventually succeed him as Kohen Gadol. On Mount Hor he was clothed with the sacred vestments, which Moses took from off his father Aaron and put upon him as successor to his father in the high priest's office, which he held for more than twenty years. He took part with Moses in numbering the people, and assisted at the inauguration of Joshua. He assisted in the distribution of the land after the conquest. When he died, he "was buried at Gibeah, which had been allotted to his son Phinehas in the hill country of Ephraim" (Joshua 24:33). The Hill of Phinehas related in the Bible is associated with the location of the village of Awarta in the Samarian section of the current day West Bank. Due to the uncertain security situation, the Israel Defence Forces limit visits to the site by Jews to one annual night close to the 5th of Shevat (around January-February) on the Hebrew calendar.. The high-priesthood remained in the family of Eleazar until the time of Eli, into whose family it passed (Eli was a descendant of Ithamar, Eleazar's brother). The high priesthood was restored to the family of Eleazar in the person of Zadok after Abiathar was cast out by Solomon (prophesied in I Sm 2:30–6; fulfilled in I Kg 2:26–7). According to Samaritan sources, a civil war broke out between the Sons of Ithamar and the Sons of Phinehas - which resulted in the division of those who followed Eli and those who followed High Priest Uzzi ben Bukki at Mount Gerizim Bethel (a third group followed neither). Likewise according to Samaritan sources, the high-priestly line of the sons of Phinehas died out in 1624 C.E. with the death of the 112th High Priest Shlomyah ben Pinhas, when the priesthood was transferred to the sons of Itamar; see article Samaritan for list of High Priests from 1613 to 2004-the 131st High priest of the Samaritans is Elazar ben Tsedaka ben Yitzhaq.
- Eleazar was Aaron's third son by his wife Elisheba. Eleazar became a priest along with his father and three brothers. He married a daughter of Putiel who bore him a son, Phinehas. After his two older brothers, Nadab and Abihu, were killed for making an unholy offering to God, and during his father's lifetime, "he was supervisor over those who had charge of the sanctuary". When Aaron died at Mount Hor, Eleazar became the high priest. Before Moses died, the Lord instructed Moses to appoint Joshua as his successor, and to "stand before Eleazar the priest and all the congregation". Eleazar served as the the high priest through the rest of Moses' life and throughout Joshua's leadership in taking over Canaan. He helped in the allotment of Canaan among the twelve tribes of Israel. Eleazar was buried at Gibeah, a town belonging to Phinehas in the hill country of Ephraim. Phinehas succeeded him as high priest. In King David's day, 16 of the 24 priestly houses were descended from Eleazar, including the family of the high priest Zadok.
- Eleazar was a member of the Hanif who worked as a slave of the Senpet in their mines. He was a companion of Bayushi Tomaru during the time the Scorpion Clan was also under the slave masters. After he was released Eleazar joined the Erba'a Alliance during the Shattering of the Jewel.