West Bank Story is a comedy/musical short film, directed by Ari Sandel, co-written by Sandel and Kim Ray. The film is a parody of the classic musical film West Side Story, which in turn is an adaptation of "Romeo and Juliet". The film stars Ben Newmark as the IDF soldier, Noureen DeWulf as the Palestinian cashier, A.J. Tannen as the Israeli restaurant owner and Joey Naber as his Palestinian rival. Filmed on a Santa Clarita ranch, the short premiered at the 2005 Sundance Film Festival, and was screened at numerous additional film festivals across the world, garnering several awards.
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| - West Bank Story is a comedy/musical short film, directed by Ari Sandel, co-written by Sandel and Kim Ray. The film is a parody of the classic musical film West Side Story, which in turn is an adaptation of "Romeo and Juliet". The film stars Ben Newmark as the IDF soldier, Noureen DeWulf as the Palestinian cashier, A.J. Tannen as the Israeli restaurant owner and Joey Naber as his Palestinian rival. Filmed on a Santa Clarita ranch, the short premiered at the 2005 Sundance Film Festival, and was screened at numerous additional film festivals across the world, garnering several awards.
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| - Ben Newmark, Noureen DeWulf, A.J. Tannen
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| - West Bank Story is a comedy/musical short film, directed by Ari Sandel, co-written by Sandel and Kim Ray. The film is a parody of the classic musical film West Side Story, which in turn is an adaptation of "Romeo and Juliet". The film stars Ben Newmark as the IDF soldier, Noureen DeWulf as the Palestinian cashier, A.J. Tannen as the Israeli restaurant owner and Joey Naber as his Palestinian rival. Filmed on a Santa Clarita ranch, the short premiered at the 2005 Sundance Film Festival, and was screened at numerous additional film festivals across the world, garnering several awards.