| - R.E.A.L.M.S.- hoRrifying Extreme Airship, and reaL MonStrosity Horrifying- It brings dread to the battlefield, therefore reducing all towers that have this in their range to have their Fire Rate cut in half, except Super Monkeys and non-monkey Towers. Extreme- An unknown persin described this as "Extreme", no other reason why it has Extreme in the acronym. Airship- You need no explanation for this. Real- You can look in disbelief, close your eyes, open them again, and this is still here. It's real. Tower abilities DO NOT affect R.E.A.L.M.S. except MOAB Assassin. (WIP)
| - R.E.A.L.M.S.- hoRrifying Extreme Airship, and reaL MonStrosity Horrifying- It brings dread to the battlefield, therefore reducing all towers that have this in their range to have their Fire Rate cut in half, except Super Monkeys and non-monkey Towers. Extreme- An unknown persin described this as "Extreme", no other reason why it has Extreme in the acronym. Airship- You need no explanation for this. Real- You can look in disbelief, close your eyes, open them again, and this is still here. It's real. Monstrosity- Unbelievably heartless, it will attempt to kill all it's victims (a.k.a. you, Towers) at any cost. Be it 1 000 000 ZOMGs, it will not stop until you and your friends are dead. R.E.A.L.M.S. is a M.O.A.B. Class Bloon. It only appears as the boss of Forgotten Realms, Objective 1. It appears to be broken down, with a ghostly greenish outline, and multiple bloon remains on it. Despite the outline, it is still solid. It appears to be a Zeppelin, judging by it's shape and it is painted to look like a Shark, mostly for imtimidation.It is quite slow, in fact, It is just at a Green Bloon's speed. But don't worry, Objective 1 of Forgotten Realms is a long track. It has a whopping 150 000-200 000, Outer Layer HP, and when destroyed, Releases 4 Extremely fast Red Bloons, if not popped fast enough, you won't have a perfect completion. Tower abilities DO NOT affect R.E.A.L.M.S. except MOAB Assassin. (WIP)