| - In the online Dragon Ball Z parody series created by Team Four Star, Mister Popo is the complete opposite of what he was in the series canon. Here, he is a sadistic and intimidating genie feared as the most powerful being on Earth and perhaps even the universe, being so powerful that even Goku fears him. Popo is extremely rude to everyone he sees, calling them "maggots", yet is extremely intolerant to rudeness towards him, beating the crap out of Vegeta simply because he called him ``black man.`` He is pure nightmare fuel to the people around him, able to give them some of the worst nightmares in history just by looking at them. Even lifeless objects are terrified of him and activate the instant his name is uttered. So to speak, additionally, Kami's ship only responds to the word "Popo" no
| - In the online Dragon Ball Z parody series created by Team Four Star, Mister Popo is the complete opposite of what he was in the series canon. Here, he is a sadistic and intimidating genie feared as the most powerful being on Earth and perhaps even the universe, being so powerful that even Goku fears him. Popo is extremely rude to everyone he sees, calling them "maggots", yet is extremely intolerant to rudeness towards him, beating the crap out of Vegeta simply because he called him ``black man.`` He is pure nightmare fuel to the people around him, able to give them some of the worst nightmares in history just by looking at them. Even lifeless objects are terrified of him and activate the instant his name is uttered. So to speak, additionally, Kami's ship only responds to the word "Popo" not because it is the password, but because it knows better. He can even give nightmares to those who have never even seen, met, or heard of him, as he does to the Team Four Star version of Bardock.