"Carry Me Off" is an original Hatsune Miku song. It is featured in the album Twinkle World. This song reached over a million views in its YouTube upload.
Carry Me Off es una canción eliminada interpretada por Conor and Jay en Head Radio que iba a aparecer en Grand Theft Auto III, pero por razones de copyrigth fué eliminada, al igual que Back To The Streets de la misma radio.
"Carry Me Off" is an original Hatsune Miku song. It is featured in the album Twinkle World. This song reached over a million views in its YouTube upload.
Carry Me Off es una canción eliminada interpretada por Conor and Jay en Head Radio que iba a aparecer en Grand Theft Auto III, pero por razones de copyrigth fué eliminada, al igual que Back To The Streets de la misma radio.
"Carry Me Off" is an original Hatsune Miku song. It is featured in the album Twinkle World. This song reached over a million views in its YouTube upload.