Noble Causes is a comic book series created and written by Jay Faerber, illustrated by a variety of artists (the current artist being Yildiray Cinar) and published by Image Comics. Often described as "a super-hero soap opera", the series follows the lives of the Nobles, a wealthy superhero family. The stories focus less on the Nobles fighting supervillains and more on their personal lives. Originally intended to be an ongoing title, it was downgraded into a series of miniseries and one-shots. It finally became an ongoing title in 2004.
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| - Noble Causes is a comic book series created and written by Jay Faerber, illustrated by a variety of artists (the current artist being Yildiray Cinar) and published by Image Comics. Often described as "a super-hero soap opera", the series follows the lives of the Nobles, a wealthy superhero family. The stories focus less on the Nobles fighting supervillains and more on their personal lives. Originally intended to be an ongoing title, it was downgraded into a series of miniseries and one-shots. It finally became an ongoing title in 2004.
- Noble Causes is published by Image Comics. Current price per issue is #3.50.
- The series follows the lives of the Nobles, a wealthy superhero family in the Image Universe. The stories focus less on the Nobles fighting supervillains and more on their personal lives. Originally intended to be an ongoing title, it was downgraded into a series of miniseries and one-shots. It finally became an ongoing title in 2004. Beginning with issue #32, the series jumped five years after the previous storyline. At this point, the characters Gaia, Race and Liz are no longer active part in the family, while Doc's new wife, Olympia, and her two children joined the Noble family.
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| - January 2002 - April 2009
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| - Blood and Water
- Distant Relatives
- Family Secrets
- In Sickness and In Health
main char team
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| - Noble Causes
- Noble Causes: In Sickness and in Health
| - Fran Bueno, Ron Riley, Jon Bosco, Yıldıray Çınar
| - Miniseries and one-shots. Now an ongoing title.
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| - 1257(xsd:integer)
- 6300(xsd:integer)
- 12218(xsd:integer)
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| - Fran Bueno, Todd Nauck, Tyler Kirkman, Rodolfo Migliari, Andres Ponce, Ron Riley, Gabe Bridwell, Jack Lawrence, Yıldıray Çınar
| - Jay Faerber J. Torres, Brian K. Vaughan, John Layman, Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning, Gail Simone
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| - 1(xsd:integer)
- 158240481(xsd:integer)
- 1582403481(xsd:integer)
- 1582405360(xsd:integer)
| - Noble Causes is a comic book series created and written by Jay Faerber, illustrated by a variety of artists (the current artist being Yildiray Cinar) and published by Image Comics. Often described as "a super-hero soap opera", the series follows the lives of the Nobles, a wealthy superhero family. The stories focus less on the Nobles fighting supervillains and more on their personal lives. Originally intended to be an ongoing title, it was downgraded into a series of miniseries and one-shots. It finally became an ongoing title in 2004.
- Noble Causes is published by Image Comics. Current price per issue is #3.50.
- The series follows the lives of the Nobles, a wealthy superhero family in the Image Universe. The stories focus less on the Nobles fighting supervillains and more on their personal lives. Originally intended to be an ongoing title, it was downgraded into a series of miniseries and one-shots. It finally became an ongoing title in 2004. Beginning with issue #32, the series jumped five years after the previous storyline. At this point, the characters Gaia, Race and Liz are no longer active part in the family, while Doc's new wife, Olympia, and her two children joined the Noble family. The series concluded in 2008 with the publication of issue #40.
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