| - Kraje
* Mount Hyjal and Vashj'ir, two new level 80-82 zones, are available for testing. Deepholm, a new level 82-83 zone is available for testing. Players may find their way to these zones by speaking with temporary teleportation NPCs located in any major city.
* Deepholm, a new level 82-83 zone is ready for testing. There are breadcrumbs quest from Stormwind/Orgrimmar.
* The level ranges of Gilneas and the Lost Isles are in the process of being adjusted slightly. Creature, quest, and quest reward levels are all being altered so that players finish questing in these zones roughly by level 12. Further fine tuning will continue in future content updates.
* Several zones have had quest maps integrated.
* Eastern Kingdoms
* Arathi Highlands, Blasted Lands, The Cape of Str
| - Kraje
* Mount Hyjal and Vashj'ir, two new level 80-82 zones, are available for testing. Deepholm, a new level 82-83 zone is available for testing. Players may find their way to these zones by speaking with temporary teleportation NPCs located in any major city.
* Deepholm, a new level 82-83 zone is ready for testing. There are breadcrumbs quest from Stormwind/Orgrimmar.
* The level ranges of Gilneas and the Lost Isles are in the process of being adjusted slightly. Creature, quest, and quest reward levels are all being altered so that players finish questing in these zones roughly by level 12. Further fine tuning will continue in future content updates.
* Several zones have had quest maps integrated.
* Eastern Kingdoms
* Arathi Highlands, Blasted Lands, The Cape of Stranglethorn, Dun Morogh, Duskwood, Eastern Plaguelands, Elwynn Forest, Hinterlands,Loch Modan, Northern Stranglethorn, Northshire, Redridge Mountains, Silverpine Forest, Tirisfal Glades, Western Plaguelands andWestfall are ready for testing.
* Kalimdor
* Most zones in Kalimdor are available for testing, though work continues on polishing the quest experience and flow, as well as zone aesthetics.