| - Blanca is the mother of the Ghastley family. She is also a snake-tamer with a pet python and a carnival side-show performer.
- Blanca (Blanca en inglés, あやしいねこ, Gata Sospechosa en japonés) es un personaje eventual que aparece en toda la serie. Blanca es una gata. Blanca solo aparece cuando se tiene activado la opción Gata misteriosa (GameCube/DS), o la opción WiiConnect24 en Wii, desde el teléfono de tu casa, y además, debes haberte conectado al menos 1 vez con un amigo por vía CWF de Nintendo. Aparece de vez en cuando en tu pueblo y es bastante raro que aparezca. Cuando venga a tu pueblo te pedirá que le dibujes una nueva cara, si le dibujas una cara que le guste, aparte de que se convierta en tu amiga y venga a menudo a tu pueblo, aparecerá en los pueblos de tus amigos con la cara que tú le dibujaste.
- Blanca (Whitney en Hispanoamérica por el anime y en inglés, アカネ Akane en japonés) es la tercera líder de gimnasio de la región Johto, y es la encargada de entregar la medalla Planicie a los que la derroten. Es una entrenadora caprichosa, pero hábil, a pesar de ser joven. Su gimnasio se encuentra en Ciudad Trigal. Se especializa en Pokémon de tipo normal.
- Un cosa es blanca cuando la spetro de lus es refletada completa (o multe). Blanca es la misca de tota colores e dona la sensa de brilia forte. Neva pura es blanca, par ce el refleta tota colores. Blanca es la color de la lus de sol nondescomposada en colores de se spetro. La color oposada a blanca es la negra.
- Blanca appears in the Animal Crossing series. She is a faceless cat for whom the player can make a face for when she appears. In Animal Crossing she may ride the train with the player and tell them that she was washing her face, and it got erased. Then the player will be able to make a new face for her. In Animal Crossing: Wild World, you can submit your created faces to Nintendo through Wi-Fi. This article is a stub. You can help the Nintendo Wiki by expanding it.
- who is she
- Blanca is Matheus' younger brother and closest subordinate. He is Bon's uncle.
- Blanca is one of the main heroes of the video-game Shadow Hearts:Covenant. He was raised by an orphaned girl of the village of Domremy named Jeanne and in time became friends with main charcters Yuri and Gepetto, quickly joining them on their journey when the game starts off.
- Blanca ( あやしいねこ Ayashii Neko en japonais,아트 고양이 Ateu goyang-i en coréen, Blanka ou Blanca en allemand, Blanca en anglais, Blanca en espagnol, Blanca en italien) est une chatte, un personnage spécial plus précisément, apparaissant dans toute la série Animal Crossing. Sa carte Amiibo est également compatible avec le jeu Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival.
- Blanca was the roommate of Ingrid Alvarez. ("Playing Cards with Coyote") Blanca was mentioned but never seen on-screen, as she was killed by three-star tattoo men looking for Alvarez after Alvarez witnessed their murder of Neil Parofsky. ("Playing Cards with Coyote")
- A white wolf, and unofficial guardian of Domremy, he joins Yuri after his young owner Jeanne is killed by Sapientes Gladio. Loyal and wise, Blanca encounters other wolves throughout the world which he can fight in Wolf Bouts to raise the power of his Manifestation skills.
- Blanca es un molecipio e la Rigión e Murcia, ampostao en la comarca e la Vega Alta der Segura. Tié 6.119 habitantes (INE 2007).
- Blanca was the wife or girlfriend of Owen. They had a son called Evan.
- Blanca invariable Catégorie:Prononciation manquante 1.
* prénom féminin
- Blanca (ブランカ Buranka Spanish for White) is a female Arrancar who lives in Hueco Mundo. Some time after Yukio came to live in the World of the Hollow he encountered Blanca as an Adjuchas. Being a Hollow she attempted several times to kill him, though once Yukio mastered his Hollow powers she lost every fight. Feeling weak she tore off her Mask thinking it would kill her, but instead became an Arrancar. Feeling empowered she reignited her rivalry with Yukio.
- Blanca is an artificially created +Anima "angel". Both researchers, Fly and Aaaron, implanted several Anima into her, claiming that "if angels are closer to God than humans, then they should have every ability found on earth." They managed to remove all visible anima tattoos, in order to make her seem more like an actual angel instead of a +Anima.
- Blanca - Kolejna postać Sigur'a drugiej generacji. Jest to miła i zawsze pomocna dziewczyna. Lubi ryzykować i dokonywać rzeczy niemożliwych. Jest nieufna dla osób, które zachowują się według niej źle.
- Blanca (Spanish for "white") is a stage that appears in the DOA2: Hardcore games.